BhTV (video) show

BhTV (video)

Summary: Smart people talking, mostly about politics, but sometimes about other stuff.

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 Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:44:18

Obama's State of the Union diss ... Why did the GOP pull its own abortion bill? ... Matt scolds Republicans for abandoning their principles ... Gearing up for a GOP fight in 2016 ... Figuring out what a post-Obama GOP believes ... Bill: Whatever, Hillary's going to win anyway ...

 Aryeh Cohen-Wade & Elizabeth Cantwell | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:11:12

Poetry's place in American culture ... Where is today's Frost or Yeats? ... On resonance and rhyming ... The Oscars as "Employee of the Month" awards ... Debating Wild and small-screen vs. big-screen viewing ... Twin Peaks: The resurrection of a damn fine show ...

 Mark Leon Goldberg & David Bosco | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:30:31

David predicts the ICC will investigate war crimes in Palestine ... Mark: The court could end up only investigating Hamas ... Will the ICC examine Israeli settlements? ... Gaming out Security Council scenarios ... Moral quandaries around Kony crony who turned himself in ... Might the US stop cooperating with the ICC entirely? ...

 Glenn Loury & Tracey Meares | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:47:38

Why fighting crime sometimes creates more crime ... The psychology behind obeying or disobeying the law ... "Dual frustration" among African-American women ... Crime is way down. Why is policing still so racially polarizing? ... Tracey: Stop-and-frisk policing is self-defeating ... The real threat to cops? Car accidents ...

 Neil Bhatiya & Tim Kovach | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:05:55

Keystone XL, the next big battle ... What are the climate movement's options? ... Obama: The best president on climate change. But... ... Breaking down this winter's UN conference ... The US pivots to China and India ... Why are there so many American climate skeptics? ...

 Mark Schmitt & Katherine Mangu-Ward | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:55:02

Will the conservative base pick the GOP nominee in 2016? ... Does government help the middle class too much? ... How Obamacare hurts conservatives' Social Security plans ... Ohio bartender tries to poison John Boehner—what?!? ... Campbell Brown sues to end teacher tenure ... Debating a financial transaction tax ...

 Aryeh Cohen-Wade & Lindsay Beyerstein | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:52:20

Unpacking the new episode of Serial, the best podcast ever ... Lindsay: The racial critique of Serial is totally wrong ... Did Adnan kill Hae? Aryeh and Lindsay disagree ... Serial's media ethics and radical transparency ... Real life vs. fiction in the world of online sleuths ... Is a satisfying ending to Serial even possible? ...

 Robert Wright & John B. Judis | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:33:31

John: Why I just left The New Republic ... Can TNR make a profit? Should it? ... Trying to find an optimistic scenario for TNR ... TNR's shifting identity over the years ... Bob's cynical take on the magazine's past ... Cute cat photos + serious writing = profit + influence(?) ...

 Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:49:06

Eric Garner case sparks outrage on left and right ... Matt: Any one of us could be a victim of police abuse ... Will Republicans defund Homeland Security? ... Matt to GOP: Pass your agenda! Bill to Matt: There is no agenda! ... Will Boehner again allow chaos to reign? ... Matt is disturbed by the Ben Carson boomlet ...

 Betsy Woodruff & Asawin Suebsaeng | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:50:03

Congress takes a bold stand against elderly Nazis ... Obama's Hollywood junta ... Which candidate will celebrities flock to in 2016? ... The time Betsy tried out for Star Wars ... In the War on Christmas, Swin is anti-Xmas ... The crucified skeleton Santa of Leesburg, Virginia ...

 Daniel McCarthy & Barry Posen | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:52:49

Barry's new book, Restraint ... What military power isn't good for ... The "reckless driver" problem in global affairs ... Banana peels on the slippery slope in the fight against ISIS ... How should we handle non-state actors like Al Qaeda? ... The restraint approach to Russia and Ukraine ...

 Robert Wright & Bloggingheads commenters | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:00:49

How YOU can help Bloggingheads ... Pros and cons of Disqus ... Nominations for new guests ... What topics should Bloggingheads cover more? ... What's the meaning of life? What's the mission of BhTV? ... A cornucopia of gratitude ...

 Noah Millman & Stephen Walt | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:56:28

Did Chuck Hagel fail—or was he set up to fail? ... How much can America retreat from the world stage? ... Stephen's "venture capitalist" approach to foreign policy ... Why Russia is right to distrust the US ... How to wind down American empire (just kidding, we can't) ... Why the military-industrial complex is probably here to stay ...

 Robert Wright & David Corn | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:51:52

Obama and our age of uncertainty ... The disheartening non-zero-sumness of extremism ... Technological reasons for DC dysfunction ... Is Jeb Bush's foreign policy like his brother's, or his father's? ... How Hillary's gender could become a problem for liberals ... Was the Ferguson grand jury rigged? ...

 Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:36:12

Ferguson, the morning after ... Michael Brown, Claudette Colvin, and the "perfect victim" ... Glenn: Collective and individual responsibility can coexist ... John: Blacks are Kantian moral actors, just like everyone else ... Should cops be taught to shoot to wound, not kill? ... Why some black men think Bill Cosby was set up ...


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