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BhTV (video)

Summary: Smart people talking, mostly about politics, but sometimes about other stuff.

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 Matthew Duss & Ben Birnbaum | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:38:48

On Foreign Entanglements, Ben describes his creepy and fascinating trip to North Korea. Matt and Ben then move to the Middle East: Is this the last chance for a two-state solution? What would each side be willing to offer if talks restart? Matt and Ben consider the perennial question of whether Israel will soon launch a strike against Iran's nuclear program. Does Rowhani's electoral victory make a difference? Plus: Why Ben is conflicted about Egypt.

 Laurie Santos & Carey Morewedge | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:42:51

Explaining nostalgia ... Scientifically testing whether '80s movies are the best ... How to overcome nostalgia bias ... People don't know what will make them happy ... The great penguin soap dish experiment ... A psychologist's diet tips ...

 Daniel Drezner & Heather Hurlburt | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:38:04

Bad reasons to support military funding ... Dan: Building tanks is a dumb way to create jobs ... Have libertarians changed the debate on defense spending? ... Heather: We can cut spending and maintain primacy ... Military primacy vs. economic primacy ... Blood and treasure don't buy what they used to ...

 Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:53:41

On The DMZ: Matt sees nothing but nepotism in Liz Cheney's Wyoming Senate run. What ever happened to respecting your political elders? Bill heralds the filibuster deal as proof that John McCain has become Obama's new BFF. Can conservatives adapt to the political bias towards action? Bill explains why he won't read This Town, Mark Leibovich's exposé of DC culture. Has Obama broken his promise to change the way Washington works? Plus: Why Matt identifies more with Trayvon Martin than with George Zimmerman.

 Joshua Foust & Nicholas Mennuti | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:34:35

Nick's new novel, "Weaponized" ... What is the NSA actually doing with our data? ... Human intelligence vs. signals intelligence ... Europe's hypocritical espionage outrage ... Speculating on Edward Snowden's fate ... Has Glenn Greenwald taken advantage of Snowden? ...

 Sarah Posner & Anthea Butler | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:39:29

On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with Anthea about religion and the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The verdict made Anthea think of a book she read in seminary, Is God A White Racist? They discuss how appeals to religion differ on the right and the left. What does Juror B37′s interview with Anderson Cooper reveal about the racial biases jurors brought to the case? Sarah and Anthea strongly critique Richard Cohen's column on the trial. Finally: How should President Obama talk about the case?

 Jonathan Phillips & Eric Mandelbaum | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:05:47

What is a belief, exactly? ... Truth vs. our psychological health ... How Fox News distracts to distort ... Why it's so hard to change beliefs ... The philosophical way to combat racism ... When identity and action violently clash ...

 Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:43:18

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and John talk about the racial politics of the George Zimmerman trial. John offers a thought experiment to people who want Zimmerman behind bars. Glenn says that no matter the verdict, Trayvon Martin's death is a tragedy and an outrage. Then, they remember the Henry Louis Gates arrest incident from 2009. Finally, Glenn and John discuss the future of affirmative action after the recent Supreme Court decision.

 Kevin Glass & Zack Beauchamp | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:54:56

On Rational Actors, Kevin and Zack discuss Rand Paul's embattled aid Jack Hunter and his defense of the Confederacy. They explore the intellectual divisions among libertarians and how they affect Paul's presidential ambitions. Are neo-Confederates by definition racists? Moving on to agricultural policy, they debate the House GOP's decision to separate food stamps from farm subsidies. Kevin suggests Republicans are more influenced by the farm lobby than by grassroots conservatives. Zack accuses Republicans in Congress of having no interest in legislating.

 Conor Friedersdorf & Jamelle Bouie | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:02:12

On Friedersdorf, Conor and Jamelle discuss the controversy surrounding Rand Paul's aid Jack Hunter, a libertarian writer with Confederate sympathies. Is it possible to sympathize with secession and not slavery? Jamelle grants that Paul wants a more diverse GOP, but says his neo-Confederate associations undermine this goal. He also wonders what Paul's real convictions are, prompting Conor to compare Hunter to Jeremiah Wright. Jamelle points to Paul's stance on the Voting Rights Act and the welfare state as evidence of unsavory racial attitudes. Conor suggests that Paul is being singled out for racism while other politicians get a pass on civil liberties violations.

 Harry Siegel & Jimmy Vielkind | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:26:00

Spitzer petition madness on the streets of New York ... Is Spitzer's redemption narrative just baloney? ... Does it even matter who the NYC comptroller is? ... Weighing Spitzer's qualifications against his recklessness ... Andrew Cuomo's anti-circus politics ...

 Bill Scher & Justin Green | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:56:28

On The DMZ, guest host Justin talks to Bill about the kind of conservatism he believes in. They discuss the GOP's ongoing response to the implementation of Obamacare. Bill suggests that Republicans need to lose another election before the reform wing gets a fair hearing. They then review the wide-open 2016 presidential field and predict the fate of the immigration reform bill. Plus: Bill and Justin debate immigration.

 Robert Wright & James Pinkerton | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:57:58

"Forget it, Jake. It's Egypt" ... What does "Islamist" really mean? ... Jim: Why Snowden should be punished… ... …and why conservatives should oppose the immigration bill ... Has the GOP turned against military intervention? ... Toward a smarter fight against terrorism ...

 Robert Farley & Clayton Thyne | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:22:18

On an unfortunately truncated episode of Foreign Entanglements, Rob and Clay discuss the political science of military coups. Rob asks Clay about the international reaction to the Egyptian coup of February 2011, and the nature of Obama's leadership. Rob and Clay then muse about Obama's general foreign policy approach, consider the likely outcome of the most recent coup, and share some thoughts on how Egypt might look ten years from now.

 Robert Wright & Alan Mascarenhas | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:37:47

Kevin Rudd returns to power in Australia ... Rudd’s new rival: feisty conservative Tony Abbott ... Refugees from Iran, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka ... The Labor Party wants less pollution, more Internet ... Australia's view of Snowden and the NSA scandal ... America's gun culture perplexes Australians ...


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