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BhTV (video)

Summary: Smart people talking, mostly about politics, but sometimes about other stuff.

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 Mark Linsenmayer & Frithjof Bergmann | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:40:36

New Work, or why employment is a global crisis ... The Butcher Split, or why wealth and poverty are both soaring ... Overproduction and overconsumption ... What would a different economy look like? ... What New Work is not ... Why Marxism didn't solve the problem of work ...

 Gabriel Arana & Josh Seefried | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:22:11

Paul's story: Closeted gay life in the Air Force ... How "don't ask, don't tell" repeal has changed the military ... Did Clinton's compromise make things worse? ... How the military discriminates against transgender soldiers ... Outserve, Josh's anti-DADT organization ... The Employment Non-Discrimination Act and the military ...

 Mark Leon Goldberg & Max Essex | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:37:23

Optimism on AIDS? ... Treatment as prevention ... PEPFAR, George W. Bush's life-saving legacy in Africa ... What individual countries are doing to fight HIV ... Preventing mother-to-child transmission of the virus ... Why an AIDS vaccine is still unlikely ...

 Robert Wright & Mark Oppenheimer | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:49:20

Mark's new e-book, "The Zen Predator of the Upper East Side" ... The double injury of abuse by a spiritual teacher ... Is Buddhism particularly susceptible to sexual predators? ... Mark meditates with the predatory Zen master ... Meditation and sociopathy ... The addictive appeal of meditation ...

 Robert Farley & Erica Chenoweth | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:53:06

On Foreign Entanglements, Rob speaks with Erica about the effectiveness of non-violent protest. Erica works through the logic of why non-violence often proves a better practical choice than violent resistance, while Rob wonders why so many movements nevertheless resort to violence. Erica contrasts Egypt's 2011 revolution and 2013 coup. They discuss the possibility of creating a policy infrastructure for supporting non-violent resistance, which Erica views with some skepticism. Is it possible to turn a violent movement toward non-violence? Plus: What Erica's research could have taught the Occupy movement.

 Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:49:52

On a special Thanksgivukkah episode of The DMZ, Bill and Matt discuss this bizarre, once-in-a-lifetime holiday convergence. Bill praises John Kerry for achieving an agreement with Iran and suggests he may be a better Secretary of State than Hillary Clinton. Turning to immigration, they consider how Obama and Boehner responded to pro-reform hecklers. Is immigration reform still a live option? Plus: Matt cautions conservatives not to get carried away about Obamacare's troubles.

 Robert Wright & Eli Lake | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:49:57

What's the deal with Iran? ... Eli's scoop on Iranian nuclear capabilities from an ex-CIA agent ... Will the deal be undone by the enrichment issue? ... Who's afraid of US-Iran rapprochement? ... Debating the history of the Iranian regime ... Eli: This deal could lead to war ...

 Glenn Loury & Eldar Shafir | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:48:38

On The Glenn Show, Glenn talks to Eldar about his new book, Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much. Eldar argues that "attention scarcity" sheds light on the behavior of poor parents. Glenn asks Eldar about the politics of poverty, and Eldar cracks a joke about incorrigible economists who feel threatened by his research. Glenn asks Eldar to use his research to explain the Great Recession. Finally, they consider how advertisers profit from attention scarcity—while the public loses.

 Alex Seitz-Wald & Marin Cogan | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:33:45

Marin's article on Dallas, JFK, and conspiracy theorists ... Why so many Americans doubt the Warren Commission ... Fifty years of political cynicism ... The enduring appeal of conspiracy theories ... Today's conspiracy theories, from 9/11 to Sandy Hook ... Will the JFK obsession outlive the boomers? ...

 Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:05:25

On The DMZ, Matt discusses his un-DMZ-like appearance on MSNBC, where Michael Eric Dyson accused him of displaying "white privilege." Does the cable news format make encounters like this inevitable? Bill and Matt discuss the role that racism has played (and continues to play) in American politics, but Matt says liberals can't keep pointing the finger at racism to explain away their troubles. Have Senate Democrats hurt themselves in the long run by limiting the filibuster? Matt says the "nuclear option" makes repealing Obamacare more likely, but other unintended consequences may occur as well. Plus: Why some liberals fear a Hillary Clinton presidential juggernaut.

 Mark Leon Goldberg & Esperanza Garcia | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:36:22

Why typhoons are getting worse in the Philippines ... Tacloban, ground zero for the storm's impact ... The Filipino diaspora's moment ... How the international community deals with natural disasters ... What's next for the Philippines? ... Are rich countries responsible for Haiyan? ...

 Kevin Glass & David Freddoso | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:38:37

On Rational Actors, Kevin and David analyze Obamacare's troubled debut. Kevin says the Affordable Care Act is a Rube Goldberg machine, and David warns of an insurance death spiral. David uses the law to make a larger philosophical case against government action. Who are the real winners and losers if the ACA works as planned? David says health care reform should have focused on making insurance cheaper, not people with preexisting conditions. Plus: Does the GOP have a realistic alternative?

 Glenn Loury & Ross Levine | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:53:42

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and Ross discuss the recent book by Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig, The Bankers' New Clothes. Ross says that the government is inadvertently subsidizing bank fragility. Can anything be done about "too big to fail"? They explain the real reason that Wall Street wants to keep equity low and debt high—more money for bank executives and shareholders. Is it unrealistic to think that government could ever rein in the financial system? Glenn and Ross critique Admati and Hellwig on how accurately regulators can assess bank assets. Ross closes by explaining why he's not optimistic about removing catastrophic risk from the financial system.

 Matt K. Lewis & Michael Brooks | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:38:17

On The DMZ, Matt and guest-host Michael discuss a possible Elizabeth Warren presidential run in 2016. Michael thinks that Warren's outsider status and anti–Wall Street populism could appeal to the zeitgeist on both left and right. But what are the odds of Warren running, let alone being able to defeat Hillary Clinton? Moving to foreign affairs, Michael makes the case for nuclear negotiations with Iran. Can America and Iran put aside their problematic history? Why did France oppose the deal? Plus: Why does Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen still have a job?

 Matthew Duss & Meir Javedanfar | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:31:01

On Foreign Entanglements, Matt and Meir discuss the Iran nuclear negotiations. They disagree over whether the Arak reactor should be halted as a first step or under a final deal, but agree that additional sanctions now being considered by Congress are a bad idea. Would a nuclear deal help or hinder the cause of political reform in Iran? Turning to Israel, Matt can't believe that Avigdor Lieberman is now sounding more reasonable than Netanyahu. Does Bibi recognize the linkage between settlements and Iran?


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