Secure Freedom Radio Podcast show

Secure Freedom Radio Podcast

Summary: Your owner's manual for your most important possession: Your freedom

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  • Artist: Secure Freedom Radio with Frank Gaffney
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 The Center for Security Policy. All rights reserved.


 With Dr. Lawrence Sellin, Diana West, Joe diGenova & Frank Calzon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:29

DR. LAWRENCE SELLIN, Author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution, Retired Colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve, Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq:  Reviewing evidence of chemical weapons attack Were airstrikes in Syria successful? The state of Pakistan-Iran relationship DIANA WEST, Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Blogs at, Author of “Death of the Grown Up” and “American Betrayal”: Dangers of suppression of free speech Mike Pompeo’s meeting with Kim Jong Un The strategic ambitions of US adversaries JOE diGENOVA, Founding Partner of the Washington, D.C. Law Firm of diGenova & Toensing, LLP, Former U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia, Former Chief Counsel and Staff Director of the Senate Rules Committee, Former Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary, Governmental Affairs and Select Intelligence Committees:  Stunning conclusions of IG report The politicization of intelligence agencies The call to fire Rod Rosenstein What happened to attorney-client privilege? FRANK CALZON, Executive Director at the Center for a Free Cuba in Washington, D.C., Former DC Representative for Freedom House: ‘Elections’ in Cuba The role of the military in Cuba’s economy The latest on the attacks on American diplomats in Havana

 With Russ Dallen, Robert Charles, Avi Jorisch and Bill Gertz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:30

RUSS DALLEN, President & Editor in Chief at the Latin American Herald Tribune, Head of the international investment bank, Caracas Capital Markets, Served as President of Venezuela’s “The Daily Journal”: Pence to speak at Summit of the Americas in Peru Mass migration out of Venezuela The economic disaster in Caracas  ROBERT CHARLES, Former Assistant Secretary of State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration Significance of upcoming elections in Mexico Rise of Narco-trafficking The obsessive ‘Russian-collusion’ narrative Comey’s new book  AVI JORISCH, Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council, Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Entrepreneurs’ Organization: Israel's role in the innovation space  How Israel is water independence  Hizbollah's ideology of hate and destruction BILL GERTZ, Senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon, Inside the Ring columnist at the Washington Times, Author of iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (2016): Chinese communist espionage on college campuses Jim Mattis testimony on increasing lethality of US forces Russia’s anti-satellite missile test

 With Christian Whiton, David Goldman, Hans Vons Spakovsky and Bill Marshall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:31

 CHRISTIAN WHITON, Principal, D.C. International Advisory, Former Special Advisor to the Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs, Author of Smart Power: Between Diplomacy and War: Mike Pompeo confirmation hearing What is our strategy in Syria? The Sharia supremacist threat DAVID GOLDMAN, Author of How Civilizations Die, Best known for his series of essays in the Asia Times under the pseudonym Spengler: The current state of play in Syria Why Turkey is no longer a reliable ally for the U.S.  HANS VONS SPAKOVSKY, Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, Former Member of the Federal Election Commission: Yesterday’s Zuckerberg examination The power of companies in the information space Sanctuary states BILL MARSHALL, Senior Policy and Program Advisor at the George C. Marshall Institute, Served in senior national security policy positions in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Department of Justice and as bipartisan counsel for the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: The Open Society Foundation and the red-green axis George Soros’ operations in the United States Details on the ‘promise program’

 WIth Diana West, Tom Fitton, Robert Spencer and Gordon Chang | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:30

DIANA WEST, Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Blogs at Diana, Author of “Death of the Grown Up” and “American Betrayal”: Implications of Facebook censoring intellectual content The fundamental transformation of society History of information operations  TOM FITTON, President of Judicial Watch: What really happened in Benghazi Updates on the Mueller probe Clinton & Abedin’s misconduct regarding the handling of information Awan brothers’ IT scandal ROBERT SPENCER, Director of Jihad Watch, Weekly Columnist for PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine: NYT reporter’s critique of Pompeo The threat of civilization jihad Turkey’s role in the international community GORDON CHANG, Columnist, World Affairs Journal Blogger, the Daily Beast Contributor, Author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown; North Korea Takes on the World:” Speaker Paul Ryan to resign Consequences of intellectual theft by China The necessity of an industrial policy

 With Dr. Peter Pry, Michaela Dodge, Jack David and Kevin Freeman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:30

DR. PETER VINCENT PRY, Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, Director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, Served on the Congressional EMP Commission, the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA: The need for and the affordability of effective missile defenses Significance of the Brilliant Pebbles initiative A review of the Heritage Foundation’s EMP threat report  MICHAELA DODGE, Senior Policy Analyst, Defense and Strategic Policy at the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation: The reality of the EMP threat Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review The necessity of space-based missile defense  JACK DAVID, Senior Fellow and Member of the Board of Trustees at the Hudson Institute, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction and Negotiations Policy from September 2005 to September 2006: How the US should respond to Assad’s chemical weapons attack The Israeli attack on Iranian base in Syria John Bolton’s plan to get out of the JCPOA KEVIN FREEMAN, Author of Game Plan: How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack (2013), Author of Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again (2012), Founder of,Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy: China’s goal to remove dollar as world currency Is the US in a computing arms race with Beijing? The current state of Iran's economy

 With Doug Feith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:30

DOUG FEITH, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for National Security Strategies at the Hudson Institute, Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy: The Assad regime’s chemical attack The effectiveness of arms control & peace agreements (PART TWO): John Bolton’s first day as Trump’s NSA The war effort against Saddam Hussein  (PART THREE): The de-Ba’athification of Iraq How Iran has benefitted by power vacuum in Iraq  (PART FOUR): Is Turkey still an ally to the US? Does the Chinese government view the US as an enemy?

 With Ingrid Carlqvist, Dr. Lawrence Sellin, Dr. Mark Schneider and John Rossomando | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:31

INGRID CARLQVIST, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, Journalist and Author based in Sweden, Editor in Chief of Dispatch International: Implications of the refugee influx in Sweden The dangers of grooming gangs in Europe Sharia blasphemy laws in Sweden DR. LAWRENCE SELLIN, Author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution, Retired Colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve, Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq: The changing strategic dynamics in South Asia China & Pakistan’s commercial arrangement Why we should be concerned about Iran-Pakistan nuclear exchange DR. MARK SCHNEIDER, Senior Analyst with the National Institute for Public Policy, Longtime career in the Office of the Secretary of Defense: Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons Putin’s ‘escalate to deescalate’ policy The threat of hyper-sonic missiles  JOHN ROSSOMANDO, Senior Counterterrorism Analyst at the Investigative Project on Terrorism: Our ally in Syria; the Kurds The Muslim Brotherhood’s alliance with Turkey

 With Sarah Stern, Matthew Kroenig, Andrew Hyatt and David Goldman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:30

SARAH STERN, Founder and President of the Endowment for Middle East Truth: Israel does not currently occupy Gaza Consequences of Obama’s JCPOA Should US troops remain in Syria? MATTHEW KROENIG, Associate Professor in the Department of Government and the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, Author of The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy(February 2018), Deputy Director for Strategy at the Snowcroft Center at the Atlantic Council” The appointment of Amb. Bolton Significance of the Iranian nuclear threat The case for new tactical nuclear weapons  ANDREW HYATT, Writer and Director of “Paul, Apostle of Christ”: Paul, Apostle of Christ film The history of 1st century Christians Persecuted Christians around the world DAVID GOLDMAN, Author of How Civilizations Die, best known for his series of essays in the Asia Times under the pseudonym Spengler: Looming trade war with China Beijing’s goal to replace the dollar as reserve currency

 With Katie Hopkins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:30

KATIE HOPKINS, Creator of Hopkins, partnered with Rebel Media: Suppression of free speech in the UK The fundamental transition of Europe The threat of terrorism in the UK (PART TWO): Dangers of grooming gangs in the UK The Sharia supremacist agenda (PART THREE): Recent events in South Africa The systematic cleansing of white farmers in South Africa Save the Persecuted Christians campaign (PART FOUR) Protect our 1st and 2nd amendments LA’s ‘skidrow’ disaster

 With Jessica Vaughan, Dr. Joseph King, Claudia Rosett and Kevin Freeman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:29

JESSICA VAUGHAN, Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, Former Foreign Service Officer with the State Department serving in Belgium, Trinidad and Tobago: Incoming caravan of illegal aliens Dangers of our lax border enforcement Is Mexico a good partner regarding immigration issues? DR. JOSEPH KING, Distinguished Professor, RASNS, Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Professor, CUNY, Law and Political Science: Significance of US ports overlooked in national security sector Gulftainer company origins The threats of container trafficking  CLAUDIA ROSETT, Foreign Affairs columnist at, Blogs at “The Rosett Report” at PJ Media: Amb. John Bolton to be Trump’s new NSA Bolton’s track record in diplomatic circles KEVIN FREEMAN, Author of Game Plan: How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack (2013), Author of Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again (2012), Founder of,Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy: Tariff crisis with China Beijing’s economic warfare agenda against the US Possibility of attack on telecommunication cables

 With Diana West, Ken Timmerman, Bill Gertz and Gordon Chang | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:33

DIANA WEST, Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Blogs at, Author of “Death of the Grown Up” and “American Betrayal”: The current Hamas led protests in Gaza The continued war on Israel’s legitimacy Hamas’ strategy to provoke Israel KEN TIMMERMAN,  President and CEO of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran, Author of Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi, Author of Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi, Nationally recognized investigative reporter: The information warfare tactics used in Gaza Are the Turks preparing a future genocide of the Kurds? NATO’s lack of action regarding Turkey Turkish-Iranian relationship BILL GERTZ, Senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon, Inside the Ring columnist at the Washington Times, Author of iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (2016): Consequences of Chinese cyber-attacks & technology thefts Trump’s recognition of the threat from Beijing China’s militarization and exercises in South China sea US troops to pull out of Syria  GORDON CHANG, Columnist, World Affairs Journal Blogger, the Daily Beast Contributor, Author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown; North Korea Takes on the World:” Parallels between 1914 and present day Why the NK-China partnership is so significant Prospect of an incoming trade war with China

 With Douglas Murray and Dr. Lawrence Sellin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:33

DOUGLAS MURRAY, Founder of the Center for Social Cohesion, Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society: Recent tragedies in France The rise of anti-Semitism in Europe The lack of reporting of crimes committed by migrants  (PART TWO): Dangers of grooming gangs in Europe Consequences of Sharia blasphemy restrictions DR. LAWRENCE SELLIN, Author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution, Retired Colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve, Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq: China’s Belt and Road Initiative Significance of strategic choke points in Pakistan Implications of Russia’s involvement in Afghanistan (PART TWO): Why Afghanistan is in a state of instability Prospects for Moscow-Beijing relationship   Is India a reliable strategic ally?

 With Russ Dallen, Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Diana West and Hans Vons Spakovsky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:33

RUSS DALLEN, President & Editor in Chief at the Latin American Herald Tribune, Head of the international investment bank, Caracas Capital Markets, Served as President of Venezuela’s “The Daily Journal”: How Communism has destroyed the oil industry in Caracas Maduro to cut 3 zeroes from face value of currency Venezuela’s new crypto-currency DR. PETER VINCENT PRY, Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, Director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, Served on the Congressional EMP Commission, the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA: How our civilization’s survival depends on US electric grid The vulnerability of our grid to EMP & cyber attacks DIANA WEST, ationally Syndicated Columnist, Blogs at, Author of “Death of the Grown Up” and “American Betrayal”: Recent attacks on John Bolton & Mike Pompeo The Red-Green Axis and the suppression of free speech Influence operations in the US HANS VON SPAKOVSKY, Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, Former Member of the Federal Election Commission: How gerrymandering impacts the outcome of elections The partisan redistributing debate How sanctuary cities violate federal law

 With Daniel Horowitz, Yoram Ettinger, Kevin Freeman and Nina Shea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:32

DANIEL HOROWITZ, Senior Editor at The Conservative Review, Author of “The Conservative Consciousness with Daniel Horowitz,” Former Policy Director for the Madison Project: Implications of the Omnibus Bill Gun control provisions on a budget bill? A blueprint for new conservatives YORAM ETTINGER, Former Minister for Congressional Affairs at Israel’s Embassy in D.C., Consultant to Israeli and U.S. Legislators: The appoint of John Bolton to role of NSA Significance of the US Posture of deterrence Current state of the Israeli-Palestinian ‘peace process’ KEVIN FREEMAN, Author of Game Plan: How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack (2013), Author of Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again (2012), Founder of, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy: The looming trade war with China The story of US telecom software contract in Sweden Gulftainer to take over 2nd US port Russian and Iranian cyber-attacks on US critical infrastructures  NINA SHEA, Director of the Center for Religious Freedom and Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, Commissioner on the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom: Persecution of Christians in the Middle East The UN’s failure to aid persecuted Christians Saudi Arabia’s messaging to children via textbooks

 With Gordon Chang, Richard Pollock, Bill Gertz and Elaine Donnelly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:57

GORDON CHANG, Columnist, World Affairs Journal Blogger, the Daily Beast Contributor, Author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown; North Korea Takes on the World:” U.S. closes Russian consulate in Seattle Prospects for a trade war with China The re-negotiation of the U.S.-South Korea free trade agreement John Bolton’s views on North Korea RICHARD POLLOCK, Senior Investigative Reporter at The Daily Caller: John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster The Trump White House 2.0 Significance of current events in Guatemala BILL GERTZ, Senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon, Inside the Ring columnist at the Washington Times, Author of iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (2016): The expulsion of Russian officers in U.S. and E.U. The threat of hyper-sonic weapons Significance of John Bolton’s appointment The intensifying Chinese threat to Taiwan ELAINE DONNELLY, Founder and President of the Center for Military Readiness, Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces in 1992: Dangers of political correctness in the military The Obama policy vs. Mattis policy


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