With Dr. Lawrence Sellin, Diana West, Joe diGenova & Frank Calzon

Secure Freedom Radio Podcast show

Summary: <p>DR. LAWRENCE SELLIN, Author of <em>Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution</em>, Retired Colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve, Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq: </p><br> <ul> <li>Reviewing evidence of chemical weapons attack</li> <br> <li>Were airstrikes in Syria successful?</li> <br> <li>The state of Pakistan-Iran relationship</li> <br> </ul><p>DIANA WEST, Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Blogs at DianaWest.net, Author of “Death of the Grown Up” and “American Betrayal”:</p><br> <ul> <li>Dangers of suppression of free speech</li> <br> <li>Mike Pompeo’s meeting with Kim Jong Un</li> <br> <li>The strategic ambitions of US adversaries</li> <br> </ul><p>JOE diGENOVA, Founding Partner of the Washington, D.C. Law Firm of diGenova &amp; Toensing, LLP, Former U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia, Former Chief Counsel and Staff Director of the Senate Rules Committee, Former Chief Counsel to the Senate Judiciary, Governmental Affairs and Select Intelligence Committees: </p><br> <ul> <li>Stunning conclusions of IG report</li> <br> <li>The politicization of intelligence agencies</li> <br> <li>The call to fire Rod Rosenstein</li> <br> <li>What happened to attorney-client privilege?</li> <br> </ul><p>FRANK CALZON, Executive Director at the Center for a Free Cuba in Washington, D.C., Former DC Representative for Freedom House:</p><br> <ul> <li>‘Elections’ in Cuba</li> <br> <li>The role of the military in Cuba’s economy</li> <br> <li>The latest on the attacks on American diplomats in Havana</li> <br> </ul>