Rubyology show


Summary: The Rubyology podcast is a series of lessons learned by Chris Matthieu on his endeavor of switching from Microsoft .NET programming to Ruby on Rails. Believe it or not, there are similarities between both Micorost ASP and .NET and Ruby on Rails. Let Chris show you how to get up and running on Rails and become proficient with Ruby with little effort. Learn AJAX tricks, tagging, buddy lists, rating, and other Web 2.0 social network programming techniques and get your idea to market today! While you are at it, check out the website for code snippets and additional show information.

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 Rubyology 41: Agile Development | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Desert Code Camp (Tempe, Arizona) - Josh Knowles ( gave a speech on agile software development. Agile software development is a conceptual framework for software engineering that promotes development iterations throughout the life-cycle of the project. Agile methods also emphasize working software as the primary measure of progress. Combined with the preference for face-to-face communication, agile methods produce very little written documentation relative to other methods. Josh is a freelancer and an opinionated Rails developer.

 Rubyology 40: | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Sit back and watch me walk through my latest Rails application - We will cover AJAX, tags, textile, deeplinking, addthis sharing, dynamic stylesheets, session expiration, and advertising. Links from the show include: acts as taggable (Michael Slater) (by Dave Olsen and Chris Scharf) Calendar helper (Jeremy Voorhis and Geoffrey Grosenbach) session_expiration (Intridea, Inc.) Start over with svn find /usr/local/src/votespin/ -name \*.svn -ok rm -rf {} \; Please help me spread the word on!

 Rubyology 39: Elect'd | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Take a test drive of my latest Web 2.0 political website called Elect'd ( We will cover some web 2.0 features such as tag clouds, AJAX, Scriptaculous, twitter-like short comments, and search engine friendly URLs. def to_param "#{id}-#{candidatename.gsub(/[^a-z1-9]+/i, '-')}" end

 Rubyology 38: Amazon S3 and News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hi fellow code monkeys :) Today's episode covers Amazons Simple Storage Services (S3) and other important updates.

 Rubyology 37: Media Temple Grid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Driving while podcasting - sounds illegal but it seems like the only way I'm going to get a new episode online. I've been busy working on a new project and shared my experience with deploying my latest Ruby on Rails application on Media Temple's grid infrastructure. Here's the blog posts that I mentioned in the cast with tips and tricks for deploying on mt with svn and capistrano.

 Rubyology 36: AZonRails - ActiveScaffold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I had the opportunity of attending the Arizona on Rails user group this week hosted by Integrum. This episode is a presentation on Active Scaffold by Aaron Martin and Justin Walsh of Mega.Net.

 Rubyology 35: Screencast - Ruby WebServer 3 | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

ERB (Embedded Ruby)! This addition to our Ruby web server application allows you to call web pages with Ruby code that execute on the fly (time of render). Check out these snippets: myfile = IO.readlines("chris.html") #@session.puts myfile template =

 Rubyology 34: Screencast - Ruby WebServer 2 | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

This is a continuation of the BYO-WebServer application except rather than outputing static text, we will read and output an html file stored in the same directory. The new 2 lines of code are as follows: myfile = IO.readlines("chris.html") @session.puts myfile Tune in next week for some ERB!

 Rubyology 33: Screencast - Ruby WebServer 1 | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

By popular demand, here's a screencast of a basic web server engine based on Ruby. Source by Suresh Mahadevan. require 'thread' require 'socket' class RequestHandler def initialize(session) @session = session end def process while @session.gets.chop.length != 0 end @session.puts "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" @session.puts "content-type: text/html" @session.puts "" @session.puts "Hello World " @session.close end end server ="", "8888") while (session = server.accept) do |newSession| end end

 Rubyology 32: Camping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This episode features a presentation by Jade Meskill, founder of Integrum Technologies ( at the AZ on Rails User Group meeting from 6/19/07. Jade gave us a good walk through on Why's Camping framework.

 Rubyology 31: Merb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I attended the AZ on Rails User Group meeting last night hosted by Integrum ( This episode includes 1 of the 2 presentations delivered last night. This one is on Merb, a Ruby framework, and was presented by Josh Knowles of Integrum. His personal blog can be found at

 Rubyology 30: Screencast - HOBO | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Back on episode #9, we covered Hobo which is a framework that runs on top of Ruby on Rails. By popular demand, we have been asked to put together a screencast on Hobo. This is the first of a series of Hobo screencasts. I hope that you enjoy them.

 Rubyology 29: Screencast - Camping Part 2 | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Join us for a crash course on Camping's database tools and the SQLite database. This episode covers sessions, models, controllers, and views plus a brief intro of the SQLite database access.

 Rubyology 28: Screencast - Camping Part 1 | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

By popular demand, we are going to cover Why's Camping framework again but this time via a screen cast rather than an audio podcast. It's almost 18 minutes of Camping fun and it includes an exercise to determine if Bill Gates is really evil or not.

 Rubyology 27: Screencast - SOAP | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

I decided to combine all of the podcasts and screencasts into the same numbering system. I hope that you enjoy this one on SOAP-based web services!


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