Rubyology show


Summary: The Rubyology podcast is a series of lessons learned by Chris Matthieu on his endeavor of switching from Microsoft .NET programming to Ruby on Rails. Believe it or not, there are similarities between both Micorost ASP and .NET and Ruby on Rails. Let Chris show you how to get up and running on Rails and become proficient with Ruby with little effort. Learn AJAX tricks, tagging, buddy lists, rating, and other Web 2.0 social network programming techniques and get your idea to market today! While you are at it, check out the website for code snippets and additional show information.

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 Rubyology 56: Active Resource | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

ActiveResource allows you to interact with a RESTful database in the sky. Think about it for a moment... Rails 1.2 and 2.0 provide RESTful services automatically through scaffolding. Active Resource provides access to these RESTful database interfaces automatically! It's amazing!

 Rubyology 55: Wuby Web Templates | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

This screencast is a continuation of the episode 54 but we will be applying a web design to a Wuby application. Watch this - it's even easier than Rails!

 Rubyology 54: Rails Web Templates | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

A Rubyology listener wrote in asking about quick ways to add web templates to Ruby on Rails sites. This screen casts covers selecting a web template from and applying it to a Rails 2.0 scaffold site.

 Rubyology 53: Ruby OSA | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

RubyOSA provides a bridge from Ruby to the Apple Event Manager. It allows Ruby programs to automate Mac OS X applications in the same way as AppleScript. Check out my demo on controlling iTunes with Ruby and even my Wuby web application to control iTunes! Justin Williams of Mac Zealots give a great introduction to Ruby OSA as well.

 Rubyology 52: JRuby @ JUG | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If this isn't entertaining I don't know what is! David Koontz, President of Rising Tide Software (, gave a speech in front of 50 Java professionals at the Phoenix Java User Group ( and convinced them all to switch to JRuby! I tell you, Sun should hire this guy. He knows his stuff (both java and ruby) - and he has charisma!

 Rubyology 51: News Update 11/11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Thanks for tuning in and being patient while our site was offline. SteelPixel, our hosting provider, was expectantly acquired by Rails Playground. It took us a little while to transition our sites to the new host. BTW,'s support rocks!

 Rubyology 50: Wuby Deep Dive | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

Chris Matthieu gives a deeper dive on the ins and outs of Wuby, the new Ruby framework. Wuby includes a fast Ruby web server with built-in persistent hash data store. Get your copy of this open source framework from

 Rubyology 49: Wuby Live! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I gave a presentation at this week's Arizona Rails User Group meeting in front of my peers on Wuby. Wuby is my new Ruby Framework which is basically a self contained Ruby Web Server with a persistently hashed data store. 3 milliseconds response time baby!

 Rubyology 48: Attachment Fu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Preston Lee from gave a presentation last night at the AZ Rails User Group meeting hosted at Integrum. His presentation covered imaging tools used in their facial recognition system that they are developing. Some of the tools included: attachment fu, kropper, and rmagic. Preston's slide can be found at Check it out!

 Rubyology 47: Wuby Intro | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

What has Chris Matthieu been up to lately? Would you believe that he has been secretly developing a new Ruby framework called Wuby? It's true :) Wuby is an extremely lightweight multi-threaded Ruby web server with a built in persistent hash-based database engine. Wuby consists of the following components: - Lightweight & fast web server - supports GET and PUT methods, CGI params and environmental variables, and optional directory browsing - Persistent & hashed data access layer

 Rubyology 46: PayPal on Rails | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: Unknown

I will demo to you VoteSpin's campaign donation engine powered by PayPal. I borrowed the original PayPal logic from Cuban Links blog (see URL below) My code is below: if @request.method == :post ## use the POSTed information to create a call back URL to PayPal @query = 'cmd=_notify-validate' @request.params.each_pair {|key, value| @query = @query + '&' + key + '=' + value.first if key != 'register/pay_pal_ipn.html/pay_pal_ipn' } ##http = Net::HTTP.start(PAYPAL_URL, 80) http = Net::HTTP.start("", 80) response ='/cgi-bin/webscr', @query) http.finish # PayPal values item_name = @params[:item_name] item_number = @params[:item_number] payment_status = @params[:payment_status] payment_amount = @params[:mc_gross] payment_currency = @params[:mc_currency] txn_id = @params[:txn_id] receiver_email = @params[:receiver_email] payer_email = @params[:payer_email] #if response if response.body.chomp == "VERIFIED" ## check the payment status if payment_status == "Completed" # check to see if the txn_id already exists @donation = Donation.find(item_number) if @donation if @donation.transamount == 0 @paypalipn = item_name + "-" + item_number + "-" + payment_status + "-" + payment_amount + "-" + payment_currency + "-" + txn_id + "-" + receiver_email + "-" + txn_id + "-" + payer_email if @donation.update_attributes(:transamount = payment_amount, :paypalipn = @paypalipn) @voter = Voter.find(:first, :conditions = [ "id = ?", @donation.voter_id]) @message = "Hi " + @voter.userid.capitalize + ",\r\n\r\nYou have just received a $" + payment_amount + " donation at VoteSpin ( \r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nTeam VoteSpin" Notifier::deliver_email_voter(, '', 'Donation Received at VoteSpin!', @message) render :layout = false end end end end end

 Rubyology 45: Advanced Rails | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Josh Knowles concluded the Desert Code Camp series with a final hour on Advanced Rails covering AJAX and Active Resource. This presentation, in my opinion, was the best of the conference. Check it out!

 Rubyology 44: Rails Intro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Josh Knowles (Rails Expert Freelancer - gave a 2 part presentation on Ruby on Rails at the Desert Code Camp last week. The audience pulled in approx. 100 code monkeys. His slides from Code Camp can be found at

 Rubyology 43: iPhone Hacking! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

So all you code monkeys went out and bought iPhones right? I know a few smart code monkeys that found ways to get the bossman to purchase one for them. Either way, now you have one so whacha gonna do with it? This first half of this episode features Josh Knowles (Rails Freelancer - explaining how to develop web applications that look and feel like Apple's own apps. The second half features Ian Baird (Cocoa Programmer Supreme and Founder of talking about how to develop and port Cocoa apps to your iPhone. Hack the planet!

 Rubyology 42: JRuby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is my second podcast from this weekend's Desert Code Camp in Tempe, Arizona. David Koontz, founder of, gave an outstanding presentation on JRuby and even demo'd his GUI framework for Ruby called MonkeyBars. Check it out!


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