The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show show

The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show

Summary: Rob Kall Interviews some of the world's smartest, most dynamic people on his Bottom Up Radio Show with the goal of getting them to share their wisdom and knowledge AND to stretch their vision. Rob explores two themes: 1-the bottom-up revolution, bottom-up mind and their patterns and ideas. The world is transitioning from a top-down to a bottom up world. Rob explores this with brilliant minds who have a take on how this is happening and how it is being used-- from web culture analysts to media experts to protest leaders in the Arab Spring 2-Progressive activists, leaders and thinkers-- from economics to Occupy, revolutions to Fracking, Rob interviews leading progressives and activists. His guests often appear on Bill Moyers, The Daily show , The Colbert Report and MSNBC shortly before or after being on Rob's show. They have included Senator Bernie Sanders, Chris Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Howard Gardner, Frans De Waal, Arianna Huffington, Joseph Nye, Clay Shirky, Phil Donahue, Ann Marie Slaughter, Greg Palast, Lawrence Lessig, Rob Hopkins, Paul Craig Roberts, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, Jeff Sharlett, Riane Eisler, David Korten, Ethan Zuckerman, Douglas Rushkoff, Jean Houston, Thom Hartmann, John Dean, Scott Horton, Mike Medavoy, John McTiernan, Sen. Arlen Specter, Cindy Sheehan, Sibel Edmonds, Ray McGovern, Ellen Brown, Bruce Fein, Wendell Potter. The show runs Tuesday evening, 8-9 PM EST on Progressive Radio Network. Download podcasts from iTunes or stitcher. Search for Rob Kall. If you like the show, please add a comment saying so, and why. It might help take the show to the next level-- wider distribution, more listeners. Check out Rob's article/interview series on Bottom up Bottom-up Article Series Join the conversation on Facebook and at Rob's Bottom-up Top-Down Conversation at Google Groups.!forum/bottomuptd Also check out Rob's other radio show, Futurehealth Radio, podcast archive at

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 Nick Grossman; The Peer Economy, Disruptive Technologies and Top Down Backlashes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:52

Nick discusses the emerging peer to peer economy, it's disruptive effects on existing systems and economics, and how top down forces are resisting these bottom up aspects of progress.

 Interview with Sandra Brown, On Sociopaths, Psychopaths and other Cluster B Personality Disorders-- How They Hurt Victims | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:27

There are millions of sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists who make life miserable at best and, who, at worst, hurt, financially destroy and mentally damage tens of millions of Americans. Sandra Brown trains psychotherapists to help the victims of these people who are diagnosed as Cluster B Personality Disorders. She discusses how to identify them, how to deal with them and more

 WITH AUDIO! Katherine Eban; Generic Drug Investigative Reporter On Generic Drug Production Corruption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:05

Katherine Eban has done extraordinary investigative journalism looking at corruption in the production of generic drugs. She talks about how the corruption affects healthcare, all about the FDA and healthcare in America.

 Jeremy Scahill and Dirty Wars, the Movie, Covered Up Killings, Ed Snowden, and the Future of American Democracy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:10

Jeremy Scahill's new movie, Dirty Wars just came out. It's an incredible documentary that makes you realize the massive courage and intelligence Scahill brings to his work. Scahill talks about the secret dirty wars being fought all over the world, with unsupervised killings. What are unsupervised killings? Ones that President Obama does not even know about.

 Paul Craig Roberts; Disinformation, False Flags and a Government that Decieves | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:30

An hour conversation with Paul. He estimates that the budget for disinformation exceeds $100 billion a year-- that it's done by CIA, FBI, Military, agencies-- as well as corporations like Monsanto

 Medea Benjamin-- Tips on How to Speak Out/Interrupt a President and Other Powerful People and Hearings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:16

A few days after Medea Benjamin interrupted President Obama during a major policy speech, I spent an hour picking her brain for tips, strategies and advice on how to use this power form of activist theater.

 Present Shock- Interview with Douglas Rushkoff; on Conspiracy theories, Preppers and the end of story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Douglas Rushkoff's book, Present Shock, is brilliant, covering the way our culture is changing-- with in depth discussion on narrative and story, how the "Hero's Journey" narrative is fading, being replaced by something very different. Just as, about 40 years ago, Alvin Toffler's Future Shock described the way our rush into the future was changing and shocking us, Rushkoff's book describes the radical changes in our culture.

 Sociopaths, Anti-Social Disorder-- The Guy Who Wrote the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:33

A wide ranging interview exploring the many aspects of the 8.5 Million plus sociopaths in the US. There are some shocking and frightening facts in this interview.

 Michael Meade; Apocalypse, Living in the Shadow of Democracy, and why the world doesn't end | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:21

a wide ranging interview with a guy I've wanted to interview for almost ten years-- a big picture visionary who weaves myth, anthropology, story and etymology so we see our world in new, deeper, more meaningful ways.

 Ellen Brown; Public Banking, Bail-outs and Bail-ins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:02

we talk about public banking, derivatives, bail-ins, Cyprus, student loans, globalization--

 Daniel Quinn, Author of Ishmael, on Invisible Success and Memes We Live By | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:14

This was a real treat. Daniel wrote an essay in response to our email exchange about this interview-- on Invisible Success. We discussed his work, his books, and this essay that ties so much together. Whether you're an Ishmael fan (and you should be) or not, this interview will be a real treat.

 Les and Susan Schor Fehmi: Bottom up vs. top down attention and ways of focusing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:10

There are different ways to pay attention. Knowing how can change the way you see, feel and even cope with and experience pain.

 Don Lafferty Web/Social Media Wizard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:32

Don is one guru I go to to learn what's new with social media, on-line marketing-- and I'm not alone. He's a consultant to some of the biggest publishing houses and top selling authors as well. It's been a few years since our last interview so we connected for an update.

 Lee Fang; Mapping the Right Wing Cancer Metastasizing Throughout the States | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:43

Lee Fang has become one of the best investigative reporters the progressives have going for them. I discuss his new book, which maps out and details the hundreds of new and old right wing operations, funded with hundreds of millions of dollars-- which are metastasizing within every state in the nation.

 Paul Craig Roberts On The Biggest Bubble, Globalization, Left and Right, | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

A wide ranging discussion on the biggest bubble in the world, globalization, the biggest bubble,


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