The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show show

The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show

Summary: Rob Kall Interviews some of the world's smartest, most dynamic people on his Bottom Up Radio Show with the goal of getting them to share their wisdom and knowledge AND to stretch their vision. Rob explores two themes: 1-the bottom-up revolution, bottom-up mind and their patterns and ideas. The world is transitioning from a top-down to a bottom up world. Rob explores this with brilliant minds who have a take on how this is happening and how it is being used-- from web culture analysts to media experts to protest leaders in the Arab Spring 2-Progressive activists, leaders and thinkers-- from economics to Occupy, revolutions to Fracking, Rob interviews leading progressives and activists. His guests often appear on Bill Moyers, The Daily show , The Colbert Report and MSNBC shortly before or after being on Rob's show. They have included Senator Bernie Sanders, Chris Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Howard Gardner, Frans De Waal, Arianna Huffington, Joseph Nye, Clay Shirky, Phil Donahue, Ann Marie Slaughter, Greg Palast, Lawrence Lessig, Rob Hopkins, Paul Craig Roberts, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, Jeff Sharlett, Riane Eisler, David Korten, Ethan Zuckerman, Douglas Rushkoff, Jean Houston, Thom Hartmann, John Dean, Scott Horton, Mike Medavoy, John McTiernan, Sen. Arlen Specter, Cindy Sheehan, Sibel Edmonds, Ray McGovern, Ellen Brown, Bruce Fein, Wendell Potter. The show runs Tuesday evening, 8-9 PM EST on Progressive Radio Network. Download podcasts from iTunes or stitcher. Search for Rob Kall. If you like the show, please add a comment saying so, and why. It might help take the show to the next level-- wider distribution, more listeners. Check out Rob's article/interview series on Bottom up Bottom-up Article Series Join the conversation on Facebook and at Rob's Bottom-up Top-Down Conversation at Google Groups.!forum/bottomuptd Also check out Rob's other radio show, Futurehealth Radio, podcast archive at

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