Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability

Summary: Create your personal Wheel of Life, for helping you find balance in everyday life. This powerful tool puts your life in perspective and helps you set goals around creating total life balance and enhancing your quality of life. Proven Business Success Principles and Systems for Working Less, Making More Money, and Enjoying Better Work Life Balance. You will discover proven and practical ideas you can immediately apply in all areas of your business and personal life so you can achieve your goals in the time frames you desire. Wouldn’t it be great if our ‘good intentions’ worked the way that we think they should? Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. There’s often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. We fail to take the action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions. This can be very frustrating. Good intentions don’t magically lead to good results. They are a start; however, they are unfortunately not enough. This is just the truth! We all can use a little accountability in our life to help us stay focused so we can achieve all our goals in the time frames we desire. Anne Bachrach is author of Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices we Make Impact our Lives, No Excuses, and The Work Life Balance Emergency Kit. Listen to the Podcasts and you can create the kind of life you have always dreamed of having. Go to www.AccountabilityCoach.com/landing today and take advantage of 3 Free gifts that you can immediately use to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Visit www.AccountabilityCoach.com and receive 10% off all high-value products and services along with many complimentary resources and tools available to you under the FREE Silver Membership. You have access to tools like the Quality of Life Enhancer™ Exercise, a Wheel of Life exercise for helping you find balance in everyday life, assessments, articles, and so much more. Subscribe to the high-content Blog and receive valuable information. https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/

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  • Artist: Anne Bachrach
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 Happy Holiday! Claim Your Business Acceleration Free Gifts! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:59

I’d like to take a minute to thank you for listening to The Accountability Coach Podcast, sharing my podcast with others you think would get value, and for leaving me ratings and reviews. To show my appreciation for you and for this Holiday Season, I’m giving you a Jackpot of Gifts. These are complimentary Business Accelerator Resources to Help You Achieve Your Goals in 2020 and beyond. To take advantage of all or any of these gifts, make sure to get the link from the show notes, or write it down as I say it. Go to bit.ly/2Rt2FVd and claim all your free gifts. I’m wishing you and your family the very happiest of holidays. Continue to let me know how I can be of service to you, and if you have any special requests for topics. I’m always happy to hear from you. Claim Your Free Business Acceleration Gifts to help you make 2020 your best year ever by going to http://bit.ly/2Rt2FVd or https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/complimentary-high-value-resources-to-help-you-accelerate-your-2015-results-my-new-year-jackpot-gifts-to-you/. If you are getting value from any of Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I would really appreciate it, and love to hear from you and requests for topics you would find of value. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot", subscribe to it based on your country. The Accountability Minute on Amazon's Alexa in the USA: https://www.amazon.com/Accountability-Minute-Anne-Bachrach/dp/B07F5H2KGB The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Canada: https://amzn.to/2MpvUmx The Accountability Minute on Alexa in Australia: https://amzn.to/2vQqI4i The Accountability Minute on Alexa in UK: https://amzn.to/2MayU9v To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel with business success principles (https://www.youtube.com/annebachrach) - Subscribe to my high-value Blog (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/) - Anne’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheAccountabilityCoach) - Anne’s Linked-in page https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebachrach - Connect with me on Pinterest (https://pinterest.com/resultsrule/) - Connect with me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/annebachrach/) Take advantage of all the complimentary business tips and tools by joining the Free Silver Membership on https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/. Check out all the great free high-content training web classes, by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/free-articles/free-webinars/. Go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com to check out for yourself how I, as your Accountability Coach™, can help you get and stay focused on you highest payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your professional and personal goals, so you can enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want and deserve. As an experienced accountability coach and author of 5 books, I help business professionals make more money, work less, and enjoy even better work life balance. Check out my proven business accelerator resources by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/. Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, and the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

 4 Ways in Which Time Management Principles Can Benefit You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:54

Time management is an art that a lot of successful entrepreneurs have mastered, and for good reason. Since time is your most precious commodity, it would only make sense that you would put effort into using it as efficiently as possible. Time is an interesting resource because everyone in the world really has the same amount of it each day. Some of us choose to use it one way, while others choose to use it in different ways. As a successful professional, you have no doubt realized that time management is essential to getting everything done, but do you know that practicing efficiency in this manner also has other benefits? Using your time wisely can offer you a lot of positives that will help you in other ways, which is exactly what this Podcast is about. We are going to explore four ways in which time management can help you as you progress to the next level of success. You might be surprised to learn how beneficial it can be to ‘watch the clock’ while you go about your day! "We cannot waste time. We can only waste ourselves." -- George Matthew Adams 1. Time Management Principles Give You Control Over Your Life Time management actually allows you more control over your life. By planning ahead and figuring out how you are going to fit everything in, you are allowing yourself more control over what actually gets done. Prioritizing the things that you planned can help you to get them out of the way quickly and easily, thus making more room in life for the things that you would rather be doing. A lot of people fail to remember that time is going to get used up every day, no matter what you do. Whether you get a lot done or not, you are STILL going to have 24 less hours than you did the day before. This is why it is so essential to make sure that you are controlling your own destiny by mapping out how you want to get things accomplished. Moving on to the next level of success is going to depend on you being in absolute control of your life. If you cannot even control your time, how do you think that you are going to be able to control anything else? Time management principles can DEFINITELY help with this! "A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." - Charles Darwin 2. Time Management Principles Allow You to Be Even More Productive By looking ahead and managing your time effectively, you will surely begin to notice that your productivity level will increase as well. Putting time management principles into place will not only help you to make the best use of your time, but can also allow you to get a LOT more accomplished! As you efficiently manage your time and organize your tasks in order of importance, you will be able to focus on the most important and maybe the least favorite things first. This will eliminate the temptation to put important things off, and will, as a result, cause you to get more done in the allotted time. "Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time." - Jim Rohn 3. Time Management Principles Allow You to Be More Successful As an established, successful professional, you undoubtedly have a taste of what it is like to get results from your ideas… but there is ALWAYS another level to conquer! Using time management principles on a consistent basis in your life will give you an advantage as you navigate your next serious set of goals and objectives. Having a certain amount of time to work with each day means that using your time wisely is of EXTREME importance… but the good news is that, to those who DO enact time management principles on a CONSISTENT basis, success usually doesn’t loom far behind. "Always concentrate on the most valuable use of your time. This is what separates the winners from the losers.” - Brian Tracy 4. Time Management Principles Give You a Sense of Personal Fulfillment At the end of the day, one of the best things about effective time management is how good it makes you feel about yourself. Wi

 Consistency – The Model to Increase Your Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:26

When it comes to business, consistency is absolutely a key to success. Becoming and staying as consistent as you need to be to achieve your goals is not always easy, but it is a behavior that anyone involved in business would do well to learn and apply. The truth is that more businesses fail than succeed. Statistically, the odds of any new business actually 'making it' and becoming profitable enough to sustain itself are slim. But how can you overcome the odds? What can you do to propel your business to a place where it can not only be successful, but also grow and prosper? To accomplish success on this level, you need to embody several behaviors and habits, but one of the most crucial of these is consistency. If you can learn to be consistent, then your talent can be fully realized and your ideas can be given a fair chance of working. You would be amazed at how many businesses, started by talented and intelligent people, fail because they neglect to continue in their good habits, day in and day out. A lot of factors come into play, but there is no substitute for being determined, reliable, and consistent. Becoming the ‘Model of Success’ One of the key concepts to understand, as it relates to consistency, lies in the idea that you need to 'become what you desire to become'. In other words, don't just hope that your business will succeed. Instead, start living it on a day to day basis. Embody your ideas to the point where you make them real. When you believe in you and in your business enough, you can only succeed! If your company was really busy and successful, then you would most likely need to do things a certain way to generate that result and outcome. But for a new start up, for a business that has not grown to that point yet, or even for a business that is older but hasn't grown a whole lot in past years...a lot can be accomplished by, for example, showing up to work and putting in the hours that you would be required to put in if your business were incredibly busy and successful. Being consistent in a way as simple as showing up to work, day in and day out, is often overlooked. Many people do not realize how much good a consistent presence on their part can do for their business, even if they have employees who can manage things while they are not there. For example, showing up to work and having little in the way of business actually going on might seem like a waste of time, but you can utilize down time to further your ideas in other ways, which in turn can help to expand and increase your success to the next level – and we all have a next level. For example, you could work on networking or marketing to grow your client base. You could also get into social media marketing or do more in this area, and utilize that to reach out to possible new clients who can use your products or services. There is also a need to be consistent in the areas of marketing and advertising, especially as they relate to any online ventures. Consistency in these areas has, time and time again, tied itself to successful businesses. In fact, a lot of successful people have said that it is not actually talent or a natural affinity for leadership that sets a profitable businessman apart from one that is not. The only real common denominator among those on incredibly successful levels is the fact that those who remained consistent in their endeavors, and stuck it out when things got tough, often ended up creating a more profitable business. Overnight success stories might sound fun, but you would be AMAZED at how much went on behind the scenes that the public will never know about. A lot of 'overnight success stories' were only made possible because the businesses involved remained consistent in their day to day activities, even when things were not going so well. The Benefits of Consistency By remaining consistent, you will be ready to jump at any opportunity that might come along. The restaurant owner, for example, who consistently st

 5 Steps to Identifying and Channeling Your Motivation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:26

Motivation can be a powerful tool, but many people struggle to ever identify, nurture, and channel it properly. In fact, if we go to the dictionary, we will see that motivation is derived from its root word, ‘motive’. So, to be motivated, you need to have a motive, which is… “Something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act.” –Merriam-webster.com. As we see from our dictionary description, motivation is, basically, a motive that is going to cause you to act. All of us have motivations for doing what we do, but rarely is this applied to its maximum effectiveness. The truth is that a lot of people struggle to get motivated. They get in a slump, they stop trying, and eventually, motivation does not cause them to move forward… it simply serves as a hibernating survival mechanism that keeps them from falling apart. “Self-motivation is the power that raises a person to any level he seeks.” --John Maxwell But as a successful businessperson, you no doubt know that motivation plays an important role in the life of any successful person… and you should also know that learning to identify and channel your motivation can be a huge driving force that can carry you to the next level of success. But how do you use it? How do you identify it, and how do you channel it? We are doing to explore five simple steps that will give you everything you need to get started. Step #1… Identify your singular goal A lot of people fall into slumps because they are trying to do too many things all at the same time. We all have different goals in life. That cannot really be avoided… but identifying your one, true, singular goal can REALLY help to ground you and bring you back to reality. What is your purpose? What do you want to achieve? What matters more than anything else? These are questions that can help you to identify your most important goal. Once you figure out what that is, you will be well on your way to figuring out what to do next. To download my complimentary 6-page Values Clarification Exercise to help get you started on defining and getting clarity on your singular goal and your values, go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/values-clarification/. Step #2… Get Inspired If you have been having trouble getting and staying motivated, you might need a little bit of help in the inspiration department. Arming yourself with inspiration before focusing your energy towards what motivates you can be a great way to build momentum, belief in yourself, and faith in what you want to do. It can help to neutralize doubt and to put you in a position where you really believe in yourself. Once you are inspired and firmly believe in what you are doing, it is time to move on to the next step. Step #3… Get Excited If you are not excited about what is motivating you, then find a way to get excited about it again. Try to revisit what it was about your goals that first caused you to get excited. Try to figure out what killed your excitement, and work to neutralize it so that it will not hinder you again. Being motivated, inspired, AND excited all at once is a VERY powerful combination… and once you are at this point, you will be ready for the next step. Step #4… Get Started Whether you plan to begin moving forward today or on a date further ahead in the future, it is important that you make the leap. Now that you are motivated, inspired, and excited, it is time to use this energy to hurl you to the next level. Always remember to make a plan and stick to it, and remember that your plan should always lead you towards what is motivating you. This will make you far less likely to give up. Step #5… Be Consistent Motivation, like inspiration and excitement, can very well come and go with time. There will be times when you will feel very pumped about what you are doing, and then there will be times when you will feel like you don’t want to continue. But always remember what is motivating you, and remember that the next level of success is ALWA

 How to Communicate In a Way That Produces Results | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:47

Communication is critical to every aspect of interaction with others. As a successful businessperson, you have no doubt realized the importance of communication. You know that productivity can only be achieved when proper communication has been as well. You know that nothing gets accomplished efficiently unless those in charge communicate with one another. To put it quite plainly, nothing gets done if communication doesn’t happen! But how do you communicate effectively? How do you maximize the effectiveness of your words and correspondences so that you will see RESULTS instead of wasted time and effort? That is a great question, and that is EXACTLY what we are going to talk about in this article. Why Is Communication Necessary? To understand how to get results through communication, it is important to realize why it is so necessary. When people work together on a project, for a company, or towards the same goal, they will most likely be doing different things that are related. But in order for their actions to be helpful to one another, communication needs to take place. This is, basically, what it is all about. “If you just communicate you can get by. But if you skillfully communicate, you can work miracles.” --Jim Rohn Learn To Listen Listening is a key factor when it comes to communicating effectively. I once heard that our brains naturally begin formulating a response to what is said to us after an average of about 15 seconds of hearing someone else speak. That is usually not enough time! Make sure that you are controlling both your ears AND your mouth when someone is speaking to you. Once they are done, you can answer their question or react accordingly. This not only shows respect, but will also keep you from missing information and giving uninformed instructions. Effective communication can only be accomplished when both parties are open to listening to each other. Don’t Withhold Information Sometimes, as a leader, it can be tempting to task someone to do something without giving them as much information as you have available. You might think, in your mind, that there is no reason for them to know any more than the absolute minimum. Or, you might think that their job is not to ‘know’ what you know, but rather to blindly ‘do as you say’. While this is an understandable frame of mind, to a point, you will doubtlessly find that you will become a better communicator if you tell your subordinates as much as possible as it pertains to what they are doing. By providing clear and accurate information, you are not only motivating them and helping them to understand the situation, but you are effectively filling them in on exactly WHY you are saying what you are saying… both of which are fantastic advantages to have when you are attempting to communicate effective instructions to someone else. Be Courteous Yes, you might be the boss… but that definitely does not give you a reason to be a jerk to your subordinates. Being courteous and polite is, by far, the best way to get results from those around you. If you find it incredibly hard to be nice to people, then you might want to re-examine your priorities or delegate out the task of dealing with others to someone else. Being courteous will get you results… being a jerk will not. Subordinates who are treated without respect or decency usually end up resenting those in authority over them. This can lead to them, in general, not caring whether the job is done right or not. Subordinates who are treated with respect, on the other hand, are usually much more apt to do their best. Seek To Understand Others One of the biggest mistakes that most people make is in not taking the time to understand the person who they are trying to communicate with. Whether it is a disgruntled employee, an angry client, or a bewildered colleague, it is of the utmost importance that you make sure to understand the point of view of the person in front of you before you try to make yourself unders

 5 Ways To Stay More Committed To Your Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:53

Today we are going to talk about 5 Ways To Stay More Committed To Your Business. Staying committed to one thing is not always easy, even when it is your business. When hard times, frustrations, and low spots hit, it can be very tempting to just give up… but quitting will never ensure that you will succeed. In fact, nobody ever succeeded by giving up! Of course, you already know this to be true. As a business owner, you are no doubt called upon to wear many hats. You probably work many more hours a week than you pay yourself for, and you likely invest far more effort and energy into the company than anyone else could even begin to comprehend… much less appreciate. All of this can quickly add up. In fact, it is not completely uncommon for business owners to toy with the idea of throwing in the towel to find a regular ‘day job’ where they will not be expected to give so much. But staying committed will pay off! In fact, you are going to find that staying committed is not only good for your business, but also good for you as a person. Again, we are going to review 5 ways that you can stay more committed to your business. This list might not be exhaustive, but it can get you started on the path to getting things done, and it can help you get away from the thought of giving up! 1-Create, Review, and Execute a Success Plan If you don’t make a plan, complete with goals, expected profits, expenses, and rewards… then how can you ever expect to commit to your venture without getting burned out? A lot of people decide that they want to succeed, but you would be amazed at how many actually fail to take this simple step before they get started! By drafting yourself a simple game plan, you can give yourself an accurate and somewhat realistic idea of what it will take to get you from point A to point B. 2-Commit In Small Steps Looking at an entire project and ‘committing’ to it in your mind can often be overwhelming, even for people who are used to taking on great amounts of responsibility. But if you take that entire project and break it down into smaller portions, you will soon find that committing to those portions is usually much easier. Overcoming large problems is almost always best accomplished by breaking it down into smaller, more specific bite-sized steps. 3-Commit to the End Goal… Not To How You Get Them Done You need to remember to stay flexible as you build your business. If you get too ‘set in your ways’, you can end up getting burnt out when things do not go as planned. It is extremely important to remember what you have to do… but it is also important to remember that changing methods is not a bad thing. Committing to the end goal will help you to accept changes in your path, without making you feel like you are failing yourself. 4-Keep the Building Blocks In Sight If you find that you have begun committing to things that are not bringing you closer to your goals, then it is important to remember what the original building blocks of your strategy were. If you have current commitments that are not helping you, then you might want to do some re-prioritizing, so that your direction lines back up with your future goals. You can get very distracted if you get caught up doing things that are not going to help you in the long run, and quickly veer you off course. 5-Remember To Take Breaks Keep in mind that you are not limitless. You are going to occasionally get burnt out, and you are going to get frustrated… just like everyone else. The important thing to remember, however, is that it is ok to walk away and take a break when this happens. If you don’t, then you can actually dig yourself into a hole deep enough to consume all of your energy… and coming back from this hole is far more challenging. It is important to get away and ‘recharge’ your batteries before you deplete yourself. Taking breaks to get rejuvenated needs to be a part of your plan and a commitment to yourself, so you can be the very best you need to be wh

 5 Ways to Have a ‘Winning’ Attitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:25

Today we are going to talk about 5 Ways to Have a ‘Winning’ Attitude. Having a winning attitude is essential to being successful. Theodore Roosevelt once said ‘Believe YOU CAN and you are half way there’. A lot of times, we end up defeating ourselves before we begin by having a negative outlook on what is going on. We sometimes tend to look at opportunities and only see roadblocks, or see only a glass that is ‘half empty’ as opposed to ‘half full’. One of the most interesting quotes that I have ever heard is what was once said by John F. Kennedy… “When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” Having a ‘winning attitude’ is all about how we view the world around us. It can be very easy to only see problems when we face hard times and new challenges, and yet the most successful people in the world have always shown that outlook plays a huge part in how successful you are. So, how can you have a winning attitude, even in the face of adversity? Well, we are talking about 5 tips that might point you in the right direction. Following these tips will get you well on your way to defeating that negative frame of mind that threatens to dampen your spirits and discourage you when times get tough. 1. Think about your strong points A quick assessment of your strong points can often be enough to deter negative thoughts, especially if you allow yourself to be honest. As a successful professional, you have a WIDE range of qualities that you deserve to be proud of, and part of having a winning attitude is about focusing on your strong points as opposed to your weaknesses. "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." – Lou Holtz 2. Give yourself daily pep talks Sometimes, the strongest positive voice is your own! Take some time each day to look into the mirror and to give yourself a pep talk. Tell yourself that you can do anything that you set your mind to, and remind yourself not to give up. Some people have affirmations they say out loud every day and that makes a big difference for how they start and finish their day. It might sound a bit cheesy, but building confidence and a winning attitude is going to require you to BELIEVE in yourself… and one of the best ways to accomplish this is to speak it out loud! 3. Listen to motivational speakers Believe it or not, there are some very powerful motivational speakers out there who can really help you to see the good in things going on around you. Two of my favorite speakers is Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn, but there are a lot of others that can be very helpful to listen to. Listening to a good motivational speaker can help to fill your mind with positive thoughts, and can help you to see reasons for believing in yourself that you might not notice on your own. 4. Remind yourself that ANYTHING is possible It can be easy to feel like you are not capable of accomplishing difficult feats… but you will soon realize that the only thing separating you from victory is a winning attitude! Simple logic tells us that if you continue to try without giving up, you truly can accomplish ANYTHING! We sometimes feel like we can only do so much, or that we are only capable of doing certain things. Limiting yourself by not having the drive to continue to try, despite failure, will hold you back more than anyone else possibly could. "The keys to success: pure staying power, persistence, continually believing in something, dogged stubbornness to get things done, and continual optimism." - Susan Barnes 5. Live victoriously Living life as if you already know that your next endeavor will be a success is EXACTLY what it looks like to embody a ‘winning’ attitude. Consider yourself a winner before the project even starts! Never assume that you are going to fail. If failure does come, realize that you have not lost… you have just realized one way that y

 6 Ways to Stick to Your Goals and Be Even More Successful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:36

Sticking to your goals is not always easy, especially if the next level of success is at stake. It can be very tempting to give up and stay where you are because the next level requires a lot more work… but this is not what you really want for yourself! Part of setting worthwhile goals and sticking to them is that this process allows you to grow as a person. If you give up and go back to the way you were before, then you are not going to have the peace of mind and confidence that comes from KNOWING that you can achieve your goals when you set your mind to it! Maybe your goals are business related, or maybe they are personal. Regardless of what they are, they MUST be important to you…so why give up on them? Life is what you make of it, and achieving goals is one way to shape your life on YOUR terms. Goals are something that nobody can take from you, which is why sticking to them is SO important! “To be successful in any sort of endeavor, you must have a definite goal. You must have definite plans for attaining this goal. Nothing is ever accomplished that is worthwhile without a definite plan of procedure that is systematically and continuously followed out day by day.” – Napoleon Hill So, let’s explore the 6 tips for sticking to your goals. These tips are simple to understand, but they can help you with even the most complex goals that might be on your list! 1… Find a Solution The first key to sticking with your goals is to find a solution whenever a problem or an obstacle presents itself. It can be very tempting to give up when faced with obstacles, so what you NEED to remember is that obstacles are a part of life. You are never going to have a goal that does not lead you through some challenges before you see it through. Having the strength of mind that it takes to find a solution, regardless of how big the problem is, is exactly what you need if you want to stay focused and not give up. 2… Anticipate Problems Try to think ahead to problems that could arise as you pursue your goals. Getting blindsided by a problem is always worse than dealing with a problem that you saw coming, which is why learning to anticipate is going to be very helpful if you want to avoid the discouragement that comes from being pelted with problems that appeared out of nowhere. Learn to look ahead and plan for potential growing pains that may or may not come your way. 3… Learn from Mistakes and Failures When you encounter setbacks, failures, or mistakes as you work towards your goals, it can be very easy to entertain the thought of giving up. Remember, however, that this should never be an option for you! Setbacks and mistakes are GOING to happen. What is important is that you view them as learning opportunities instead of as problems. In a way, every setback or failure can teach you something. Remember to look for LESSONS when you face problems instead of discouragement. By keeping this in mind, you will learn that problems and challenges are a natural part of learning and sticking to your goals. "Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure." - Edward Eggleston 4… Recognize That Setbacks WILL Happen A lot of people get discouraged when they face actual setbacks. Setbacks can seem like a huge waste of time, but it is important to remember that NO plan is going to be absolutely perfect. Even if your plan is as perfect as it can be, it is STILL subject to life and unexpected things that happen on a daily basis. When you do face setbacks and feel as if you have moved backwards, remember that sticking to goals involves a ‘two steps forward, one step back’ mentality. Remember that making overall forward progress is what you are looking for. Getting discouraged by a bit of backsliding is not going to do you any good, so focus on what it is going to take to catch up, and don’t count these instances against yourself. 5… Remember to be Flexible No plan is going to go exactly as you wanted it to, so it is important to remem

 4 Steps to Manifesting Your Desire to Get Things Done | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:09

If you have ever heard of manifesting, then you probably know, at least in part, where this conversation is headed… but for those of you who might not be as familiar with the concept, I will take a moment to explain. Manifestation is basically the belief that if you visualize and believe something enough, it will come to pass. There are a lot of varying beliefs about manifestation, and many people claim that it works in many different ways. Some believe that it is an almost spiritual, mystical phenomenon, while others tend to believe that any basis for it being true lies within the human mind. More people probably believe that if you believe in something enough, you will not be inhibited as you strive to achieve it… which is what actually ends up winning in the end. For the sake of this conversation, we are going to approach manifestation from a position of pure logic. Logically, you ARE able to manifest things by visualizing and believing in them. This will enable you to break down self-imposed barriers and to give yourself the freedom that you need to pursue your goals without inhibitions. Once you acquire the ability to ‘live’ your success before it is physically in place, you will have realized what it truly means to ‘manifest’ the next level of success for yourself. Getting things done through manifestation If you are one of those self-made entrepreneurs who, ironically, suffers from an inability to focus on day to day tasks, then you know EXACTLY what it feels like to WISH that you could get a lot done during the day. There are plenty of hours, but you probably feel like concentrating long enough to get most of your work done is almost impossible. This might get you down, cause you problems, and end up derailing your attempts to further yourself beyond your current level of success. So, can manifestation help a problem like this? Actually, it can. Manifesting your desire to get more done is actually VERY doable… you just have to go through the process from beginning to end. I’m going to outline the steps for using manifestation to get more accomplished at work. 1…Take stock of what you need to accomplish Take a second to really think about everything that you have to do. Think about the challenges, and think about how easy it could be if you could just focus more. Think about how much more successful you will be if you could really commit yourself to getting a consistent amount of work done each day. 2… Visualize your work completed Really think about how it will feel to get your work done. Visualize it in your mind. Think about what your to-do list will look like with everything checked off, what your calendar will look like when you had more days open to do what you want, and how it will feel at the end of the day to get so much more accomplished than you have before. Take your time, and spend a few minutes doing this right now. Identify barriers, and break them down one at a time until there is nothing standing between you and complete belief in what you desire. "Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible." -- Cherie Carter-Scott 3… Make it real After you have begun the visualization process, try to make it so real to yourself that it almost feels like you have ALREADY accomplished it. In your mind, you should already have overcome the obstacles. All that is now required is for you to put in the time. REALLY make it feel like you are already done before you even start. This will prepare your mind and take you to a place of better concentration. 4… Just do it Now, having dissolved all of the barriers and taken yourself to a new level of preparedness, you will find it easier than ever to get your work done. You might even feel like you are being powered by energy that you have never felt before. This is what manifestation is all about…

 5 Keys to Being an Effective Delegator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:55

Delegation is one of the many keys to success, but it is, surprisingly, one of the weakest points for many leaders. Believe it or not, there are A LOT of leaders in small business who do not know how to delegate effectively. There can be a number of reasons for having difficulty in the delegation department, most of them related to the inability of the leader to relinquish control. A lot of leaders want to be in control of everything, but don’t realize that this mentality can sap time and energy that could better be spent moving them to the next level of success. If a leader fails to realize this, then they could very well use up all of their valuable time performing tasks that COULD be done by someone else. Since they are using their time on these things, the leader will usually suffer from an inability to grow, and will often feel pressured. They can also feel like nobody understands what is wanted or needed, and can begin to feel very alone in a professional sense. “Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out.” -Ronald Reagan Key #1… Understand What It Means To Delegate Delegating a job to someone underneath you is not always easy, especially at first… but it is an essential part of growth, and you will likely find that you will be unable to move forward with any kind of speed if you do not have what it takes to turn a project over to someone else. Having said this, it is important that you do not simply delegate to delegate. This decision must be made with great care and professionalism. Delegating to the wrong person could be a catastrophe! However, if you do have the option to hand the project to someone below you who is capable of seeing it through to the end, then you will have the opportunity to TRULY realize how much power there is in the ability to pass things off to trusted employees or colleagues. This is what delegation is. You are giving something very important to someone who you trust, so that they can finish it for you. It is really that simple. You need to be able to communicate the needs of the project, as well as your need to be informed when certain milestones are reached. Delegation, if executed correctly, can free you up to do the things that you have to do. Being able to step away from projects that could hold you back is a huge bonus! Just remember, however, that great care must be taken to ensure that you are choosing the right person for the job! Successful entrepreneurs are GREAT delegators. “Managers help people to see themselves as they are. Leaders help people to see themselves better than they are.” --Jim Rohn Key #2… Surround Yourself with People You Can Trust If you can’t trust anyone beneath you, then you are just going to cause more problems for yourself in the long run by attempting to put them in charge of anything. This is why it is SO important to have good, reliable people around you. Delegating relies upon the existence of responsible individuals who you can believe in and turn to in order to get things done quickly and efficiently. Key #3… Don’t Micromanage Staying informed and on top of the situation is one thing… but micromanaging is something else. Never try to micromanage a project that you have given to someone else. This will just interfere with workflow, and will also cause your subordinate to feel like they are not trusted or appreciated. If you cannot trust them to do the job, then don’t delegate to them. If you CAN trust them, then do yourself a favor and let them have the authority do their best for you. Download a Free Delegation List Sample to help you identify more activities to delegate, by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/delegation-list-sample/. Key #4… Learn To Let Go If There Is Nothing To Worry About Delegating can be difficult for people who are always used to being in control. If you have good people underneath you whom y

 5 Ways to Be Even More Productive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:24

We can always be even more productive. Time is a very valuable resource, and if you really think about it, being productive is one of the best ways to ensure that you are using your time effectively. As a successful business owner, you no doubt realize just how important productivity is. You have likely done a great deal to ensure that your employees follow procedures that are designed to make them more productive. You have also doubtlessly mastered the ability to keep working and getting things done, even when you are in danger of being distracted or losing focus. But what about those days when it seems like you just can’t focus on anything? How can you stay productive when your usual strength of mind just doesn’t seem to cut it? In this article, we are going to talk about 5 ways to be more productive. These methods can be used at any time to help you to keep your work output high so that you can move towards the next level with no setbacks and minimal frustration. “At the end of each day you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either applaud you or prod you.” --Jim Rohn 1… Keep Your Work Area Free Of Clutter Believe it or not, clutter can definitely kill your workday. Having needless piles of paperwork or supplies covering your workspace will not only be problematic as you try to get things accomplished, but it can also psychologically cause your brain to wane in the productivity department. Finding a way to keep your desk cleaned and organized will keep you ahead of the game when the time comes to get to work…especially if you are working for yourself and need to be a self-starter. 2… Plan When You Will Make Your High Payoff Phone Calls Making phone calls can eat up time, especially if you start dialing and leaving messages. Besides, you never know what might come up on short notice that could interrupt you. If you are trying to get two things done already, plus being available to subordinates, PLUS trying to make phone calls, you will likely not be able to give ANY of the tasks the kind of attention that they deserve. In order to maximize your efforts, consider scheduling phone calls for a particular time. Pick a time when you will have the highest probability to achieve the desired results and not be distracted with other things. Sometimes making calls first thing in the morning can be the best time to get good results. 3… Skip Some Meetings "Meetings are a waste of time unless you are closing a deal. There are so many ways to communicate in real time or asynchronously that any meeting you actually sit for should have a duration and set outcome before you agree to go." -Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks As Mark Cuban says, there are SO many ways to interact with people nowadays… is there REALLY a point to scheduling long and involved meetings? Now, on the other hand, scheduling short meetings with a specific agenda of what you want to cover is actually very time efficient. This way you can collect things you want to discuss with someone and review them all at the same time. This cuts out the need to send onsey-twosey emails and constantly interrupt someone to get answers exactly at the moment you want them. Having these types of short meetings will definitely increase productivity. My philosophy is to live by appointment only, as much as possible. “The greatest things in the world have been done by those who systematized their work, organized their time.” - Orison Swett Marden 4… Avoid Multitasking This might sound like an odd way to increase productivity, but it is actually pretty accurate. In most cases, multitasking just distracts you from doing your very best on one particular task at a time. Therefore, you can actually expect to get more done if you forgo multitasking and simply focus on the job at hand. Always remember to prioritize, and make sure that you focus on the most important jobs (jobs that nobody else can do) first. Keeping a time log can be useful

 Slots & Replication Exercise for More Quickly Adding Clients | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:44

Have you ever thought about buying a new car and then you see that car everywhere you look when driving around town? When we think and focus on something, it makes it easier for us to create more reality around achieving or obtaining that. Check out the “Slots and Replication” exercise and worksheet to more quickly and easily help you add more ideal clients. When you clearly articulate the attributes and character of your ideal clients, you can create and activate a system for replicating them, also known as gathering referrals. This system of asking for and getting quality referrals is the lifeblood of the successful financial services practice and the only way to reach the ultimate goal of having a full community of great clients that you serve. If you are operating your business as a Trusted Advisor, you can expect your clients to willingly, eagerly, and graciously shower you with the mother lode of referrals. I was recently talking with an Advisor who has 22 Ideal Clients. First of all, that is awesome for him. Now all he needs to do is replicate them to get the balance of the 28 Ideal Clients he wants to add to his community so he will be in a position to just serve those 50 Ideal Clients. We walked through how he can easily and quickly get referrals from his 22 Ideal Clients that would give him more than enough people in the pool to get his final 28 Ideal Clients. Easy peasy! To download your complimentary slots and replication exercise and worksheet, go to: https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/slots-replication-worksheet/. If you need assistance with creating or updating your Ideal Client Profile, take advantage of my online exercise under the Free Silver Membership (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/). There are many other complimentary business tips and resources you can have access to when you are a member of the Silver Membership at accountabilitycoach.com. If you are getting value from any of Podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I would really appreciate it, and love to hear from you and requests for topics you would find of value. Feel free to share my Podcasts with others as they can be found on most podcast platforms and in most English-speaking countries. Most of my podcasts are only 8-15 minutes long, so you can easily listen to them while you exercise or during drive time. If you would like to get a short DAILY fix from me, feel free to subscribe to The Accountability Minute, which can be found on iTunes, Alexa, GooglePlay Music and Apple HomePod, and in most English speaking countries. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ The Results Accelerator™ To help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals, check out these other high-value resources. - Subscribe to my YouTube channel with business success principles (https://www.youtube.com/annebachrach) - Subscribe to my high-value Blog (https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/) - Anne’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TheAccountabilityCoach) - Anne’s Linked-in page https://www.linkedin.com/in/annebachrach - Connect with me on Pinterest (https://pinterest.com/resultsrule/) - Connect with me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/annebachrach/) Take advantage of all the complimentary business tips and tools by joining the Free Silver Membership on https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/. Check out all the great free high-content training web classes, by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/free-articles/free-webinars/. Go to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com to check out for yourself how I, as your Accountability Coach™, can help you get and stay focused on you highest payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your professional and personal goals, so you can enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want and deserve. As an experience

 The Value of Being Consistent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:30

There is nothing stopping you from changing directions or tracks and doing something the polar opposite of what you are previously doing. As an entrepreneur, you have absolute authority and control over your actions and decisions. No one is going to stop you from doing what you like. You can choose to destroy the business which you have built from scratch. People would mind but they cannot stop you from doing so. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you are consistent with your behavior. The Importance of Being Consistent When you set goals for yourself, you keep your abilities and capacity to perform in mind. You know that if you performed optimally for the near future, you would be able to meet those goals. Hence, you have to be consistent with your performance to achieve the goals you set for your business. If you perform below your capacity or don’t make use of your abilities, your business would suffer. Simply speaking, you have to be consistent to achieve your goals and fulfill what is truly important to you in life. In the same way, you have to be consistent with your decisions and actions. For instance, if you give an employee a slap on the wrist for an infraction, you would have the same in the future if any other employee committed the same offense. Handing out a punishment greater or lesser than the one you gave the previous employee would demoralize one of the two (depending on the punishment). As you can see, consistency is important for any successful business person. Consistency helps you maintain a sense of stability in what you do. This rubs off on your business and you can take it towards a level where it becomes stable as well. There are some other ways in which consistency could be the key to your success. Contradictions Are Roadblocks If you are consistent, you will achieve what you set out to achieve. Only extremely bad luck can stop you from attaining the success you envisaged. However, inconsistency of behavior could be the stumbling block which you fall over and all your ambitions of taking your business to the next level crumble to pieces. You need to have perfect symmetry between your thoughts, actions and decisions. For an entrepreneur, being consistent is perhaps one of the most important factors to achieve success. On the other hand, contradictions between your words and actions lead to chaos in your personal and professional life. You won’t be able to concentrate on the business. Rather, your mind would be occupied by what you should do instead of what is best for the business. Being consistent will enable you to learn from the mistakes you make. At least you wouldn’t repeat them. 4 Benefits of Being Consistent Let’s talk about several benefits for you to learn to be consistent. 1. Avoid Repeating Mistakes If your behavior remains the same regardless of the outcome of an action or decision, you can at least learn something even if you fail. That way, your knowledge increases, and you can avoid making the same mistake again. As mentioned before, inconsistency and contradictions are roadblocks to success. Making mistakes along the way further creates problems for you and you will find it extremely difficult to move towards success. 2. Develop a Code of Values The biggest advantage of being consistent in your behavior is that you can develop a core code of values and ethics you can follow. Rather than changing your stance depending on the situation, you should be clear in your mind about what needs to be done next. Entrepreneurs often try to think on their feet and in the spur of the moment make a decision which they later come to regret. This is not the case when they have a code of values to follow. 3. Consistency Breeds Persistence If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to learn to be persistent. Some people don’t have it in them to keep moving forwards after experiencing failure. A small loss is all it takes to deflate their spirit and cause them to break do

 4 Commitments That Can Impact Your Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:28

Have you ever made a commitment to yourself or someone and for whatever reason, didn’t follow through? There are numerous definitions for the word “commitment.” The most basic definition is that of an “act of voluntarily taking on and fulfilling obligations.” This is actually further specified as a “personal” commitment, as opposed to a professional or organizational commitment. The voluntary nature of personal commitment is what makes it so personal. However, this does not mean that a commitment has to relate only to personal interests, such as human relationships or core beliefs. Any objective can be approached with a personal commitment, a voluntary taking on of all obligations. A commitment can be given to any number of projects and causes, including an organization, a team, a faith group, or to another person. What Does Commitment Mean to You? Many successful people in business and life have commented that commitment is a very important factor in individual success. This is usually because the individual is the one that must spearhead his or her own cause for a period of time, at least until others can join in the cause. In order for any venture to be successful, action must first be taken, and commitment is what incites people to action. Commitment involves not only pledging one’s self to a purpose, but also practicing this system of belief on a regular basis. Defining commitment as persistence alone would be inaccurate; it is persistence with a purpose or goal, and built upon a foundation of logic that is closely linked with a person (or group’s) core beliefs. Some of the most successful businesspersons in modern times, as well and throughout history, are people that have been described as “committed” to their career or cause. They are usually not people of exceptional genius, nor have they built an empire based on dumb luck. They are individuals that have held firmly to a set of commitments and seen these commitments through. One could even say that these commitments, though largely professional, have been religiously followed through. Religious devotion is a powerful thing, as it can bring a man willingly to his deathbed, perhaps even giving him a state of calm and esoteric happiness. This same devotion, this commitment, is applicable to any field. It all depends on how passionate and committed the individual is to making the project work. Many great minds in contemporary society are more than willing to share their secrets with the masses. After all, since they already have acquired a fortune, what would they have to gain by protecting their secrets of personal and professional improvement to the grave? There are about four recurring commitments that are mentioned by these elite members of society. When you analyze these commitments you will notice that they are not that “secretive” at all, rather, disciplines based upon common sense. 1. First, one must be committed to a set of values or beliefs. As previously stated, a person’s belief system is the foundation upon which all knowledge and experience is built. The principles that define the individual or organization should be unique and head in a primary direction. This is where vision and purpose begins. 2. The second commitment is to one’s own self, specifically in the role of becoming a leader. Whether you want to be a leader or are a leader or not, you must have a strong sense of personal integrity as well as self-confidence and a willingness to seek self-improvement. 3. Another commitment that is important in professional and personal improvement is that of pursuing the interests of an audience. This audience could be a variety of different markets, from clients to readers to fellow business acquaintances. This “market” is colloquially referred to as “the people”, the ones that you strive to serve. 4. The final commitment reviewed is that of allegiance given to an organization and seeing the results of its labor. Thi

 Are Limiting Beliefs Impacting Your Success? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:39

Limiting beliefs refers to a belief system that is self-inhibiting. This system discourages exploration of what we understand as a “wider cognitive space.” The beliefs created and perpetuated in this type of system are strongly held, often due to heavy emotional attachment. (For example, a parent’s faith passed onto a new generation.) Interestingly, self-limiting beliefs have been observed in both human beings and animals. Of what importance, though, is the idea of “limited beliefs” to you? The first question is where limiting beliefs come from. A person’s upbringing and parental stability is an important factor in determining origins of belief. However, other factors such as a person’s own self-image, and their personal perceptions of the world (based on experience and learning) also contribute. Consider some examples of self-limiting beliefs. As you read over them, you will find that these beliefs are not so scientific at all, but very relatable statements that you might hear from friends and acquaintances. (Perhaps even from your own mouth.) • “This is my destiny. I cannot escape it.” • “I have to do this, because no one else can.” • “It’s just what people expect of me.” • “I’m just like my father and I can’t change that.” • “If I tell someone the truth, they will take their business elsewhere.” • “I’ve always gotten this result so anything else is unrealistic.” All of these statements allude to limiting beliefs that assign specific qualities to the person that cannot be escaped or changed. These qualities could be capabilities, roles, or traits. The person may feel burdened to continue their path (however dangerous or miserable) because of a need to follow this limiting belief. The truth of the matter is that the person is choosing their own path and they cannot fathom having to stop the cycle and think outside this predetermined life. • “I can’t do it. I know I can’t.” • “There’s no point in even trying.” These statements are alluding to limiting beliefs, in which the person decides he or she cannot succeed, and so there is no point in trying. This is not so much a quality of overall cynicism or pessimism; rather, a lack of self-confidence that doesn’t allow the person to broaden their horizons or think of a scenario that involves their success for a change. Does the person’s argument have validity, in that he or she claims under-qualification for a task at hand? In some cases this could be true. For example, if a person with no education or experience fantasizes about becoming a world-renowned scientist. On the other hand, if a person continually sets unrealistic goals, rather than focus on more attainable ones (or ones that could be considered a bit of a stretch), it could strongly indicate a self-limiting belief system that insists on the person’s chronic unhappiness. If you keep doing something the same way you always have done it, you will continue to get the same result, or your results can even go down as time goes on – and you don’t. “I am very educated on this person. I know more about it than any of you do. This is the way to go. It’s only logical.” The smarter a person is, the more he or she realizes that there are numerous perspectives and many answers to a particular problem. Unwillingness to compromise, with the assertion that a particular opinion is right, defines these types of statements. Usually, the person that teaches this self-limiting belief is not open to consider other viewpoints and may deny contradictions or stifle any objection or argument. Even if a person is not the creator of the accepted core belief, he or she may still perpetuate it. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not always about maintaining control—sometimes it’s just about a strong, self-limiting faith. • “This is the only logical conclusion.” • “This is the way it has to be.” These statements suggest that a particular action or result is the only way to resolve a problem. Who decides this? Of


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