5 Ways to Have a ‘Winning’ Attitude

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 5 Ways to Have a ‘Winning’ Attitude. Having a winning attitude is essential to being successful. Theodore Roosevelt once said ‘Believe YOU CAN and you are half way there’. A lot of times, we end up defeating ourselves before we begin by having a negative outlook on what is going on. We sometimes tend to look at opportunities and only see roadblocks, or see only a glass that is ‘half empty’ as opposed to ‘half full’. One of the most interesting quotes that I have ever heard is what was once said by John F. Kennedy… “When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” Having a ‘winning attitude’ is all about how we view the world around us. It can be very easy to only see problems when we face hard times and new challenges, and yet the most successful people in the world have always shown that outlook plays a huge part in how successful you are. So, how can you have a winning attitude, even in the face of adversity? Well, we are talking about 5 tips that might point you in the right direction. Following these tips will get you well on your way to defeating that negative frame of mind that threatens to dampen your spirits and discourage you when times get tough. 1. Think about your strong points A quick assessment of your strong points can often be enough to deter negative thoughts, especially if you allow yourself to be honest. As a successful professional, you have a WIDE range of qualities that you deserve to be proud of, and part of having a winning attitude is about focusing on your strong points as opposed to your weaknesses. "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." – Lou Holtz 2. Give yourself daily pep talks Sometimes, the strongest positive voice is your own! Take some time each day to look into the mirror and to give yourself a pep talk. Tell yourself that you can do anything that you set your mind to, and remind yourself not to give up. Some people have affirmations they say out loud every day and that makes a big difference for how they start and finish their day. It might sound a bit cheesy, but building confidence and a winning attitude is going to require you to BELIEVE in yourself… and one of the best ways to accomplish this is to speak it out loud! 3. Listen to motivational speakers Believe it or not, there are some very powerful motivational speakers out there who can really help you to see the good in things going on around you. Two of my favorite speakers is Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn, but there are a lot of others that can be very helpful to listen to. Listening to a good motivational speaker can help to fill your mind with positive thoughts, and can help you to see reasons for believing in yourself that you might not notice on your own. 4. Remind yourself that ANYTHING is possible It can be easy to feel like you are not capable of accomplishing difficult feats… but you will soon realize that the only thing separating you from victory is a winning attitude! Simple logic tells us that if you continue to try without giving up, you truly can accomplish ANYTHING! We sometimes feel like we can only do so much, or that we are only capable of doing certain things. Limiting yourself by not having the drive to continue to try, despite failure, will hold you back more than anyone else possibly could. "The keys to success: pure staying power, persistence, continually believing in something, dogged stubbornness to get things done, and continual optimism." - Susan Barnes 5. Live victoriously Living life as if you already know that your next endeavor will be a success is EXACTLY what it looks like to embody a ‘winning’ attitude. Consider yourself a winner before the project even starts! Never assume that you are going to fail. If failure does come, realize that you have not lost… you have just realized one way that y