The Cool Vegetarian show

The Cool Vegetarian

Summary: The Cool Vegetarian Podcast. Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Store


 Political Hunger Strike in India - Baba Ramdev | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:59

This morning in Delhi, India the Police abducted and exiled from the city, the famous Indian Yoga Guru Swami Baba Ramdev from his Hunger Strike fast. He started the hunger fast with tens of thousands of followers joining him in protest of Government corruption in India. I had never attended a political Hunger Fast before so I wanted to check it out, and when I arrived I learned of his abduction by Police from a local TV crew.

 Political Hunger Strike in India - Baba Ramdev | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:59

This morning in Delhi, India the Police abducted and exiled from the city, the famous Indian Yoga Guru Swami Baba Ramdev from his Hunger Strike fast. He started the hunger fast with tens of thousands of followers joining him in protest of Government corruption in India. I had never attended a political Hunger Fast before so I wanted to check it out, and when I arrived I learned of his abduction by Police from a local TV crew.

 How to Build Muscle on a Vegan Diet | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 2:10

In this quick video, learn how Noel Polanco 'The Vegan Fitness Star' achieves tremendous strength and a ripped body by eating a plant only diet consisting of mostly fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes and rice. The Vegan Fitness star is living proof that a Vegan diet can provide sufficient protein and nutrients required for muscle, strength and fitness.

 How to Build Muscle on a Vegan Diet | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 2:10

In this quick video, learn how Noel Polanco 'The Vegan Fitness Star' achieves tremendous strength and a ripped body by eating a plant only diet consisting of mostly fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes and rice. The Vegan Fitness star is living proof that a Vegan diet can provide sufficient protein and nutrients required for muscle, strength and fitness.

 What is Health and How to Achieve - Gabriel Cousens M.D. | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 5:27

In this short video, Gabriel Cousens MD, provides his unique definition for health and shares with us the ingredients required to achieve optimal health.

 What is Health and How to Achieve - Gabriel Cousens M.D. | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 5:27

In this short video, Gabriel Cousens MD, provides his unique definition for health and shares with us the ingredients required to achieve optimal health.

 Brendan Brazier on How to Save the Planet with a Plant-Based Diet | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:28

In this short video, Brendan discusses the benefits of a Plant Based Diet on the environment which save water, resources, land, and air quality. By applying his 'Nutrient to Resource Ratio' formula we can see which food are the most eco-friendly and healthy. The Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw Plant Based Whole Food choices are the best.

 Brendan Brazier on How to Save the Planet with a Plant-Based Diet | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:28

In this short video, Brendan discusses the benefits of a Plant Based Diet on the environment which save water, resources, land, and air quality. By applying his 'Nutrient to Resource Ratio' formula we can see which food are the most eco-friendly and healthy. The Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw Plant Based Whole Food choices are the best.

 The Dangers and Solutions of GMO Foods - Jeffrey Smith | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:20

In this short video interview, Expert Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the #1 GMO bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, presents shocking evidence why genetically modified crops may lead to health and environmental catastrophes, and what we can do about it.

 The Dangers and Solutions of GMO Foods - Jeffrey Smith | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:20

In this short video interview, Expert Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the #1 GMO bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, presents shocking evidence why genetically modified crops may lead to health and environmental catastrophes, and what we can do about it.

 Brendan Brazier on How to Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:23

In this short video, Brandan discusses the benefits of a Plant Based Whole Foods diet which includes : fruits, greens, exercise, sleep, high alkaline net gain foods, positive attitude and more. Through good nutrition we can thrive in life without the need for stimulants, sugars and pharmaceuticals, and the Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw Plant Based Whole Food choices are the best.

 Brendan Brazier on How to Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:23

In this short video, Brandan discusses the benefits of a Plant Based Whole Foods diet which includes : fruits, greens, exercise, sleep, high alkaline net gain foods, positive attitude and more. Through good nutrition we can thrive in life without the need for stimulants, sugars and pharmaceuticals, and the Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw Plant Based Whole Food choices are the best.

 7 Quick Easy Healthy Meals | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:56

People often have the misconception that eating healthy takes more time and effort. But the opposite is true. Eating well takes less effort, less time and the clean up is infinitely easier. Some of the healthiest and quickest meals include: Salads, Smoothies, Whole Fruits, Whole Vegetables, Raw Seeds, Raw Nuts, Raw Fruit Bars, and leftovers.

 7 Quick Easy Healthy Meals | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 3:56

People often have the misconception that eating healthy takes more time and effort. But the opposite is true. Eating well takes less effort, less time and the clean up is infinitely easier. Some of the healthiest and quickest meals include: Salads, Smoothies, Whole Fruits, Whole Vegetables, Raw Seeds, Raw Nuts, Raw Fruit Bars, and leftovers.

 Raw Vegan Adventures in Communist China | File Type: video/mpeg | Duration: 6:24

My recent trip to the Communist country of China was an interesting cultural experiment in how to eat as a Raw Vegan in a country which speaks very little English and is culturally engrained in its cooked foods that contain meat and seafoods. This is how I managed...


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