Podcasts – Rookie Designer Podcast show

Podcasts – Rookie Designer Podcast

Summary: Rookie Designer is the podcast for the up and coming designer. See the world of graphic, photography and multimedia through the eyes of a beginner, and acquire the skills necessary to become a veteran Designer. Discussion will include techniques, solutions, business practices, application specific tips and tutorials, and general design, technology and photography topics. Everybody is a Rookie before they're an All-Star!

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  • Artist: Jake Van Ness
  • Copyright: Copyright © Rookie Designer 2005 - 2016


 Rookie Designer 138 – Rookie Designer is BACK! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:27:01

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 138 – Rookie Designer is BACK! Rookie Designer Podcast is back after almost a year off. Jake brings in a new co-host, Carl of Holy Carp Design. As well as introductions, they talk about a collaboration software they use called Podio. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 138 – Rookie Designer is BACK!

 Rookie Designer 137 – Financial Fridays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:40:10

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 137 – Financial Fridays In Rookie Designer 137 Kitty & Jake discuss conferences, financial fridays accounting as an independent designer, app recommendation & shortcut of the week. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 137 – Financial Fridays

 Rookie Designer 136 – Presenting A Portfolio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:31:03

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 136 – Presenting A Portfolio In Rookie Designer Podcast episode 136 Kitty and Jake discuss a question that came to them through Facebook about the different ways portfolios are presented. Covering mounted samples, using a PDF, the importance of an online portfolio and how it is important that your portfolio reflect a bit about your own personality. Stay tuned for the short cut of the week and their app recommendations. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 136 – Presenting A Portfolio

 Rookie Designer 135 – Follow Ups | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:20:29

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 135 – Follow Ups In Rookie Designer Podcast episode 135 Jake talks about the importance of follow ups with potential clients and existing clients. He talks about how the phone call is not a cold call and following up before the holidays hit can be a real winner for both you and your client. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 135 – Follow Ups

 Rookie Designer 134 – Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:30:45

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 134 – Fear In Rookie Designer Podcast episode 134 Kitty and Jake talk about fear. They talk about some of their own fears as designers and how they choose to deal with these fears. They touch on a more general rookie fear and how someone can deal with that. Also this episode they talk about the shortcut of the week and their recommendations. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 134 – Fear

 Rookie Designer 133 – Google+ Pages and Website Backbone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:38:06

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 133 – Google+ Pages and Website Backbone Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 133 – Google+ Pages and Website Backbone In Rookie Designer Podcast episode 133, Jake and Kitty talk about Google+ Pages for business. They go into the differences between Facebook and Google+, as well as giving some useful tips on how to attract people to your Google+ Page so they add you to their circles. During their talk they discuss if it’s ok to talk about and direct people to your Google+ on Facebook or vice versa. What do you think? For their second topic Kitty and Jake talk about what important planning steps make up the backbone of a good website… for your own design portfolio or for your clients business. Show Notes Google+ (Add us to your circles!) Rookie Designer: http://goo.gl/k2nq2 Rookie Photog: http://goo.gl/GFhSp Prepressology: http://goo.gl/pQdkm Asterisco, SA: http://goo.gl/TZ6Mz   Short Cuts of the Show: Move left and right using InDesign and Illustrator Mac:  Command mouse scroll forward / back PC:  Control mouse scroll forward / back   Recommended Apps: Tweetbot (iPhone):  http://tapbots.com/software/tweetbot/ Wunderlist (PC, Web and iPhone): http://www.wunderlist.com   New Addition to Rookie Family (Feb 2012)! Rookie Photog Blog and Podcast   Rookie Designer Links Website: http://www.rookiedesigner.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RookieDesigner Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RookieDesigner iTunes: Rookie Designer on iTunes RSS (All Posts): RSS Feed (All Posts) Thank you for listening to Rookie Designer Podcast #133. If you have a show topic or idea, drop us an email at info [at] rookiedeisgner.com or head on over to our contact page. We want to hear from you. Thanks for listening and we look forward to hearing from you. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 133 – Google+ Pages and Website Backbone Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 133 – Google+ Pages and Website Backbone

 Rookie Designer 132 – Getting Back Into A Routine & A Twitter Question | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:50:39

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 132 – Getting Back Into A Routine & A Twitter Question Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 132 – Getting Back Into A Routine & A Twitter Question In Rookie Designer Podcast episode 132, Jake and Kitty talk about how they like to get back into the routine. Specifics of sleep patterns, going to the gym and making lists are brought up. They also tackle a very good Twitter question from a fan asking about how to deal with a client who wants too much control. This episode brings back a fan favorite, the Mac and PC shortcuts. Kitty and Jake diving into some interesting app picks as well.   Show Notes Add Rookie Designer to iTunes Manually: Open iTunes and go to the Advanced menu. Click on “Subscribe to Podcast…” Copy and Paste   http://feeds.feedburner.com/rookiedesignerpodcast   into the subscribe box. Click “Ok” and you will see the feed in your Podcasts.   Find us everywhere online: Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/RookieDesigner Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/RookieDesigner Google+:  http://goo.gl/rdbpB Email Us:  info@rookiedesigner.com   Short Cuts of the Show: Zoom in and out using InDesign and Illustrator Mac:  Option Command scroll in/out PC:  Control Alt scroll in/out   Recommended Apps: Twitterrific (Mac):  http://twitterrific.com/ Flipboard (iPhone):  http://flipboard.com/   New Addition to Rookie Family (Feb 2012)! Rookie Photog Blog and Podcast   Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 132 – Getting Back Into A Routine & A Twitter Question Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 132 – Getting Back Into A Routine & A Twitter Question

 Rookie Designer 131 – Juggling The Clients, Pinterest and 24 Hour Photoshop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:30:32

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 131 – Juggling The Clients, Pinterest and 24 Hour Photoshop Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 131 – Juggling The Clients, Pinterest and 24 Hour Photoshop After a bit of a hiatus, Rookie Designer Podcast is back with episode number 131. During this episode we talk about the challenges of juggling a contract job and freelance clients. We also talk about a pretty cool site for inspiration called Pinterest and we announce the upcoming 24 Hour Photoshop by Mogo Media. We appreciate all of our listeners sticking with us during the hiatus and we welcome anyone new who has joined the Rookie Designer community. Please don’t forget to stop by Facebook to give us a “Like” on our way to 200! SHOW NOTES: Pinterest Website – www.pinterest.com Jake – http://pinterest.com/prepressology/ Kitty – http://pinterest.com/iKitty/ Mobile app – Pinterest for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store To add the “Pin it” Bookmarklet on the iPhone, go to to your Profile (right lower corner) and in that screen, click “Account”. You’ll find an option to do so there! 24 Hour Photoshop Event Date – February 10-11, 2012 Website – http://www.24hourphotoshop.com Facebook – 24hourphotoshop.com FB Group Google+ – gplus.to/24HourPS Twitter – @24hourPhotoshop Andy Mitchell’s Guest Posts Job Hunting: The New Dating Game (Part 1) – http://www.rookiedesigner.com/2011/10/job-hunting-the-new-dating-game-part-1/ Job Hunting: The New Dating Game (Part 2) – http://www.rookiedesigner.com/2011/10/job-hunting-the-new-dating-game-part-2/ Kitty Florido Online Website – http://www.asterisco-sa.com Blog – http://www.designbackslash.com Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/iKitty Google+ – http://gplus.to/iKitty The Foodies’ Kitchen – http://www.thefoodieskitchen.com Jake Van Ness Online Website – http://www.prepressology.com Blog – http://www.prepressology.com/blog Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/Prepressology Google+ – http://gplus.to/Prepressology Rookie Designer Links Website – http://www.rookiedesigner.com Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/RookieDesigner Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/RookieDesigner Google+ – http://gplus.to/RDPodcast Thank you for listening to Rookie Designer Podcast #131. If you have a show topic or idea, drop us an email at info [at] rookiedeisgner.com or head on over to our contact page. We want to hear from you. Thanks for listening and we look forward to hearing from you. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 131 – Juggling The Clients, Pinterest and 24 Hour Photoshop Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 131 – Juggling The Clients, Pinterest and 24 Hour Photoshop

 Rookie Designer 130 – The Traveling Designer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:37:02

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 130 – The Traveling Designer Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 130 – The Traveling Designer Hello and thank you for checking out Episode 130 – The Traveling Designer! It’s been a busy last couple of weeks for both Jake and I. Jake moved to a new place and now that he got everything set back  up and running, we are back to record Rookie Designer for you! In this episode, we decided to talk about traveling and how you as a designer you need to look at certain things to be sure to avoid headaches and save yourself time while on the road. We also talk about networking events and why you shouldn’t fear them!  Hope you enjoy! Show Notes: First Tuesday http://www.firsttuesday.com/ First Tuesday Guatemala http://firsttuesday.com.gt Sync albums or collections to your Touch, iPhone or iPad http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4236 Sync albums or collections to your iPod http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1678 Billings Touch http://marketcircle.com/billings/iphone Billings for Mac http://marketcircle.com/billings/ iBank Mobile http://www.iggsoftware.com/ibankmobile iBank 4 (for Mac) http://www.iggsoftware.com/ibank/index.php Check Please Light – Tips Calculator http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/checkplease-lite-tip-calculator/id284974421?mt=8 Continental Airlines Mobile App http://www.continental.com/CMS/en-US/travel/wireless/Pages/ios.aspx Orbitz for iPhone http://www.apple.com/webapps/travel/orbitzforiphone.html Kayak iPhone http://www.kayak.com/iphone Hotel Tonight http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hotel-tonight-last-minute/id407690035?mt=8 NY SubView Pro http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nysubview-pro/id376517578?mt=8 Thank you for listening to Rookie Designer Podcast #130. Please feel free to add your favorite travel apps by commenting on this post. If you have a show topic or idea, drop us an email at info [at] rookiedeisgner.com or head on over to our contact page. We want to hear from you. Also, rate us on iTunes and help us spread the work around! Thanks for listening and we look forward to hearing from you. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 130 – The Traveling Designer Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 130 – The Traveling Designer

 Rookie Designer 129 – Google+, Rookie Mailbag | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:41:50

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 129 – Google+, Rookie Mailbag Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 129 – Google+, Rookie Mailbag Kitty and I have been very busy over the last month. We realize our listeners have been wondering where the latest podcast may be. Well here is #129! In this latest episode we talk about a little thing known as Google+ and we also answer our first Mailbag question from Kasia. Enjoy the show and we look forward to your comments! SHOW NOTES: Google+ Join Us: Google+ Project Jake Van Ness on Google+: Jake Van Ness Kitty Florido on Google+: Kitty Florido Our Blog Posts on Google+: Introduction to Google+ by Kitty Google+ Hangout versus Facebook Skype Video Chat by Jake Rookie Mailbag Question #1: Envato Network psd.tutsplus.com Teach Yourself Graphic Design: A Self-Study Course Outline Learn Art and Design with BBC  The Best Colleges for Graphic Design Art Institute Online Full Sail Univeristy  Question #2: Facebook Groups: Graphic Design Group I Love Graphic Design Graphic Arts Page LinkedIn Groups Just Creative Design Graphic Design Professional Group Creative Design Pro’s Designers Talk Forums / Portfolio Sites: Dribble Behance Deviant Art How Design Forums Adobe Community Forums Thank you for listening to Rookie Designer Podcast #129. Please add to our list of resources by adding comments.  Have a show topic or an idea for a blog post or video tip? Drop us an email at info [at] rookiedeisgner.com or head on over to our contact page. We want to hear from you. Thanks for listening and we look forward to hearing from you. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 129 – Google+, Rookie Mailbag Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 129 – Google+, Rookie Mailbag

 Rookie Designer 128 – #PePCon Adventures and What is “The Twitter?” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:39:01

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 128 – #PePCon Adventures and What is “The Twitter?” Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 128 – #PePCon Adventures and What is “The Twitter?” Jake and Kitty talk about their trip to Print & ePublishing Conference 2011 in DC presented by InDesignSecrets.com hosts Anne Marie Concepcion and David Blatner. They talk about the sessions they enjoyed and about why they think every Rookie should attend a conference like PePCon. Jake and Kitty also talk about what “The Twitter” is all about and how it can benefit designers. Covering hashtags, lists, picking a name, avatars and the importance of a well designed background. Lastly they add a quick tip each to help a Rookie Designer work smarter! Show Notes: PePCon Adventures Print & ePublishing Conference in Washington DC, May 23–25, 2011 InDesign Type: Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign by Nigel French The Grid System by Nigel French Russell Viers – You Work too hard… and I’m Here To Fix It! #PePCon on Twitter What is “The Twitter?” Main Site: Twitter.com LISTS by iKitty Designers: http://twitter.com/iKitty/designers Photographers: http://twitter.com/iKitty/photographers Adobe: http://twitter.com/iKitty/adobe Our Twitter Handles @RookieDesigner @iKitty @TwoFoodies @JakeVanNess @Prepressology #PePCon Friends We Recommend You Follow on Twitter PePCon Host: @amarie (Anne Marie Concepcion) PePCon Host: @dblatner (David Blatner) @danrodneytweets @jdshindler @adamjury @c_blichfeldt @CarolDetwiler @MarisaKC Find many more at the hashtag #PePCon! Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 128 – #PePCon Adventures and What is “The Twitter?” Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 128 – #PePCon Adventures and What is “The Twitter?”

 Rookie Designer 127 – It’s Nice To Meet You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:32:27

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 127 – It’s Nice To Meet You Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 127 – It’s Nice To Meet You Rookie Designer Podcast is BACK! We are very exited to post a brand new Rookie Design Podcast for your listening pleasure. In this episode Kitty Florido and Jake Van Ness take a few moments to introduce themselves to the Rookie listeners. Giving a little insight to where they are from, what their design background is and what other creative outlets they enjoy. Kitty and Jake also cover a few news items and you can find the show note links below. Leave them a comment and let them know what you thought about their first podcast. Also your thoughts on any of the news topics they talked about. It’s good to be back! Show Notes: Prepressology http://www.prepressology.com Designer Today http://designertoday.com/ Asterisco http://www.asterisco-sa.com/ Design Backslash http://www.designbackslash.com/ The Foodies’ Kitchen http://www.thefoodieskitchen.com/ Adobe Color Lava http://www.photoshop.com/products/mobile/colorlava App Store link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/adobe-color-lava-for-photoshop/id417634383?mt=8&ls=1 Adobe Eazel http://www.photoshop.com/products/mobile/eazel App Store link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/adobe-eazel-for-photoshop/id421302663?mt=8&ls=1 Adobe Nav http://www.photoshop.com/products/mobile/nav App Store link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/adobe-nav-for-photoshop/id426614130?mt=8&ls=1 Adobe Apps on the App Store http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/adobe-systems-incorporated/id331646274 Microsoft Buys Skype: http://mashable.com/2011/05/10/microsoft-acquires-skype/ Adobe CS5.5 http://www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/design.html Print and ePublishing Conference http://indesignsecretslive.com/conference.html http://indesignsecrets.com/   Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 127 – It’s Nice To Meet You Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 127 – It’s Nice To Meet You

 Rookie Designer 126 – Bad News, Good News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:25:01

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 126 – Bad News, Good News Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 126 – Bad News, Good News There’s some big news to spill about the podcast and its future. Tune in to get the scoop! Featured Music: Red City Radio – Spinning In Circles Is A Gateway Drug Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 126 – Bad News, Good News Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 126 – Bad News, Good News

 Rookie Designer 125 – Moving Beyond ‘Rookie’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:43:45

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 125 – Moving Beyond ‘Rookie’ Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 125 – Moving Beyond ‘Rookie’ Being a Rookie is never an easy task, but it happens to the best of us, whether we’re talking about designers or athletes. In this episode I’ll attempt to lend an article written by an NFL football player for rookie football players, to the industry of design. Along the way we’ll discuss tips for (hopefully) avoiding those mistakes that make us look even more like Rookies. Links from the show: Advice for rookies on adjusting to life in the National Football League In the Bullpen: Logo Lounge Sponsor: Hold your meetings online for just $49 a month Try GoToMeeting free. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 125 – Moving Beyond ‘Rookie’ Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 125 – Moving Beyond ‘Rookie’

 Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:49:24

Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job Do you design with the future in mind? When building websites, it may benefit you to do so. Adaptability can go a long way in this day and age where new trends and technology are ever changing. We’ll explore this topic as well as the subject of negotiating for your REAL dream job, meaning that you are also getting your dream pay and dream benefits along with it. Finally we wrap up with a nice list of tips for those who are venturing out on their own in the world of freelance design. Links from the show: Dinosaur Design vs. Cockroach Design Is Your Dream Job Really a Dream Job If It Doesn’t Get You Your Dream Pay? (free webinar link) Self-employment advice for designers In the Bullpen: Graphic Design Professionals (on LinkedIn) Sponsor: Hold your meetings online for just $49 a month Try GoToMeeting free. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job


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