Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job

Podcasts – Rookie Designer Podcast show

Summary: Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job Do you design with the future in mind? When building websites, it may benefit you to do so. Adaptability can go a long way in this day and age where new trends and technology are ever changing. We’ll explore this topic as well as the subject of negotiating for your REAL dream job, meaning that you are also getting your dream pay and dream benefits along with it. Finally we wrap up with a nice list of tips for those who are venturing out on their own in the world of freelance design. Links from the show: Dinosaur Design vs. Cockroach Design Is Your Dream Job Really a Dream Job If It Doesn’t Get You Your Dream Pay? (free webinar link) Self-employment advice for designers In the Bullpen: Graphic Design Professionals (on LinkedIn) Sponsor: Hold your meetings online for just $49 a month Try GoToMeeting free. Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 124 – Freelance Tips, Design for Change and Negotiating for Your REAL Dream Job