Prophetic Perspectives show

Prophetic Perspectives

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 The Lord is Moving in Power in England | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by special guests from Glory Fires, MorningStar Europe, Aliss Cresswell and Sarah Roberts. Glory Fires is in Chester, England, U.K. and has become known to be a place where the Lord shows up in mighty ways to perform miracles and healing for many people. You don't want to miss this special edition of Prophetic Perspectives as we hear testimony after testimony from Glory Fires co-founder, Aliss Cresswell and her friend Sarah Roberts that works with the ministry. They see multitudes saved, healed, and set free as the Lord moves powerfully among them.

 Teaching With Anointing | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner continues to speak about education and the father of modern education, John Amos Comenius. Rick talks about how when you teach with anointing, the information goes to the heart as well as the mind. Anointed teaching will influence who we become.

 The Educational Mandate of the Church | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In today's episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner speaks about working together as the body of Christ in all arenas, and specifically education. John Amos Comenius, a father of modern education, felt that education was a mandate for the Christian community. MorningStar's Comenius School for Creative Leadership (CSCL) was founded on principles set forth by John Amos Comenius. CSCL seeks to raise up the next generation of leaders with the cooperative effort of each family, the church at large, and the staff at school. We provide an atmosphere that encourages worship of the Creator, a love for learning, a desire for excellence, and the development of each student’s gifts, talents, and leadership skills.

 A City on a Hill | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In today's episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner talks about establishing the Kingdom of God. As believers, our citizenship lies with the Kingdom of God. Right now, a foundation is being laid for the Kingdom. The Church is the vehicle by which the Kingdom will be built; we are called to be a city on a hill. One way we can be a part of this is through education. Education is part of the Church's responsibility and one of the ways through which we can impact the world.

 When the Harvest Comes, Look for the Kingdom to Follow | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In today's episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner talks about the coming Harvest and how it will be followed by the coming Kingdom of God. The Lord isn't coming back to destroy the earth, but to restore it. Jesus preached the gospel of the Kingdom by demonstrating it’s power over death and disease. The Kingdom of God is one of overflow, abundance, and provision. However, the Kingdom isn’t only about miracles, but it will also bring with it the Truth that will set people free. Jesus said that the end of this age is the Harvest; a sign to look for the coming of the Lord and His Kingdom on earth.

 No Room for Cowardliness in Christianity | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by special guests, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin and Kamal Saleem. Today the three discuss principles of Islam that we must be aware of. Such as: -True practicing Muslims cannot have non-Muslim friends. -Islam can have no equal. -There are 3 groups of Muslims: Muslim by name only (secular), Middle group (These do not want Shariah Law, but want the freedom to worship as a Muslim.), and Jihadist (They desire to bring insurgency into every aspect of American life and ultimately, kill all infidels.) As Christians, we believe in religious freedom; we cannot impose our faith on others, but neither shall we be subject to others imposing their religion on us. Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America's ultrasecretive and deadly Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later still, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces. His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the world. Jerry retired in 2007, serving his last four years as the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence. Kamal Saleem is a former Muslim terrorist who became a Christian through the faithful love and support of believers after a terrible car accident. "Today, Kamal Saleem educates state and federal political leaders, military leaders, intelligence specialists, security officials and contractors, law enforcement agencies, foundations, non-profits, churches, synagogues, universities, military academies and receptive Muslim audiences on what he knows of the deadly enemy without – and the cancerous enemy within." -

 Allah is Not the God of the Bible | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by this week's special guests, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin and Kamal Saleem. Today the three talk about the important differences between Islam and Christianity. One basic truth is that Allah is NOT the God of the Bible. Muslims still do blood sacrifices, but Jesus has paid the price for our sins once and for all! Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America's ultrasecretive and deadly Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later still, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces. His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the world. Jerry retired in 2007, serving his last four years as the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence. Kamal Saleem is a former Muslim terrorist who became a Christian through the faithful love and support of believers after a terrible car accident. "Today, Kamal Saleem educates state and federal political leaders, military leaders, intelligence specialists, security officials and contractors, law enforcement agencies, foundations, non-profits, churches, synagogues, universities, military academies and receptive Muslim audiences on what he knows of the deadly enemy without – and the cancerous enemy within." -

 In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by this week's special guests, Lt. | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by this week's special guests, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin and Kamal Saleem. Today the three talk about the importance of understanding Shariah Law. As Americans, we have a responsibility to understand our enemies - foreign and domestic. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, there can be no other law. Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America's ultrasecretive and deadly Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later still, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces. His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the world. Jerry retired in 2007, serving his last four years as the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence. Kamal Saleem is a former Muslim terrorist who became a Christian through the faithful love and support of believers after a terrible car accident. "Today, Kamal Saleem educates state and federal political leaders, military leaders, intelligence specialists, security officials and contractors, law enforcement agencies, foundations, non-profits, churches, synagogues, universities, military academies and receptive Muslim audiences on what he knows of the deadly enemy without – and the cancerous enemy within." -

 Confronting Chrislam and Shariah Law in America | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by this week's special guests, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin and Kamal Saleem. Today the three talk about the new false ideology cropping up in America, Chrislam; as well as the dangers of Shariah Law being used in America. Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America's ultrasecretive and deadly Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later still, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces. His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the world. Jerry retired in 2007, serving his last four years as the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence. Kamal Saleem is a former Muslim terrorist who became a Christian through the faithful love and support of believers after a terrible car accident. "Today, Kamal Saleem educates state and federal political leaders, military leaders, intelligence specialists, security officials and contractors, law enforcement agencies, foundations, non-profits, churches, synagogues, universities, military academies and receptive Muslim audiences on what he knows of the deadly enemy without – and the cancerous enemy within." -

 Former Enemies Unite in Christ | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:29

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by this week's special guests, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin and Kamal Saleem. The two share about how they were former enemies, but are now united in Christ. Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America's ultrasecretive and deadly Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later still, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces. His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the world. Jerry retired in 2007, serving his last four years as the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence. Kamal Saleem is a former Muslim terrorist who became a Christian through the faithful love and support of believers after a terrible car accident. "Today, Kamal Saleem educates state and federal political leaders, military leaders, intelligence specialists, security officials and contractors, law enforcement agencies, foundations, non-profits, churches, synagogues, universities, military academies and receptive Muslim audiences on what he knows of the deadly enemy without – and the cancerous enemy within." -

 Managing Economic Trials Wisely | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:31

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner encourages us to not waste our trials, especially the economic ones. We cannot put our trust in money instead of God. The degree to which we do so is the degree to which this trust will be shaken. Rick also speaks about how America was built by wealth and not riches. The founding fathers were rooted in Biblical principles and the economy was built on Kingdom economics. Let us use this time of economic shaking to build wealth and fruit for the Kingdom.

 Wealth vs. Riches | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:31

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner continues on the topic of economics as he teaches about the difference between wealth and riches. Riches are receiving an abundance that you didn’t work for, like winning the lottery. The pursuit of riches causes many people’s faith to crumble, whereas wealth can be used to build the Kingdom of God. It does not come fast and is the result of hard work, endurance, and perseverance. Wealth is built over time and requires wisdom to manage.

 Economic Restoration | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:31

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner continues on the topic of restoration, this time, in regards to economic restoration. Economic restoration is crucial to understanding the times, especially since money is one of the ultimate idols of the human heart. An idol is something you put your trust in other than God; anything that you give greater devotion to than the Lord.

 The Dwelling Place of God | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:31

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner speaks about our first calling: to be the dwelling place of God. Our goal is to be transformed into the image of Christ; it is when we behold His glory that we are transformed. God dwells in us personally, but He also dwells in His Body. We all have the opportunity to be as close to Him as we want to be.

 Restoration of the Church | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 28:31

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner shares about how a heart for restoration is key for what God wants in these days. Many people have left the church, and we need restoration not only of Christians, but also of the local church body. We need local church life to help in perfecting us into who we are called to be, a Bride without spot or blemish.


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