Tomorrow's World - Audio Telecast Library show

Tomorrow's World - Audio Telecast Library

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 Armageddon and Beyond | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our daily news headlines feature terrorist attacks and wars. At least 20 major wars, armed conflicts and battles rage on right now. Iraq Sunni and Shiite Muslems kill each other. And coalition forces sustain thousands of casualties. Will these trends lead to biblical Armageddon? What does Bible prophecy say? Is Armageddon coming? And what will happen after Armageddon?

 God's TRUE Holy Days | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

At this time of year millions focus on various ideas and sentimentalities about the "little Lord Jesus away in a manger". But do you realize that Jesus Christ came into this world to proclaim His kingship? Do you realize that the Bible devotes far more space to Christ's coming kingship than to the events surrounding His birth? Are you aware of the real meaning of Christ's birth?

 Victory in the Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Events in the Middle East are exploding. They are in the news headlines nearly every single day. Almost everybody has an opinion as to how it will all turn out. But there is only one "opinion" that really counts. You need to really understand what lies just ahead in the Middle East, how it will impact your life over the next several years and who will finally attain ultimate victory in the Middle East.

 Thanksgiving and Our National Purpose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On Thanksgiving weekend millions gather with their families and friends. They enjoy good food and fellowship and the blessings of living in a prosperous nation. They enjoy the blessings of freedom and opportunity. But do they thank God for their blessings? Are you thankful for your blessings? Do we in the english-speaking nations really understand why our nations have been blessed? Do we understand our nation's purpose?

 Christ's Coming Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There is an enormous event coming that will change everything around you. This program will give you details involving a genuine world government which is coming soon. This is not mysticism or fantasy. This is real and yet this truth has been hidden from the vast majority of human beings. You need to know and you need to prepare.

 Seven Keys to Effective Prayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Religious people all over the world pray to their God or their multiple gods. Some use prayer wheels or prayer flags to send sentiments to the sky. Priests, ministers or rabbis offer invocations at state or national events. Sincere Christians pray personally for others. Is prayer out of date in the 21st century? Does God answer your prayers? You need to know the strategies for effective prayer.

 Does God HEAL Today? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Picture our big city hospitals. What will happen when the next pandemic strikes? They will be overwhelmed. The doctors will probably run out of flu shots or other shots. There will be absolute panic. Do you think this can't happen here? Most of you know better. What is the only real solution for the disease epidemics predicted to strike our peoples?

 Prepare for Christ's Second Coming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What would be the most exciting banner-headline possible for tomorrow morning's newspaper or television news program? What about this headline, "Jesus Christ has returned in power to rule the world!" All over the world people would be astonished. This most awesome event WILL happen soon, probably within the lifetime of many of us. Are you personally preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Do you know when and how it will occur? Do you know the specific events leading right up to Christ's return to this earth?

 How to Overcome Satan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Satan the Devil has deceived the whole world. He uses subtle schemes, tricks and devices to defraud and elude us. In fact, the Bible reveals that Satan is the "god" of this world and that he holds captive those that are willing to be deceived. Are you deceived? If so, can you be freed from his control? Can you actually overcome Satan? Yes you can, with God's help!

 Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What is the most flagrant error of mainstream Christianity? Is it hypocrisy? Is it racism? Is it worldliness? God's inspired word tells us that the whole world is deceived. Do you know about the most obvious deception of all? Do you realize that this deception is blinding millions of people from really knowing God--being acquainted with the real God and having His divine protection during the soon coming great tribulation?

 America's Moral Meltdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Great nations often reflect great character and purpose. But when their morals and values decline and decay their days and years are numbered. How incredible it is when states and nations reject the Ten Commandments. We even prohibit posting the Ten Commandments in our public buildings. Amazingly, even many religious people approve of immoral, sinful conduct and behavior. Are we in the western world headed toward a moral meltdown?

 Who Controls the Weather? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did hurricane Katrina get your full attention? Remember the terrible devastation this powerful hurricane brought to millions who were affected? Remember the death tolls that climbed towards one thousand people killed? Is there a meaning in all these so called "natural disasters"? Are these storms and earthquakes going to get worse?

 2006 and Prophecy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Where are we headed as the year 2006 begins? How will your life be changed this year? Can you really know what lies ahead? Can you prove your ideas and your feelings? There is a way to be sure! There is a way to build confidence to the future.

 America and Britain in Prophecy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Where is America headed? How long will our so-called "American way of life" survive? How much will your job, your family and your very life be affected by the enormous traumatic events which your Bible specifically prophesies?

 The Power of God in History | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The theory of evolution has led many to believe that there is no God. Others believe that God created the universe and then let evolution proceed without Him. Supposedly, "God is now out of the picture and He has nothing to do with the history or future of mankind." Those individuals will soon be shocked! Agnostics and atheists will tremble to their toenails when God shakes the heavens and the earth. You need to understand the power of God.


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