Tomorrow's World - Audio Telecast Library show

Tomorrow's World - Audio Telecast Library

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 Prayer: Our Lifeline to God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We live in dangerous and stressful times. We often become frustrated or anxious, and sometimes we even become angry. We spend hours commuting in congested traffic. Construction noise, big city noise, and even argumentative co-workers, friends and relatives can produce tension and nervousness. Is there a solution to our stress-filled world? Yes, there is! The Bible shows us the way to peace of mind through prayer.

 America on the Brink | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After almost a century of dominating influence in the world, the United States is a nation on the brink of disaster. Facing the scourges of terrorism and war, its shaky economy is built on debt and consumption. What affects America will affect the world, including you and your family. Can you know with certainty what lies ahead?

 Unlocking the Mystery of Revelation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The mysterious book of Revelation, in your Bible, is now coming alive in world affairs! Shocking changes will soon come on the world scene, but only those who grasp the real meaning of the book of Revelation will be able to understand. Revelation is the most mysterious book in your Bible, but it does not need to be a mystery to you!

 Jesus' Command to "Watch"! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is mankind about to blow itself up? Iranian scientists continue to pursue the atomic bomb, while Iranian citizens burn American flags in the street and shout "Death to America!" Iraq is descending into full-scale civil war. Around the world, other tragic events are bringing war, disease, famine and death to millions. Most of us do not like to think about all these terrible events at once, but together they spell out an ominous future for this present world. What is the only genuine solution to these growing crises?

 The Answer to Unanswered Prayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why don't people get real answers to their prayers? Most people say they feel better when they pray. They are usually encouraged by the "power of positive thinking." But why do so very few experience genuine divine intervention when they pray? On this program, you will learn several specific keys to help you receive real answers when you pray.

 Unlocking the Secrets of Revelation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One of the most mysterious books ever written is the Book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse. This book reveals the future of the world, and your part in it. The Book of Revelation—the last book in your Bible—features apocalyptic symbols and secrets. What do those symbols mean? What do they reveal about your future? Can you unlock the secrets of Revelation? You need to know!

 Will the Dead Live Again? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Millions of soldiers and civilians have died in the two World Wars, and in many regional wars, civil wars and terrorist conflicts. We mourn the loss of our friends, neighbors and relatives who have died not only in wars, but from whatever causes. We often wonder what careers or family lives they could have had if they had not met death. One of the most important questions we need to ask is, "Will the dead live again?" Is there life beyond the grave?

 How Do You Spot a Counterfeit? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The movie trilogy The Matrix was a real power at the box office from the day its first installment was released in 1999. The Wachowski brothers, who co-wrote and co-directed the trilogy, crafted films that fed the hunger of many modern moviegoers. The core idea of their trilogy has been a staple of science fiction for ages. A hero, otherwise an ordinary fellow, discovers that the seemingly ordinary world around him is in fact a counterfeit, which his enemies have crafted to keep him from knowing the shocking truth. The Wachowski brothers would probably be surprised to learn just how close their movie came to the truth. What about you? Is it possible that you are unknowingly living in a carefully crafted counterfeit reality? And if you were, how would you know?

 Will Russia Attack Israel? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Your Bible predicts that Russia will attack Israel. When will that happen? Why will Russia attack Israel? How will this affect your life? These are real things that are going to happen and they will affect your life.

 Five Keys to a Successful Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Weddings are joyous occasions. And marriage can be one of the most fulfilling and joyous experiences in the entire world. A successful marriage is a joy to the extended family as well as to a community. But, marriage can also present challenging problems. And if the problems are not solved, marriage can be most painful. There are proven strategies to improve a more loving relationship. How can you improve your marriage?

 Which Christ Do You Worship? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why are so many people turning away from religion these days? Why are the agnostics and the atheists gaining increasing respectability? Picture the millions who do go to church. They recite prayers. They recite responsive readings. They clap their hands and sing songs. But are their personal lives really that different from non-church goers? Has their Christianity really made a difference in the way they live and in the nations they inhabit? Which Christ do they worship? Which Christ do you worship? You need to think this through.

 Why Were You Born? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There is one question which almost no one asks, but the answer to that question is the one everyone needs to know. Why were you born? Have you ever asked yourself that question? You should! Why do you exist? What is your purpose? If you were to ask a thousand other people you might come across a thousand other answers. But what is "the" answer? What does God Almighty say about WHY He made you--what the very purpose of your life is? Knowing the answer can change your life forever.

 Your Future in Tomorrow's World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What will you really be doing 20 years from now? Do you realize that your Creator has a specific job or responsibility planned out for you, if you are willing? If you can believe the clear teachings of the Bible, you can truly be inspired by the awesome plan God has in mind. It is specific. It involves an inspiring job for you in the future.

 Satan's Attack on the Bible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There is a very real Satan the Devil. He is now busily attacking the Bible more than ever before. But, the Divine inspiration of the Bible can be proved. This book gives you the real answers as to why we were born, where we are going and what lies just ahead. You need to know the facts.

 Are They All Lost Forever? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A cold hard fact of life is that the vast majority of humanity has died without believing in any way the message of Jesus Christ. Indeed, countless numbers have lived and died without hearing a single mention of His name. Perhaps this enormous number of non-Christians include some of your dead ancestors or relatives, perhaps a parent or grand-parent or even a child. Are all of these people lost forever? What does your Bible REALLY say?


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