Warcraft Less Traveled : A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Warcraft Less Traveled : A World of Warcraft Podcast

Summary: Dedicated to exploration and discovery within WoW (World of Warcraft). Detailed topics for Warcraft lovers who crave the hidden, secret, and less traveled areas in Azeroth. Learn and share the Warcraft stories, facts, tricks, and fun of traveling WoW.

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 Warcraft Less Traveled #23 – Darkmoon Jubjub Frog & Westfall Chicken | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:05:59

Episode #23 Timecapsule: Collecting the lesser known, or somewhat hidden, non-combat pets can be a fun undertaking. Pet collectors will need to visit Westfall in order to dance with a chicken and uncover this secret quest. The Dark Iron Ale-loving Jubjub frog makes a perfect companion for anyone willing to learn the secret diet of this Darkmoon Faire prize. [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #22 – Stonetalon Logging Camp | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:06:37

Episode #22 Timecapsule: The Stonetalon Mountain zone has long been hiding a secret area on its western coast. Tucked in its rugged landscape is an abandoned logging camp, high elven ruins, small troll camp, and unusual cave that hides a transparent wall. Destination: Stonetalon Logging Camp Zone: StoneTalon Mountains (37, 34) Available in Game: WoW, TBC, WotLK Travel Stories : Lady Erinia’s Journey to Stonetalon Image References : High Elven ruins on the journey, Troll Campsite in the northern valley (39,40), View Behind Secret Cave Wall [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #21 – Deadliest Catch of Zul’Gurub | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:06:04

Episode #21 Timecapsule: The monster hydra boss Gahz’ranka hides below the tropical waters of Zul’Gurub. All explorers who take time to increase their fishing skill, can use Nat Pagle’s mudskunk lure to summon this long-forgotten alternate raid boss. [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #20 – Elemental Invasion! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:06:38

Episode #20 Timecapsule: The long-forgotten Elemental Invasion is available for all explorers of Less Traveled Azeroth. Elite Elemental bosses of earth, fire, water, and air rage in four zones in Kalimdor. And more interesting still… will the invader bosses of Avalanchion, Baron Charr, Princess Tempestia, and The Windreaver lead the Cataclysm expansion pre-launch event? [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #19 – Friday the 13th in Goldshire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:02:24

Episode #19 Timecapsule: A quick re-visit to the Goldshire Haunted House and the various rumors that are supposed to materialize on an actual Friday the Thirteenth. Would anything extra-ghostly appear when the Children of Goldshire arrive or disappear at the house? Warcraft Less Traveled received plenty of email requests to learn if anything occurred… I’ll share what I experienced… [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #18 – Isle of Dread | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:05:58

Episode #18 Timecapsule:  The Isle of Dread is a nearly forgotten island off the western coast of Feralas.  This less traveled location is the home to a well-hidden naga shrine guarded by Lord Shalzaru and Lady Szallah.  Travel into the the forested interior of the Isle of Dread can lead to an encounter with the rarely seen mini-boss chimaera, Lord Lakmaeran.  Exotic pet collectors should be aware that this difficult-to-tame chimaera is one of the least obtained hunter pets found in Azeroth. Destination: Lady Szallah Zone: Feralas, Isle of Dread (25,72) Available in Game: (Patch 1.11.1)  WoW, TBC, WotLK (Patch 1. References & Resource links: Quest: Against Lord Shalzaru – – – – – – – – – – – Destination: Lord Lakmaeran Zone: Feralas, Isle of Dread (30, 72) Available in Game: (Patch 1.11.1)  WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Quest: Isle of Dread!, Lord Lakmaeran as Exotic Hunters pet [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #17 – Tanaris South Sea Pirate Islands | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:06:49

Episode #17 Timecapsule:  The South Sea islands,  located far off the Tanaris coast in fatigue waters, were once important to the AQ quest chain.  Yet today, these two small islands are unknown to most casual players of Azeroth.  Take time now to explore these hidden islands, the goblin/gnome huts, a strange oil pumping station, and the island’s pirate freebooters – before it all disappears with Cataclysm’s tidal waves… [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #16 – Purgation Isle, Crew Under Fire & Other Waterlogged Dead Ends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:05:59

Episode #16 Timecapsule: Purgation Isle, Azshara’s ‘Crew Under Fire’ quest line, and waterlogged Roland Geardabbler are nearly unknown to most casual players in Azeroth today. Purgation Isle is teaming with undead that long ago had importance in a quest for Tier .5 gear. In addition to the shipwrecked crew of the Horizon Scout offering a dead-end quest line, explorers can find the secret location of the sunken boat hiding the mysterious underwater ‘blue bubble’ gnome, Roland Geardabbler. Destination: Purgation Isle Zone: Hillsbrad Foothills (16, 79) Available in Game: WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Components of Importance Tier .5 Quest Destination: ‘Crew Under Fire’ Quest, Roland Geardabbler Zone: Azshara Coastline (50, 87) Available in Game: WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Captain Vanessa Beltris offers an unrewarding quest, Horizon Scout ship is sunk in the Ruined Reaches [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #15 – In Loving Memory and The Phoenix of Ezra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:04:36

Episode #15 Timecapsule: Ezra Phoenix Chatterton and Anthony Stark (In Loving Memory) help us remember that we are all part of a tight Azeroth community that shares a common dream. Ezra is forever immortalized as the boy who rode the first Pheonix mount and now lives eternal as the voice of Ahab Wheathoof. Blizzard and the Make a Wish Foundation helped make his dream come true. Take time to visit these lasting tributes… it goes to the heart of what exploring Less Traveled Azeroth is all about… Destination:  Ahab Wheathoof, “Kyle’s Gone Missing” quest Zone:  Stonebull Lake, Mulgore (48,53) Available in Game:  TBC, WotLK References & Resource links:  Ezra Chatterton Visits Blizzard Destination: In Loving Memory Memorial Zone:  Hillsbrad Foothills (67, 83) Available in Game: WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Rousch NPC [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #14 – Haunted Children of Goldshire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:05:28

Episode #14 Timecapsule: It was a dark and stormy night in the sleepy town in Elwynn Forest. The Goldshire Children, often called the Demon Children, haunt the surrounding forest and cottage at the edge of Crystal Lake. What mystery surrounds their strange actions the possibility that they represent something more evil? Destination: Goldshire Children Zone: Goldshire Haunted House(46, 61) Available in Game: WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Article: Evil Children of Goldshire [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #13 – Cut-Throat Alley, The Sewer Beast, and Lesser Known Stormwind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:06:13

Episode #13 Timecapsule: Unique locations are found throughout the city of Stormwind. Exploring the various districts will uncover a few gems: the hidden road of Cut Throat Alley, an abandoned Dwarven Guild Hall, a rare NPC spawn selling a White Kitten pet, and a chance to tame a ferocious albino crocolisk deep in the sewer system. Destination: Secrets of Stormwind Zone: Stormwind City Available in Game: WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Cut Throat Alley, The Sewer Beast, Lil Timmy and Rare White Kitten Pet, Little Adeline, Free Sight-Seeing Flight Over Stormwind! [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #12 – Bengal Tiger Cave of Stranglethorn Vale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:05:54

Episode #12 Timecapsule: A Stranglethorn Vale waterfall is not the only hidden destination in the eastern mountains of the zone. A long standing rumor exists that in a remote cave, near the waterfall, a rare vendor spawns to sell the lucky explorer a unique Bengal Tiger Mount. Is this an Azeroth urban legend or is obtaining this Bengal Tiger really possible? [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #11 – Dancing Troll Village | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:05:41

Episode #11 Timecapsule: The Shatterspear Village Trolls dance and live in harmony deep in this hidden mountain valley. Complete with waterfall, lake, huts, sacred cave, troll drummers, and a dance floor – this remote village is rarely seen apart from a hippogryph flight in northeastern Darkshore. Destination: Dancing Troll Village Available in Game: (Patch 1.11.1) WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Forum How-To Travel Tutorial , Lady Erinia’s Travel Blog into the Dancing Troll Village [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #10 – Dragons of Nightmare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:05:32

Episode #10 Timecapsule: The Dragons of Nightmare are four long-forgotten, World Raid Bosses that once challenged Azeroth’s most epic 40-man raid groups. A visit to these dangerous Emerald Dream spawns is a perfect way to remember the Golden Age of building guild skill through raiding. [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]

 Warcraft Less Traveled #9 – Arathi Dwarven Farm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:04:39

Episode #9 Timecapsule: A dwarf farm hidden along the eastern coast of the Arathi Highlands zone provides good scenery after a long swim east from the Thandol Span. If time permits, Alliance faction should search below the Thandol Span bridge for a very rare, epic, and touching quest starting point – Sully Ballo’s Letter. [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]


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