Warcraft Less Traveled #16 – Purgation Isle, Crew Under Fire & Other Waterlogged Dead Ends

Warcraft Less Traveled : A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Summary: Episode #16 Timecapsule: Purgation Isle, Azshara’s ‘Crew Under Fire’ quest line, and waterlogged Roland Geardabbler are nearly unknown to most casual players in Azeroth today. Purgation Isle is teaming with undead that long ago had importance in a quest for Tier .5 gear. In addition to the shipwrecked crew of the Horizon Scout offering a dead-end quest line, explorers can find the secret location of the sunken boat hiding the mysterious underwater ‘blue bubble’ gnome, Roland Geardabbler. Destination: Purgation Isle Zone: Hillsbrad Foothills (16, 79) Available in Game: WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Components of Importance Tier .5 Quest Destination: ‘Crew Under Fire’ Quest, Roland Geardabbler Zone: Azshara Coastline (50, 87) Available in Game: WoW, TBC, WotLK References & Resource links: Captain Vanessa Beltris offers an unrewarding quest, Horizon Scout ship is sunk in the Ruined Reaches [ Direct MP3 Download ] [ iTunes Feed ] [ Subscribe to the RSS Feed! ]