Nowhere to Run show

Nowhere to Run

Summary: Nowhere To Run is a Christian podcast talking about news, politics and the new world order with a Jesus centered perspective. Chris is a filmmaker and host of several online radio programs on various subjects. He also the director of the internet radio station called The Revelations Radio Network. His videos have been viewed millions of times over the internet, and he continues to produce documentaries and short videos for educational purposes. He also produces a local television program about Christian apologetics. He has lectured on various subjects including: the occult, The New Age, biblical prophecy, how to refute false teaching from a biblical perspective, 2012 doomsday theories, and more recently, the ancient astronaut theory. Chris does evangelism and discipleship programs full time. His Christianity 101 DVDs have been sent to thousands of people all over the world free of charge. He has been a missionary to Africa and spoken at several pastors conferences there. Chris came from a background in the “new age” where he once believed many of the theories he now frequently debunks. He feels it is important to show others the errors of the teachings that once had him convinced. Website; Cabin Cleaning in Blue Ridge GA Maid Service in Nashville TN A product to stop husband or wife from stealing covers at night


 NTR - 5/15/09 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2028

In this show I request your miracle testimonies, talk about C.S Lewis and That Hideous Strength. Church Bulletins, and that most contested doctrine, the "rapture" I propose a theory about it in this show (see video).

 NTR - Neo Apologetics and Chris Pinto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5795

This episode I will introduce you to my new project "Neo-apologetics" and I will also play a highly significant presentation from Chris Pinto called "The Atlantis Connection" This is one of the most important presentations you can hear if you are trying to understand the "mysteries" and make sense of all the disinformation in the "truth movement" This will play all eight videos in the series.

 NTR - Keith (Truth) Thompson interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3150

This is an information packed interview with Keith Truth about The new Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement. Keith has done some groud nreaking research and produced an excellent film of the same title. download the video here keith's websites Click here to play all nine parts in order

 NTR - *Update* the Michael Tsarion situation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 684

download the original video here It probably wont be there for long.

 NTR- Just for Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2208

This is a dudes only podcast. If a few chicks find there way here I guess they can stick around too, but it wont be that interesting.

 NTR - Crop Circles, What are they? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2115

I throw my hat into the ring on the debate about what crop circles are. Show notes:

 NTR - (fixed link) Ideas for surviving a bad econmomy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2423

This episode has nothing to do with anything. I just thought some of you could use some information that i have stumbled upon over the years, and I think it may help you stay ahead in these crazy economic days. It has to do with getting your service or business noticed on the web. Perhaps a more catchy title for this podcast would be "My internet marketing secrets revealed!" I also play a recent video I made ,as well as talk a bit of doctrine "is Jesus the Holy Spirit?" Show notes: Google "keyword tool" to find common keywords (make a list of the keywords people use this is very handy) If you go with a website: create website (optional) Search Engine Optimization for website title tags, meta tags, to website submit website to search engines Merchant Circle create and make your profile (blogs)(blogs) created movie add links and keywords to movie description uploaded movie to tubemogul after setting up accounts in participating video sites, remember to add link to website or blog backpages listing checklist go here find places to submit your business. the following are the ones you need from the above link google local yahoo local info USA superpages yellowbook magic yellow metrobot Localeze write press release (triangulate links) Web 2 ideas podcast wordpress blog add to links section on podomatic squidoo Digg propeller stumbleupon delicious forums etc.

 NTR - Michael Tsarion and the Youtube fiasco | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1338

I talk about the situation with Michael Tsarion having my youtube about suspended, and about what I plan to do about it. I read a recent email and talk about my new website Show notes: Download all my videos here, and upload them anywhere you please:

 Michael Tsarion Is Wrong - a Debunkumentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2826

Yes Michael Tsarion has had my Youtube account suspended. I dont know if I will be able to get it back up or not. The video I recently did on him IS NOT an infringement of copyright. it is a textbook case of Fair Use and Tsarion knows that it is. It was even marked as such at the beginning of the video. It is going to take me a very long time to replace all that was lost on the youtube account. please upload any of your favorite videos of mine to your pages. Here is a link where you can find my videos in WMV and (the latest in MP4) Please dont let him win, spread them far and wide, especially the latest Tsarion video. UPDATE: entire video can be seen here: This video reviews Michael Tsarion's Origins and Oracles DVD, and attempts to show that not only is Michael Tsarion factually inaccurate about crucial issues, but it will demonstrate that best explanation for his mistakes is that he is intentionally deceiving people. I will also show how the views he promotes is intended to indoctrinate the truth seeker into a mind set that will prepare them to accept a new version of world government and dogma, one that most truthers would never suspect as being a part of the system they once rebelled against. I will discuss his science about 2012: Magnetic pole shift in 2012? Galactic Alignment Precession of the Equinoxes The "Golden Nebula" The Photon Belt Enlightenment - DNA/ Chakra changes Other issues: 'The Macrobes' Lucifer Tsarion mind control tactics Huge mistakes Etymology Storytelling Blavatsky Motivations Who benefits? 2012 endgame

 NTR - An answer to Lionel Parkinson's $10,000 Challenge. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 741

An answer to Lionel Parkinson's $10,000 Challenge. Proving that Jesus himself states and teaches that He has come to shed his physical blood for the remission and atonement of sins. The Challenge: "From the four gospels of the 1611 King James Bible, find any personal quoted statements or scriptures coming from Jesus where Jesus himself states or teaches that he has come to shed his physical blood for the remission or atonement for anyone's sins. Find where he believed his physical shed blood on the cross would please his heavenly Father to the degree that the sins of anyone would be forgiven. If you can prove Jesus taught this doctrine - you receive $10,000." I will be showing that Jesus stated and taught that he was the passover lamb, and that he was to be sacrificed physically as such and that it would be sufficient to pay for the sins of many I will show that he believed the passover lambs blood was shed specifically for the remission of sins. I will show that Jesus believed his physical sacrifice would please God to the degree of forgiving peoples sins. First its important to understand that the Passover lamb in Jewish tradition was to be a male of the first year (first fruit) without blemish or spot, sacrificed according to God's specific instructions. Obedience to the instructions of the Lord regarding the sacrificial blood of the Passover lamb brought deliverance from death for those within the house (Exodus 12:13 KJV 1611). The lamb died in their place if the blood was not found on their door they too would be killed The Passover lamb was to be a male "without blemish," (Exodus 12:5 KJV 1611) which is the same description given to Jesus (1 Peter 1:18-19 KJV 1611) but, in keeping with only using the four gospels, i will choose the following way to demonstrate that Jesus was without defect. In John, it says, “It was preparation day for Passover, and it was about the sixth hour [noon]. And he (Pilate) said to the Jews, "Behold, your king!" (John 19:14 KJV 1611) Jesus was condemned to death at noon. What time were the lambs chosen for slaughter by the high priests? Noon. Pilate declares Jesus unblemished, It’s recorded in Luke, “Pilate then addressed the chief priests and the crowds, "I find no fault in this man." (Luke 23:4 KJV 1611) Pilate declares three times that He found no fault in him. And also in Luke it’s recorded that “Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous [innocent] man." (Luke 23:47 KJV 1611) One could argue that Jesus himself was not making any claim here but rather one was being made for him, and that's true,so I will now show other places where Jesus validates this idea intentionally or unintentionally advanced by His apostle John, but first, lets continue with more of the symbolism of the passover lamb. When the lamb was roasted and eaten, none of its bones were to be broken.(Exodus 12:46 KJV 1611) This fact was also prophesied for the Messiah, whose bones were not to be broken.(Psalms 34:20 KJV 1611) It was customary during crucifixion to break the leg bones of the person after a few hours in order to hasten their death. The only way a person could breathe when hanging on a cross was to push up with his legs, which was very exhausting. By breaking the legs, death followed soon by asphyxiation. However, in the case of Jesus, they broke the legs of the other two men, but did not break His, since He was already dead.(John 19:32, 33, 36 KJV 1611) again no specific claim of Jesus yet, just coincidence I guess. that the gospels record these details. Now lets move in to some specific claims of Jesus which will show that he believed He was the passover lamb and that His sacrificial death in this regard would be sufficient to pay for sins Good Friday was the day of the Passover celebration and the day that the Passover lamb was to be sacrificed. For the previous 1,200 years, the priest would blow the shophar(continued)

 NTR - Did Jesus Claim to be God? ..Yes..a lot. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3955

Did Jesus ever say he was God? was Jesus God? was the messiah supposed to be God? what did the apostles think? could it have been an idea added later? I also answer questions like: Why did jesus pray to the father? Why didnt they name Jesus Immanuel? why did Jesus say "By Myself I can do nothing." if he was God? Why did Jesus say My God my God, why hast thou forsaken me? what about the I AM sayings of Jesus? is the trinity good doctrine? what does the bible say? Show Notes: The Divine Claims of Jesus BIBLICAL ASSERTIONS John 5:30-32, "By Myself I can do nothing." MY GOD MY GOD Is the MESSIAH GOD? "The I AM sayings prove Jesus to be Divine"

 NTR - Free Hovind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5992

This episode discusses Kent Hovind's life, ministry, and legal struggles. I propose that Hovind is a great man who tried to live on biblical and constitutional principals and who was teaching on the New World Order for many years. Show Notes: Kent Hovind videos CSE 103 Class 4 CSE 103 Class 6 CSE 103 Class 7 CSE 103 Class 8 JJ Heller

 Chris on The Final Round - RE:Tsarion Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6694

In this episode we have Chris White on to discuss his views and debunking efforts, specifically those of Michael Tsarion. Chris White is the host of the radio show "No Where To Run" on Revere Radio and Revelations Radio. You can listen to past Chris White Shows at

 NTR - How to Prepare for the End of the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2750

I talks about a lot of things in this show. including a way to effect your local towns with information, and a way to create networks of interested folks. I play the audio from a recent video, and in the second half talk about the most important thing to store up for the end of the world as we know it ;)

 NTR - The Truth about 11:11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1947

Have you ever found that you are always drawn to look at the clock at 11:11? What is the deal with that? I offer a theory about what this phenomenon is, and why it happens. I also talk a little about this old video I did. William Cooper Debunks Jordan Maxwell


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