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 TED 美国符号(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 23:04

讲师:Anna Deavere Smith 学校:TED Anna Deavere Smiths ground-breaking solo shows blur the lines between theater and journalism, using text from real-life encounters to create gripping portraits. 课程介绍:身为作家和演员,Anna Deavere Smith生动了演绎了作家Studs Terkel,罪犯Paulette Jenkins,韩国百货商人和一位牛仔的故事。内容摘录自她的个人作品“在路上:寻找美国符号。”

 TED 表演舞蹈“Symbiosis”(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 13:44

讲师:Pilobolus 学校:TED Pilobolus began as an experiment among three guys and one puzzled professor in a Dartmouth dance class back in 1970.This collaborative dance company is acclaimed for its mix of humor, invention, and drama. 课程介绍:Two Pilobolus dancers perform "Symbiosis." Does it trace the birth of a relationship? Or the co-evolution of symbiotic species? Music: "God Music," George Crumb; "Fratres," Arvo Part; "MorangoAlmost a Tango," Thomas Oboe Lee.

 TED 用小提琴演绎里尔舞曲(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 05:09

讲师:Natalie MacMaster 学校:TED In her warm, glorious voice, Eddi Reader sings thoughtful songs about love, longing and introspection. 课程介绍:小提琴家Natalie MacMaster 和TED音乐总监Thomas Dolby共同演奏Dolby的原创歌曲《蓝色是条河》,这超脱的二重奏还有点小伴舞。

 TED 展示关于听的艺术(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 32:07

讲师:Evelyn Glennie 学校:TED Percussionist and composer Dame Evelyn Glennie lost nearly all of her hearing by age 12. Rather than isolating her, it has given her a unique connection to her music. 课程介绍:在这个令人高涨的表演中,聋人打击乐演奏艺术家Evelyn Glennie 展示了,听音乐不仅仅是简单的声波振动耳膜的过程。

 TED 神奇钢琴即兴谱曲(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 24:04

讲师:詹妮弗-林 学校:TED Concert pianist and composer Jennifer Lin was only 14 when she performed at TED, drawing tears with her extraordinary improvisation. 课程介绍:钢琴家和作曲家詹妮弗-林的神奇演出。她谈到了创作的过程,根据一个随机的音符序列即兴演出了一个动人的独奏曲。

 TED 音乐神童小提琴表演技惊四座(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 24:41

讲师:黄凱珉 学校:TED Sirena Huang started taking violin lessons at age 4 and made her professional solo debut at 9 with the Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. She has won top prizes in numerous international competitions, delighting audiences worldwide with her virtuosity and charm. 课程介绍:Violinist Sirena Huang gives a technically brilliant and emotionally nuanced performance. In a charming interlude, the 11-year-old praises the timeless design of her instrument.

 TED 软件工程用于艺术(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 14:52

讲师:GoLan Levin 学校:TED Half performance artist, half software engineer, Golan Levin manipulates the computer to create improvised soundscapes with dazzling corresponding visuals. He is at the forefront of defining new parameters for art. 课程介绍:工程师兼艺术家Golan Levin推动视听和科技的可能极限。在这个令人惊叹的TED演讲中,他展示了他的两个程序来表现他最原始的创作。

 TED 本-桑德斯踩着雪橇去北极(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:03

讲师:本-桑德斯 学校:TED In 2004, Ben Saunders became the youngest person ever to ski solo to the North Pole. In 2011, he’ll set out on another record-breaking expedition, this time to be the fastest person to walk solo to the North Pole. 课程介绍:北极探险者本-桑德斯回忆他独自利用雪橇横穿北极的艰难经历。

 TED 泽-弗兰克的另类戏剧(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:56

讲师:泽-弗兰克 学校:TED Ze Frank rose to Internet fame in 2001 with his viral video “How to Dance Properly,” and has been making online comedy, web toys and massively shared experiences ever since. 课程介绍:泽-弗兰克是一位表演者,也是一位网路玩具的制造者。他一直勇敢地坚持走自己另类路线。从他那里,我们可以看到他激情就是:帮助人们通过使用简单而令人沉迷的网路工具来创造东西以及与人互动交流。

 TED 记录最快的动物(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:24

讲师:Sheila Patek 学校:TED Biologist Sheila Patek is addicted to speed -- animal speed. Shes measured the fastest animal movements in the world, made by snail-smashing mantis shrimp and the snapping mandibles of trap-jaw ants. 课程介绍:生物学家Sheila Patek 将介绍她在测量螳螂虾方面的研究工作,这种虾是动物世界中移动速度最快的。研究中利用摄像机以20000帧每秒的速度进行了拍摄。

 TED 弗兰斯-兰廷的大自然写意(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:17

讲师:弗兰斯-兰廷 学校:TED Frans Lanting is one of the greatest nature photographers of our time. His work has been featured in National Geographic, Audubon and Time, as well as numerous award-winning books. 课程介绍:在这个非常棒的幻灯片里,著名自然摄像师弗兰斯.兰廷展示了“生命”工程,通过一系列诗意般的图片讲述了我们的星球,从最开始的大爆炸到现在的多样化。

 TED 针对儿童汽车安全座椅的研究(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:57

讲师:Steven Levitt 学校:TED Steven Levitts eye-opening Freakonomics took economic theory into the real world of suburban parenting and urban drug gangs, turning conventional wisdom upside-down. 课程介绍:Steven Levitt 和大家分享了他对汽车安全座椅的研究数据。这些数据表明在降低儿童的车祸死亡率这方面,汽车安全座椅并不比安全带更有效。不过,在结尾的自由提问时间, 他对公众提出了一个至关重要的警告。

 TED 法律如何扼杀创造力(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:55

讲师:拉里-莱西格 学校:TED As the CEO and co-founder of new online dictionary Wordnik, Erin McKean is reshaping not just dictionaries, but how we interact with language itself. 课程介绍:拉里-莱西格,一位深受网民们推崇的律师,引用约翰-菲利普-苏萨,版权法和“美国作曲家,作者与出版商协会(ASCAP)联合体”等例子来支持他复苏创造性文化的立论。

 TED 爱琳-麦奇重新定义字典(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 15:49

讲师:爱琳-麦奇 学校:TED As the CEO and co-founder of new online dictionary Wordnik, Erin McKean is reshaping not just dictionaries, but how we interact with language itself. 课程介绍:被受爱戴的纸质字典是不是注定要绝迹了?在这个充满感染力和活力的演讲里,首席字典编纂家,爱琳-麦奇从多方面看印刷字典的转型。

 TED 领袖型人才的培养(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 17:29

讲师:帕特里克-阿瓦 学校:TED After working at Microsoft for almost a decade, Patrick Awuah returned home to Ghana and cofounded Ashesi University, a small liberal arts college that aims to educate Africas next generation of leaders. Its first class of students graduated in 2006. 课程介绍:帕特里克-阿瓦用实践表明文理学院的博雅教育对于培养真正的领袖人才是至关重要的。


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