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 TED 演示Photosynth软件(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 07:29

讲师:Blaise Aguera y Arcas 学校:TED Blaise Agüera y Arcas is the architect of Bing Maps at Microsoft, building augmented reality into searchable maps. Hes also the co-creator of Photosynth, software that assembles static photos into a synergy of zoomable, navigatable spaces. 课程介绍:Blaise Aguera y Arcas进行了炫目的Photosynth演示,这个软件可以改变我们观看数码图像的方式。使用从网上挑出的静态照片 , Photosynth创建了叹为观止的梦幻景象,并且可以穿梭其中。

 TED 演示革命性的触摸屏幕(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 08:47

讲师:Jeff Han 学校:TED After years of research on touch-driven computer displays, Jeff Han has created a simple, multi-touch, multi-user screen interface that just might herald the end of the point-and-click era. 课程介绍:Jeff Han展示了一个价格低廉的可扩展的多点触摸和压力感应计算机界面,这可能标志着点击时代的结束。

 TED 科技将如何改造我们(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 22:56

讲师:Ray Kurzweil 学校:TED Ray Kurzweil is an engineer who has radically advanced the fields of speech, text, and audio technology. Hes also one of our finest thinkers, revered for his dizzying -- yet convincing -- writing on the advance of technology. 课程介绍:发明家,创业家以及梦想家 Ray Kurzweil 用丰富合理的内容来解释为什么到2020年时代,我们将已经反策划了人的大脑;纳米机器人将会在你的意识里运转。

 TED 文明社会为何走向崩溃(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:15

讲师:贾德-戴蒙 学校:TED Jared Diamond is an award-winning scholar of ecology, biology and history, and best-selling author of Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. 课程介绍:为什么有些文明社会会走向崩溃?通过分析铁器时代格林兰岛上的维京部落,荒漠化的复活节岛以及当今的美国蒙大纳州,贾德-戴蒙向我们展示了崩溃的危机离我们有多近,但他同时也乐观的表示,如果我们反应及时,一切都还来得及。

 TED 关于激情的故事(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 17:55

讲师:伊莎贝尔-阿连德 学校:TED Novelist Isabel Allende writes stories of passion. Her novels and memoirs, including The House of the Spirits and Eva Luna, tell the stories of women and men who live with passionate commitment -- to love, to their world, to an ideal. 课程介绍:身为作家以及活动家的伊莎贝尔.阿连德讨论了关于妇女,创造力以及女性主义的话题,演讲中当然也讲述了关于激情的故事。

 TED 对无神论斗士的讲话(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 29:10

讲师:理查德-道金斯 学校:TED Oxford professor Richard Dawkins has helped steer evolutionary science into the 21st century, and his concept of the "meme" contextualized the spread of ideas in the information age. 课程介绍:理查德-道金斯敦促所有无神论者去公开地表示他们的观点 -- 和抵抗教派对政治和科学的渗入。 这是一个充满激情的,有趣的,强而有力的演讲。

 TED 神啊,饶了我把(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:31

讲师:Julia Sweeney 学校:TED As a solo performer, comic actor Julia Sweeney explores love, cancer, family and faith. Her latest solo show and CD, Letting Go of God, is about the "quest for something I could really believe in" -- which turns out to be no God at all. 课程介绍:Julia Sweeney (God Said, "Ha!") performs the first 15 minutes of her 2006 solo show Letting Go of God. When two young Mormon missionaries knock on her door one day, it touches off a quest to completely rethink her own beliefs.

 TED 我们为什么快乐(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 21:15

讲师:丹-吉尔伯特 学校:TED Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says our beliefs about what will make us happy are often wrong -- a premise he supports with intriguing research, and explains in his accessible and unexpectedly funny book, Stumbling on Happiness. 课程介绍:《撞上快乐》的作者丹-吉尔伯特挑战不快乐是因为我们没有得到我们想要的东西的观点。我们的“心理免疫系统”能让我们感到正真的快乐,就算是事情并不如我们所愿。

 TED 身体和灵魂的幸福(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 20:24

讲师:Eve Ensler 学校:TED Brian Greene is perhaps the best-known proponent of superstring theory, the idea that minuscule strands of energy vibrating in a higher dimensional space-time create every particle and force in the universe. 课程介绍:Eve Ensler,《阴道独白》的剧作者,她向我们讲述一段与友人关于绝经期的讨论如何演变成这出舞台名剧。她号召全球一起反对针对女性的暴力,并且告诉我们她如何找到属于自己的快乐。

 TED 布莱恩-格林恩谈“弦理论”(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 19:06

讲师:布莱恩-格林恩 学校:TED Brian Greene is perhaps the best-known proponent of superstring theory, the idea that minuscule strands of energy vibrating in a higher dimensional space-time create every particle and force in the universe. 课程介绍:物理学家布莱恩-格林恩解释了“超弦理论”,该理论认为任何的粒子以及宇宙间的作用力均由存在于11维度空间中的细微线型能量环振动构成。

 TED 霍金求道-宇宙苍茫(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:12

讲师:霍金 学校:TED Brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened -- and has become a powerful voice for brain recovery. 课程介绍:以TED2008的主题为出发点,史蒂芬-霍金教授提出了一些关于我们宇宙的重要问题──宇宙如何开始?生命何起源?宇宙中只有我们吗?。与此同时,霍金教授也讨论了我们探究破解这些问题的途径。

 TED 吉尔伯特-泰勒的大脑奇迹(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:38

讲师:吉尔伯特-泰勒 学校:TED Brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened -- and has become a powerful voice for brain recovery. 课程介绍:吉尔伯特-泰勒所拥有的研究机会不是每一位脑科学家都所希望拥有的:她有严重中风,并且观察到她大脑的功能--运动,语言,自我意识-一个接一个关闭。这真是令人惊讶的故事。

 TED 理查德-道金斯谈奇妙的宇宙(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 21:55

讲师:理查德-道金斯 学校:TED Susan Savage-Rumbaugh has made startling breakthroughs in her lifelong work with chimpanzees and bonobos, showing the animals to be adept in picking up language and other "intelligent" behaviors. 课程介绍:生物学家理查德-道金斯通过观察以人类作为参照系导致我们对这个宇宙的理解受到限制的角度对“思考不可能”这一命题进行阐释。

 TED 猿类也会写字(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 17:25

讲师:Susan Savage-Rumbaugh 学校:TED Susan Savage-Rumbaugh has made startling breakthroughs in her lifelong work with chimpanzees and bonobos, showing the animals to be adept in picking up language and other "intelligent" behaviors. 课程介绍:Savage-Rumbaugh以研究矮黑猩猩(Bonobo)为生。它们的语言和模仿能力让听众们不得不重新思考一个物种的习性多少由先天决定,多少又由环境、文化决定。

 TED 戈尔关于避免气候危机的演讲(1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 16:11

讲师:艾尔-戈尔 学校:TED Once the US Vice President, then star of An Inconvenient Truth, now Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore found a way to focus the worlds attention on climate change. 课程介绍:此次演讲流露出的幽默感和人道主义跟在他的纪录电影”难以忽视的真相“如出一辙,戈尔阐明了15种应对气候危机立马有效的方法而且简单易行,从购买混合动力产品到发明新产品替代碳排放产品,使“全球温室效应”更加深入人心。


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