Going Linux show

Going Linux

Summary: Once you become aware that there is a dependable, secure, capable, and modern computer system that rivals all others in popularity and actual use, you will want to try the Linux operating system on your computer. Perhaps you've been using a member of the Unix/Linux family - Linux, Android, ChromeOS, BSD or even OSX - for quite a while. If so, you are likely looking for new ways to optimize your technology for the way you work. Going Linux is for computer users who just want to use Linux to get things done. Are you new to Linux, upgrading from Windows to Linux, or just thinking about moving to Linux? This audio podcast provides you with practical, day-to-day advice on how to use Linux and its applications. Our goal is to help make the Linux experience easy for you.

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  • Artist: Larry Bushey and Bill Smith
  • Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


 Going Linux #184 Computer America #54 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 65:06

00:00 Going Linux #184 Computer America #54 00:15 Introduction 02:38 The Linux Community. What is it and how do I join? 07:04 Help others 07:40 What's a LUG? 11:36 Finding a LUG 12:45 Write a blog 14:08 Getting help on forums 17:59 Start a podcast about Linux 20:31 Provide help on Linux forums 23:45 Fix it for others 26:23 Translate documentation 26:53 Work for a company that uses or develops Linux 30:34 Martin: Help for Bob with video 35:59 Linux on Tablets 38:00 Dave: Feedback for another listener 42:33 Gnome, EOL and other pronunciation 43:18 Linux in the Ham Shack 46:38 Bill: Feedback on the Jono Bacon interview 53:45 Vince: XBMC better resolution than native video 58:01 Jim: Use Debian - it's got everything 63:31 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 65:06 End

 Going Linux #183 Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:41

00:00 Going Linux #183 Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 01:45 The controversy over the direction of Going Linux 02:31 The audio: Knightwise 10:26 The email: Keith Murray 15:20 The trip to the Apple store 15:54 The blog post 16:13 The apology 19:54 The comments and discussion 24:30 The new approach - return to the old approach 29:25 The inspriation: A choice between a new Macbook Pro and a 5 year old 15.5 inch HP laptop 31:06 The case for cross-platform sliding (credit: Knightwise.com) 33:04 WB4BBC 33:40 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 36:41 End

 Going Linux #182 Computer America #53 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 61:54

00:00 Going Linux #182 Computer America #53 00:15 Introduction 01:55 How to avoid computer infections and malware 30:16 JackDeth: Virtual Box guest editions add-ons explained 35:42 Ken: Looking for specialized applications 40:53 Joe: Light weight distro recommendations 46:08 Gord: An answer for Norman 48:57 Dominic: Another answer for Norman 52:11 Gus: Favorite WINE application 54:02 Greg: The differences between major distributions 60:30 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 61:54 End

 Going Linux #181 Avoiding Windows 8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

00:00 Going Linux #181 Avoiding Windows 8 00:15 Introduction 00:47 Avoiding Windows 8 02:08 Soon you will have no option but Windows 8 on new computers 02:52 Windows 8 testers can't figure out how to use it 04:34 Microsoft removes bypass of Metro interface 06:11 Why use an operating system already predected to be a flop? 06:56 Why use an operating system with a 31% chance of getting infected? 08:08 There are no Linux viruses in the wild 09:30 Market share: Windows 92% Mac 7% Linux 1% 10:03 You are 3 1/2 times more likely to find a computer user with an infected Windows computer, than to find one running a Mac or Linux 11:34 Linux market share is growing 12:48 Windows 8 represents a growth opportunity for Linux 13:31 How to avoid having to us an OS with bad reviews and a 1 in 3 guarantee of getting infected 15:55 Microsoft slams the door on developers, developers, developers! 16:59 "Let technology work for you, not the other way around!" Knightwise 18:06 You can afford a super computer if you use Linux 19:42 Prevent problems: Don't run applications from Microsoft or designed for the Microsoft OS... ever! 21:12 Ease into Linux: 12 Cross-platform applications you can use today that work exactly the same on Linux 25:16 Save this podcast 26:25 Microsoft Linux 27:18 Software pick: Calibre 27:46 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 29:28 End

 Going Linux #180 Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:53

00:00 Going Linux #180 Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 01:46 Skype 4.0 review (sort of) 08:52 Rant: Netflix sux 09:47 Goodbye to Windows 8 12:32 Matt: Doesn't like the last episode 15:02 David: Learning *nix systems 20:31 Norman: Gone back to Windows 30:03 Jim: Failing video. Time for a light server distro? 35:44 Bill: Elitist? Really? 38:50 Defending Ubuntu 42:37 Jonathan Nadeau: AccessibleComputingFoundation.org 44:33 August 25 fundraiser 52:29 accessiblecomputingfoundation.org 53:03 Linuxbasix.com for instructions 53:48 Why is open source assistive technology important? 57:19 Software pick: Firefox 58:14 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 59:53 End

 Going Linux #179 Linux Applications-Advanced | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:21

00:00 Going Linux #179 Linux Applications-Advanced 00:15 Introduction 01:03 Bill is still on Ubuntu 02:41 Applications for Linux - advanced 06:43 Binary files: /bin 06:50 Linux kernel the boot loader: /boot 06:56 System-wide configuration files: /etc 07:08 Shared libraries: /lib 07:16 Optional and commercial apps: /opt 07:32 Programs you have installed: /usr/bin /usr/share 07:57 /home/username 08:48 Hidden .folder 09:08 /home/username/.mozilla/firefox 09:30 /home/username/.thunderbird 09:42 Manage misbehaving apps 10:06 Backups made easier 10:45 Predictability by design 11:12 Software pick: Chrome remote desktop 14:26 LibreOffice 15:25 Fedora: What the heck? 18:07 Distribution naming 18:47 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 20:21 End

 Going Linux #178 Computer America #52 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 69:16

00:00 Going Linux #178 Computer America #52 00:15 Introduction 02:03 Topic: “What Microsoft’s Secure Boot means for Linux” 14:14 Linus Torvalds on Secure Boot 18:20 Alternatives to a Windows 8 PC with Secure Boot 21:15 Left-wing organization fueling the Linux community's paranoia 24:38 Let's ask the developers of Linux: Fedora and Canonical on Secure Boot 28:39 What Microsoft actually says about Secure Boot 31:48 So, Windows is trying to destroy Linux 34:28 Greg: Saves an old computer using Linux 39:01 Ham radio and Linux: Linux in the Ham Shack 40:48 Steve: The future of Linux 43:31 Steve: Are there Linux-based mobile phones? 46:54 Paying for Linux 50:06 Nancy: Skype 4.0 for Linux 52:05 Burt: Keeping up with the latest Linux applications 53:59 Chiphead: Recovering deleted files 62:05 Brian: Video problems - a monitor hardware issue 67:25 How we decide on topics for the show 68:14 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 69:16 End

 Going Linux #177 Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:32

00:00 Going Linux #177 Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 00:46 audiblepodcast.com/goinglinux 01:43 Bill tests W8 for a "friend" 02:40 Tom tries Skype 4.0 03:17 Jono's message for Tom 04:05 Ken: Clarification on episode 172 06:12 Amy: Dual boots Ubuntu and Mint. Reviews Zotero 11:18 Bob: Comments on Ubuntu 17:26 Jared: MSI Wind advice for Tom 18:57 Tony: LUG couldn't help with hardware issue 20:01 Bradley: On using older or newer distros on older hardware 20:39 Burt: Comments on recording with Skype 22:45 Richard: Noticed something odd with Google searches 26:41 Don: Sorcerer Linux 27:35 Mark: Switching from the Glass desktop interface 34:47 Brandon: Has a CR-48 running Xubuntu 36:14 Burt: Gone Linux 48:53 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 50:32 End

 Going Linux #176 Computer America #51 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 68:09

00:00 Going Linux #176 Computer America #51 00:15 Introduction 00:47 Topic: Can a light-weight netbook run a 64-bit operating system? Windows 7 Starter vs. 64-bit Linux: an unfair comparison. 04:07 Brian's experience with 64-bit Mint on an HP netbook 08:52 You CAN run a 64-bit OS on a netbook - and it runs better than Windows Starter edition 09:46 What about an ultrabook? 11:11 Linux: A lightweight option for modern computers 13:01 Linux on tablet devices 14:56 An unfair comparison? 15:59 The Vivaldi tablet runs KDE 22:41 Who is K? 24:04 Is Linux on a tablet DESIGNED for a touch interface? 25:34 The latest version? 27:17 What about Linux on Ultrabooks? 32:00 Running Microsoft Office on Linux 39:24 Tony: Clock skips, jumpy apps, audio cuts out 42:48 Burt: Gone Linux 44:28 Vinux Linux for the Visually Impaired 46:18 Don: Debian on Raspberry Pi 50:35 The Mint Boxes: Computers pre-installed with Linux Mint 53:27 Burt: OpenOffice and LibreOffice history 60:13 Chris: Virtual Box answers 63:57 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 68:09 End

 Going Linux #175 An Interview with Jono Bacon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:49

00:00 Going Linux #175 An Interview with Jono Bacon 00:15 Introduction 02:14 Knightwise on Unity 07:59 The Interview 08:34 Overview: What Jono does at Canonical 11:51 Writing "The Art of Community" 12:18 "The Art of Community" 2nd Edition 12:22 About Ubuntu 12:45 The reasons behind Unity 16:53 Another shell for Gnome 18:03 Bill talks about the polish, multiple launches 18:52 Choice: The great thing about Linux 20:24 Developers put their hearts and souls into free software 21:00 Getting to 12.04: Unity has been an evolution 22:17 If you want rock-solid, use LTS 22:47 Unity: The "dumbing down" of Linux? Really? 23:33 Technical elitism 25:36 12.04 has additional configurability for power users 26:06 Community support: The Ubuntu forums 27:32 Juju: It's what's next for Ubuntu 29:28 Ubuntu client offerings: UbuntuTV 30:10 Ubuntu computer/phone convergence 32:37 On Canonical's funding and profitability 34:07 The cult of Mark Shuttleworth 35:03 The importance of community 37:52 Jono tells Tom to upgrade 38:17 How do I get involved in the Ubuntu community? 41:58 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 42:49 End

 Going Linux #174 Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 68:49

00:00 Going Linux #174 Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 03:00 R-Podcast 05:52 Welcome back Larry 07:27 Bill likes My Unity 13:29 Bob: has had problems with Skype in Ubuntu 14:33 Nathan: Likes Puppy 15:29 McVries: SolusOS 17:55 David: A problem with our ogg feed 21:59 Don: USB stick issue 30:21 John: Has no sound 38:22 Jared: Has a problem with our podcast feed 42:32 Gus: Trinity - Like MATE for KDE 44:45 Paul: gPodder on Mint 12 46:39 Bob: New mainstream uses for Linux 50:53 Ian: gPodder and ssh on Mint 52:49 Vega: Video card issues? 55:56 Knightwise 67:13 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 68:49 End

 Going Linux #173 Computer America #50 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 66:39

00:00 Going Linux #173 Computer America #50 00:15 Hello and welcome 02:09 Topic: Resolving and preventing issues after installing Linux 03:43 Try the forum 07:36 Linux distributions 10:40 Hardware compatibility 15:37 Dexter: What's a repository? 23:48 Purchase a computer with Linux pre-installed 32:14 John: VirtualBox 36:51 Warren: GNU? Is it still GNU/Linux? 39:06 Richard: Networking issues 50:02 Göran: No "but" 51:57 Clay: Identify a distribution on a thumb drive 57:53 Bob: iTunes DRM? Really? 62:10 Sidney: Shutdown icon vanishes - solution 64:22 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 66:39 End

 Going Linux #172 Linux Applications-Introduction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:39

00:00 Going Linux #172 Linux Applications-Introduction 00:15 Introduction 00:47 Larry is absent 01:17 Bill tries the new Ubuntus 02:20 Tom is underwhelmed with 12.04 02:45 Bill tries Ubuntu Studio 04:38 Linux applications 05:42 Ubuntu standard applications 06:16 Browser: Firefox 07:40 Music Player: Rythmbox or Banshee 11:18 Photo/graphics editing: Shotwell 13:11 Video player: Mplayer, Totem 15:30 Office: LibreOffice 18:48 Picture viewer: Shotwell 22:35 PCLinuxOS Standard Applications 22:50 Browser: Firefox 22:55 Music player: Clementine 24:17 Graphics: GIMP 24:25 Music player: VLC 24:56 Office: LibreOffice 25:03 Picture viewer/editor: Digikam 25:49 Linux Mint default applications 26:04 Browser: Firefox 26:13 Music player: Banshee 26:17 Graphics editor: GIMP 26:21 Video player: VLC, Totem 26:38 Office: LibreOffice 26:54 Picture viewer/editor: ImageViewer/Shotwell 28:12 OpenSUSE default aplications 28:40 Browser: Firefox 28:45 Music player: Banshee 28:49 Graphics editing: GIMP 28:53 Video player: Totem 28:58 Office: LibreOffice 29:01 Photo editing: Shotwell 29:09 Fedora default applications 29:15Browser: Firefox 29:19 Music player: Rythmbox 29:22 Graphics editor: GIMP 29:25 Video player: Totem 29:28 Office: LibreOffice 31:33 Picture viewer: Shotwell 32:00 Debian default applications 32:40 Browser: Ice Weasle 33:46 Music player: Rythmbox 33:57 Graphics editor: GIMP 34:02 Video player: Totem 34:06 Office: OpenOffice 36:36 Picture viewer: Shotwell 37:14 Sabayon default applications 37:53 Browser: Chromium 38:04 Music player: Banshee 38:08 Graphics editor: GIMP 38:11 Video player: VLC 30:19 Picture viewer: Shotwell 39:15 Learning the application names 42:22 Using applications to get things done 43:04 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 44:39 End

 Going Linux #171 Computer America #49 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 70:36

00:00 Going Linux #171 Computer America #49 00:15 Introduction 02:27 Topic: Adjust your thinking to make using Linux easy 05:38 No reboot after installing software 10:11 Look before you buy 14:39 You CAN have the latest modern software 23:30 Copy, share and give it away -- legally! 27:00 Use it for any purpose you want 28:59 If you don't like it, change it! 31:39 Support is just a Google search away 32:11 The terminal is not just for fixing things 35:41 Ian: Multiple X session 37:51 Carlos: An explanation about X sessions 43:13 Richard: Solved his problem 47:33 Rich: PAE Kernel 52:37 32-bit vs. 64-bit 57:57 Shogi: Problem with gPodder 67:01 Bob: Words of encouragement 69:44 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 70:36 End

 Going Linux #170 Listener Feedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:22

00:00 Going Linux #170 Listener Feedback 00:15 Introduction 02:17 Bob: PCLinux OS 04:18 Dogphlap: Puppy 05:58 Grizzly: Gnome or gnome? 08:44 Matt: Hanna Montana is back! 09:41 Joe: ASUS problem 12:18 Keesat: Topic suggestion 13:06Jonathan: Gone Linux 17:23 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 19:22 End


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