Going Linux #181 Avoiding Windows 8

Going Linux show

Summary: 00:00 Going Linux #181 Avoiding Windows 8 00:15 Introduction 00:47 Avoiding Windows 8 02:08 Soon you will have no option but Windows 8 on new computers 02:52 Windows 8 testers can't figure out how to use it 04:34 Microsoft removes bypass of Metro interface 06:11 Why use an operating system already predected to be a flop? 06:56 Why use an operating system with a 31% chance of getting infected? 08:08 There are no Linux viruses in the wild 09:30 Market share: Windows 92% Mac 7% Linux 1% 10:03 You are 3 1/2 times more likely to find a computer user with an infected Windows computer, than to find one running a Mac or Linux 11:34 Linux market share is growing 12:48 Windows 8 represents a growth opportunity for Linux 13:31 How to avoid having to us an OS with bad reviews and a 1 in 3 guarantee of getting infected 15:55 Microsoft slams the door on developers, developers, developers! 16:59 "Let technology work for you, not the other way around!" Knightwise 18:06 You can afford a super computer if you use Linux 19:42 Prevent problems: Don't run applications from Microsoft or designed for the Microsoft OS... ever! 21:12 Ease into Linux: 12 Cross-platform applications you can use today that work exactly the same on Linux 25:16 Save this podcast 26:25 Microsoft Linux 27:18 Software pick: Calibre 27:46 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 29:28 End