The Current from CBC Radio (Highlights) show

The Current from CBC Radio (Highlights)

Summary: CBC Radio's The Current is a meeting place of perspectives with a fresh take on issues that affect Canadians today.

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 Jewish Internment Camps in Canada - July 12, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1389

Nazis who surrendered to Allied forces during the Second World War often spent the duration in Canadian prison camps. But what's not as well known is that thousands of people trying to escape the Nazis also ended up at Canadian internment camps, and sometimes the same ones. We hear one man's first person account of being a 20-year old Jewish refugee, interned for years in Canadian camps.

 Born of War (Repeat Doc) - July 11, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1285

As the first witnesses speak in the war crimes trial of Ratko Mladic, we're reminded how many casualties of the Bosnian war will never speak again. Some of the war's survivors are just finding the courage to talk now. Today's documentary is a remarkable story from two Bosnian Muslim mothers who experienced unimaginable atrocities. Few women in Bosnia Herzegovina have ever spoken about raising children conceived because of the brutality of that war. We found two who would.

 The State of Canada's Voting System - July 11, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1116

The Supreme Court's decision to suspend its summer break to hear the case of alleged voting irregularities in Etobicoke Centre has sparked a debate about the seriousness of the flaws in Canada's voting system. The case has some asking whether Canada's electoral system is working the way it should... and whether, perversely, attempts to fix it might do more harm to democracy than good.

 Banking on Iran - July 10, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1289

TD Bank says they are closing the accounts of some of its Iranian-Canadian customers because they "complying" with the economic sanctions against Iran. We speak with a woman who is insulted that her joint account with her dad was closed by TD. She is a Canadian citizen and her father is a permanent resident who says they are not affiliated with the Iranian government, at all.

 Chris Hedges: Days of Destruction - July 10, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1435

Chris Hedges has spent much of his life covering the world as a foreign correspondent. Lately, he's been focused on what he calls the Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt in the United States. That's the title of his new book, which documents the devastation of a series of U.S. communities in excruciating, heart-rending detail. He argues, based on reporting from countries where people have risen up against injustice, that a sort of revolution is brewing in the U.S. right now. He's controversial, a supporter of the Occupy movement, wildly popular in some circles... and he argues Canada is suffering the same disease of decay.

 End of the Single Family Home and the Manhattanization of Toronto - July 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1269

For more and more Canadians the dream of home ownership is becoming unattainable. And today a new rule comes into affect that will make it even tougher to buy a house... especially one with a yard. The federal government is capping insurance-backed mortgages at 25 years. The idea is to keep Canadians from diving too deeply into debt. Many people applaud the move. Others worry it will just make it harder for people to get onto the property ladder. Today we talk about the death of the single family home.

 The Curse of the Axe - July 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1420

Archaeologists were stunned and thrilled by the size and complexity of a Huron village excavated in Whitchurch-Stouffville north of Toronto. But they were puzzled by a little piece of Europe the Hurons carefully preserved... a piece that arrived long before the Hurons made first contact with the Europeans. But how? That mystery was solved after months of forensic sleuthing.

 International Kissing Day - July 6, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1251

Pucker up! It's International Kissing Day. We talk to a smooching expert who says kissing deserves more attention because it is a simple pleasure that can add joy in your life. We also hear from an anthropologist who says kissing is not evolutionary but a cultural phenomenon.

 Beautiful, but troubling: Monarch Butterflies in Edmonton - July 6, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1294

As light as a kiss, but tough as nails: the Monarch butterfly. They travel thousands of kilometres on their annual migrations. This year they've flown further North than ever before. Biologists ask what the insects are trying to tell us by summering in Edmonton.

 Bei Bei Shuai - July 5, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1244

Bei Bei Shuai is originally from Shanghai, and was living in Indiana when she tried to end her life by ingesting rat poison. Her friends found out and rushed her to hospital. She survived. But she was 33 weeks pregnant and the fetus she was carrying died shortly after an emergency caesarean section. Bei Bei was charged with murder and attempted feticide and spent more than a year in jail. The case of Bei Bei Shuai has women's rights advocates worried that it will set a precedent for pregnant women's' control of their bodies for the entire USA.

 The Legacy of Bev Oda - July 5, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1349

Bev Oda had become one of those ministers. One that would score near the top of name recognition from the Harper cabinet if you went into a coffee shop anywhere in Canada. The problem for Ms. Oda, and for the Prime Minister, is that she'd become known for the wrong reasons. Her London hotel tastes, the price of her orange juice and a CIDA funding recommendation crudely altered with a hand-printed 'NOT'. All missteps that take away from her legacy at the helm of the agency that decides where Canada's foreign aid money goes. We talk Bev Oda's legacy as one of the most significant ministers for our reputation around the world.

 Barclays Banking Scandal - July 4, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1289

Tuesday, under intense pressure from British lawmakers, Bob Diamond, the CEO of Barclays Bank, along with Barclays Canadian Chief Operating Officer Jerry del Missier, resigned after the bank's admission that it had manipulated a crucial interest rate to the bank's advantage. The Current begins with what increasingly is looking like the beginning of a time of reckoning for a modern institution that has caused so much human suffering over the past four years. Yes, today we are talking about banks.

 Motherhood Interrupted (Documentary) - July 4, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1224

When a single woman gave birth fifty years ago, the chances were good she'd leave the maternity ward alone. Doctors and social workers all believed adoption was in the child's best interest and the mother's wishes didn't count for much. Now, many of these women have discovered one another and want answers.

 11-year-old 'protester' on trial in Bahrain - July 3, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1291

Anti-government protests in the capital of Bahrain continue nightly. And the government has cracked down hard on demonstrators and has made many arrests. One of those arrested returns to court this week. A Bahraini judge is expected to hand down a verdict in the case of Ali Jasem. Ali says he was taken to jail, interrogated without a lawyer present and forced to confess to taking part in the protests. If convicted, he faces as many as three years in prison. But Ali Jasem maintains he isn't a dissident... he was just playing. Literally. Ali Jasem is eleven years old.

 Women and Gaming: Smashing Stereotypes - July 3, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1403

Gaming is the fastest growing media business on the planet. And for gamer and feminist blogger Anita Sarkeesian, it is a consistent, reliable stereotyper of women. She's launched a new project to break that down with a series of videos. And the storm of protest that ensued from the gaming community is something we guarantee you will find astonishing... and troubling.


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