The Current from CBC Radio (Highlights) show

The Current from CBC Radio (Highlights)

Summary: CBC Radio's The Current is a meeting place of perspectives with a fresh take on issues that affect Canadians today.

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 Ashley Smith Case and Mental Health in Cdn Prisons - November 12, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2563

A video shows a teenage Ashley Smith heavily restrained on a prison transfer flight, her face covered with 2 hoods - they call them spit hoods - and later scenes of her surrounded by guards in gas masks and riot gear that prompted federal officials to stop their efforts to restrain the scope of an inquest that resumes this week. The questions in the death of Ashley Smith have raised wider issues. Today as part of our project, Line in the Sand:The Dilemmas that Define Us, we look at the intersection of mental illness and our criminal justice system.

 Trail Blazer Journalist Zubeida Mustafa - November 12, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1642

Meet Zubeida Mustafa. She is the first woman to report for Pakistan's English Language daily Dawn. Her first article on breast cancer was criticized as "Obscene" but she persisted in putting so-called women's issues on the news agenda and became a role model for a generation of Pakistani journalists. From Muhktar Mai to Malala Yousefzai, the women she covered to the women she mentored, Zubaida Mustafa shares a life-time of trail-blazing with us.

 Are foreign students being taken advantage of at homestays in Canada? - November 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1263

This week, Concordia University in Montreal was home to student protesters who say the school isn't doing enough to protect international students. They say it's because of a problem with homestays, a kind of billeting for foreign students in homes near the university. Students are told the home will be welcoming, well appointed and warm. The reality is often quite different.

 Proposal for off-leash dog hours has some people barking mad - November 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1411

Imagine dog parks where the reincarnated essence of Ayn Rand could sniff, piddle and run without societal restraint. One Toronto councillor thinks dogs should have more space, and more time off-leash. Some of the city's residents aren't so lassie faire. The debate between dog-owners and non-dog-owners is one of the hottest debates we have in his country.

 The White Poppy and Tim Cook on Canada's War Leaders - November 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1626

Sunday is Remembrance Day, and we'll mark that event by hearing from an historian who's just written a book about Canada's war leaders. We'll also examine a conflict between symbols marking November 11... the red poppy versus the white poppy.

 Fighting to define what the Republican party stands for - November 8, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1210

It was the ultimate election evening, moment of truthfulness ... Republican operator Karl Rove convinced that the numbers he was sort-of analyzing weren't being adequately analyzed by the real Fox News analysts. In reality, they were right and Karl Rove isn't the only Republican to appear uncomprehending at the results of the U.S. Presidential election. Different Republicans see the same things and perceive different reasons for what went wrong. The Internal debate has begun and we bring you some of it today.

 Biometrics security to track working hours - November 8, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1383

A swipe of the finger will register when you arrive at the office, when you leave and where you wander. As a Bay Street secretary blogs about Biometrics monitoring being introduced in her office, we're asking about the implications for workers and their bosses.

 Checking-In: Listener Response - November 8, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1561

It's Thursday. We're Checking In on the stories that got you tweeting, calling and e-mailing this past week. Plus we'll also give you more of an explanation on how we decide what to play and what to edit when a conversation includes disturbing details. And .... many Americans were focused on a different tight race during the US election - the right to same sex marriage. We look at American support for gay rights.

 US Election Results Panel - November 7, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1203

44 U.S. Presidents have taken the oath of office. By the time Rome had 44 emperors, the Empire was close to splitting. By the time England had 44 kings, England was nearing civil war. The U.S. faces its own splits and divisions, many of them exacerbated by this presidential campaign and underlined by the results of yesterday's vote. Today, we're looking at the implications of an Obama win in a nation so divided.

 Abuse Allegations: The Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children - November 7, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2111

It is a shelter for young people with a name from the past that can still make you flinch: "The Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children" is at the centre of a lawsuit and a controversy with allegations of physical and sexual abuse .. stretching back decades. We hear from three former residents and from the Nova Scotia govt minister responsible for the file.

 Denis Goldberg on the State of the ANC - November 7, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 881

Back in the 60s, Denis Goldberg was a white activist imprisoned with Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu ... all of them members of the ANC's armed wing. Today, the man who dedicated his life to equality for all South Africans sees his own ruling party complicit in the gunning down of South African miner. Denis Goldberg joins us to talk about how the dreams he had were twisted into the reality he sees.

 Montreal's Mayor Resigns - November 6, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1209

Insisting he has done nothing wrong, Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay resigned last night, painting himself as a victim of betrayal and of false allegations, even as testimony at the inquiry into corruption in Quebec's construction industry has characterized him as willfully blind to illegal campaign financing in his party. Today, we're asking what this all means.

 Numbered: Auschwitz Tattoos - November 6, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1400

They are small tattoos, a letter ... a few numbers. But they are the unmistakable mark of Nazi evil, seared into the arms of Holocaust survivors from Auschwitz and Birkenau. Now, some children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors are choosing to imprint those same numbers on their bodies in deference to, and memory of their beloved aging relatives. Some see this as a moving tribute .. Others are deeply distressed.

  U.S. Election and Masculinity - November 6, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1643

As President Obama says, "No two nations are woven together more deeply, economically and culturally than the United States and Canada". And it will stay that way no matter who inhabits the White House after tonight's vote count. Today, we're asking what a Romney Win or an Obama Win will mean to our politics. And while we're at it, we'll hear how the politics of "Manhood" plays into the U.S. Presidential vote.

 Living in Vegas Tunnels - November 5, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1218

Nevada has the highest jobless rate in the USA and one of the highest rates of home foreclosure. The Current's producer Josh Bloch travelled to America's playground to take a look at the upcoming election from the perspective of people who's luck ran out. And it took him into a maze of tunnels beneath the city's streets.


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