The Current from CBC Radio (Highlights) show

The Current from CBC Radio (Highlights)

Summary: CBC Radio's The Current is a meeting place of perspectives with a fresh take on issues that affect Canadians today.

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 Dog Therapy: How to help stressed students - December 3, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1215

For post secondary students across the country … ‘tis the season of Stress - from exams to jobs to no-job-prospects and the reality check on how elusive top marks really are. Campus student organizations and campus administrators are struggling with ways to confront debilitating student anxiety. And some campuses are turning to Puppy Love.

 Orthostatic tremors causing sufferers unable to stand still - December 3, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1385

It is an illness that will not allow a person to stand still .. their legs are shaking so rapidly, the movement is imperceptible but the consequences are all too real. Today, we look into the story of orthostatic tremors ...rare, misunderstood and misdiagnosed.

 Is Sweden's push for gender-neutral schools going too far? - December 3, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1636

Swedish schools are embracing gender-neutral values from toys to games to books to pronouns. Enlightened Equality? Or Egregious Error? We have that debate today.

 Stolen Face: How a mistaken photo changed Neda Soltani's life forever - November 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1188

Neda Agha Soltan was killed during protests in Tehran in 2009. She became the face of the Iranian uprising but the picture that was used around the world was not of the dead girl. It was of Neda Soltani, a university English teacher who was alive and well. We hear from Neda Soltani who is trying to pull her life back together after she was forced to leave Iran.

 Pt 2: Bill C-398: Generic AIDS drugs defeated - November 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1341

According to supporters of Bill C-398--Canada was on the cusp of helping tens of thousands of people suffering from HIV-AIDS in the developing world with life-saving drugs. But the government says the bill would never have been able to accomplish that, and it defeated Bill C-398 this week. We ask its reasons for doing so.

 Admitting journalistic bias on social media - November 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1045

For the average person on a social network, it's easy to apologize for a snarky comment. For journalists however, an unedited thought on social media can bring accusations of bias against the journalist's employer. We hear what the New York Times is doing about this -- and ask exactly what role reporters have in the 140 character universe.

 Susan Rice's connection to XL Keystone Pipeline - November 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 562

Susan Rice, the leading candidate for US secretary of state holds substantial investments in companies related to the XL Keystone pipeline. She will play a leading role in deciding whether or not the pipeline gets built. We look at why a potential U.S. Secretary of State may have an issue with her investments in Canada.

 The conundrum of Bradley Manning: whistleblower or traitor? - November 29, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1196

Arguably Julian Assange and his creation - Wikileaks wouldn't have the fame or notoriety they do without Bradley Manning, the US Army Private alleged to have copied and leaked hundreds of thousands of classified Iraq and Afghanistan war documents and 250-thousand diplomatic cables. With Bradley Manning's court martial at the pre-trial phase this week, his is a case that transcends his own circumstances. Will it embolden future whistleblowers or stop them? We get a range of perspectives on Bradley Manning today.

 Saving endangered Mexican salamanders for medical breakthroughs - November 29, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1395

As slimy creatures go, this one's awfully cute ... all pink with button eyes and a perpetual kid-like grin but the axolotl is a Salamander with the extraordinary ability to regenerate every lost limb and damaged tissue. Yet even as researchers hunt for clues that could translate to our longevity, the Axolotl is on the brink of extinction in the only place you can find it. We hear from the Canadian researcher trying to learn from it and the Mexican researcher trying to save it.

 Checking-In: Listener Response - November 29, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1640

From stigmatized houses with murderous histories - to penalized youth with no Canadian future - to chastised Mayors with plans to appeal, we're checking in on the stories that got you tweeting, e-mailing, rejoicing and renouncing this week.Plus ... discovering lost memories in Liberia, we speak with Jeff Topham who built a website with his brother asking ex-pats to share their pre-war photographs.

 Mark Carney's new job as head of Bank Of England splits U.K. - November 28, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1285

Much of Canada may be weeping over the loss of Mark Carney, but the U.K. isn't sure what to make of their new high profile addition. Some argue he is the perfect man to guide their financial recovery while others predict a total financial collapse.

 From Toronto to Tahrir, Egyptians protest President Morsi - November 28, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1400

It looks as if Egyptians got a taste for protest during the Arab spring and are no longer reluctant to challenge authority. The crowds return to Cairo's public spaces to demonstrate against what they believe is a power grab by the new President, Mohamed Morsi.

 Stigmatized homes and what sellers must disclose - November 28, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1639

If you got a good deal on the property, what would prevent you from buying your dream house? Corner lot? Too far from school? Meth lab in the basement? So-called stigmatized homes can sometimes be great buys, but can take an awful toll on the emotions. We hear all about the hazards of homes with skeletons in the closet and talk about what might not be disclosed.

 What does Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's removal from office mean for Toronto and for democracy? - November 27, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1225

Yesterday, a Superior court judge yanked the chain of office from Toronto's mayor because Rob Ford violated conflict of interest rules. Canada's largest city is in shock, and more importantly, doesn't know who will be at the helm in a couple of weeks time. Today, we discuss Rob Ford's removal, what it all means for the man, the city and democracy in general.

 Can We Live With a Nuclear-Armed Iran? - November 27, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1402

While some in the world debate what exactly Iran is trying to achieve with it's nuclear program, whether its aims are peaceful or not. Many believe that debate has been resolved that Iran is well on it's way to having nuclear weapons. So the question for them, really is, can the world tolerate an Iran with nuclear weapons capabilities? Today we bring you a debate between two of America's leading commentators.


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