The Organic View show

The Organic View

Summary: June Stoyer is a journalist & hosts The Organic View, as well as several special series: The Neonicotinoid View & The Clean Energy View. She is globally ranked in top 1% influencers on social media. ©2015 The Organic View Radio Show. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by the The Organic View Radio Show. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. The identifier "The Organic View" refers collectively to The Organic View Radio Show, and The Organic View Network.General inquiries should be directed to our Web feedback box, info(@) or from the contact form at the top of most pages on our site,

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 Dreena Burton: Let them Eat Vegan! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  When you make your own food from scratch, it is not only more economic but it helps you to connect with your food, where it comes from and who is growing it. The more that people choose to shop consciously, the better it is for the environment. Only when people understand the devastation caused by factory farms operating in a monoculture environment will they understand just how devastating the impact. That is why more and more people are making the transition to veganism. Plant based diets are not only more humane, they are healthier! In Dreena Burton’s Let Them Eat Vegan: 200 Deliciously Satisfying Plant-Strong Recipes for the Whole Family you will find a myriad of easy to make, delectable recipes ranging from soups and burgers to wraps and ice cream! What is especially great about this book is that the recipes are not only plant based but have handy options for raw and gluten-free! Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Dreena Burton to discuss her new book, Let them Eat Vegan! Stay tuned!

 Joe Cross Talks About Being "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In America, obesity has become a severe problem that affects people of all ages. While there are many diets, fitness chains and other methods to help shed unwanted pounds, sometimes, you must reach rock bottom in order to take action. One day, Joe Cross found himself, 100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating auto-immune disease. He decided enough was enough and began his journey to good health. He decided to film his transition so that he could inspire others to do the same. Along the way, he spoke to more than 300 Americans, from all walks of life, about what they ate and (more importantly) what they didnt eat. He found a nation full of honest, hard working, friendly and caring people that just need some motivation and inspiration. His documentary, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joes personal mission to regain his health. With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long term, Joe turns to the only option left, his bodys ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road armed with a juicer and generator, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and get healthy. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Joe Cross, about his journey and how juicing can improve and restore your health. Stay tuned!

 A Beekeeper's Perspective On CCD: Mystery? Disease? Symptom? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

      According to the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, the ambiguous explanation offered for  Colony Collapse Disorder is as follows: “beginning in October 2006, some beekeepers began reporting losses of 30-90 percent of their hives. While colony losses are not unexpected during winter weather, the magnitude of loss suffered by some beekeepers was highly unusual. This phenomenon, which currently does not have a recognizable underlying cause, has been termed "Colony Collapse Disorder" (CCD). The main symptom of CCD is simply no or a low number of adult honey bees present but with a live queen and no dead honey bees in the hive. Often there is still honey in the hive, and immature bees (brood) are present. ARS scientists and others are in the process of carrying out research to discover the cause(s) of CCD and develop ways for beekeepers to respond to the problem. Case studies and questionnaires related to management practices and environmental factors have identified a few common factors shared by those beekeepers experiencing CCD, but no common environmental agents or chemicals stand out as causative." Most beekeepers have experienced this sudden dramatic bee loss. On October 10, 2011, beekeeper, Don Studinski, lost his biggest and strongest colony which produced the majority of his honey harvest in 2011. The bees suddenly died in a Golden, Colorado, suburban neighborhood far from any commercial agriculture. The population of the colony was approximately 100,000 bees at the height of summer which was merely just a few weeks prior. Don believes that CCD is not a disease but a symptom of an even bigger problem caused by the use of neonicotinoids.  Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, beekeeper, Donald Studinski to discuss his research. 

 The Beginner's Guide to Growing Heirloom Vegetables | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  It is that time of the year when gardeners are ready to get outside and begin preparation for the new growing season. Anyone who knows the quality of garden fresh vegetables, values the flavor of heirloom vegetables. In The Beginner's Guide to Growing Heirloom Vegetables, Heirloom expert Marie Iannotti explains which varieties are the easiest to grow, the tastiest to eat and how to cultivate each one successfully. If you've never tasted the meaty and mellow 'Lacinato' kale or the unexpected sweetness of 'Apollo' arugula — or if you have tasted them and want more — The Beginner's Guide to Growing Heirloom Vegetables is your guide to easily growing the best. Longtime Master Gardener, Marie Iannotti, is the former owner of Yore Vegetables, an heirloom seedling nursery. She has served as a Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture educator and as a Master Gardener program coordinator and is a member of the Garden Writers Association and The Garden Conservancy. Marie’s garden writing has been featured in newspapers and magazines throughout the United States and is the former editor of The Mid-Hudson Gardener’s Guide. She has gardened from coast to coast in the United States, growing thousands of varieties of plants in her own gardens and helping many beginners become confident, successful gardeners. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Marie Iannotti!

 Kathy Martin -The Process of Shale Gas Exploration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  As the pressure surmounts to eliminate our dependency upon foreign oil, natural gas development seems to be the bridge fuel to alternative energy. However, there are many concerns about the process involved with natural gas extraction, especially due to the vast difference between the process of making conventional gas wells as opposed to shale exploration. There are many factors to be considered, ranging from the contamination of local water resources, the vast amount of fresh water required to facilitate the process, compulsory integration, forced pooling, eminent domain and violation of civil liberties. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by industry expert, Kathy Martin to discuss the difference between these processes. Kathy Martin has a BS in petroleum engineering and a Masters in Civil Engineering.  She is a licensed professional engineer in civil engineering in Oklahoma.  Her career began by serving six years with Oklahoma environmental regulatory agencies in the field of water quality permits where she wrote regulations for waste disposal using surface impoundments and land application, as well as acting as project officer of the Tar Creek Superfund Site - the largest abandoned lead and zinc mine in the US located in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas.  She spent the past 15 years focused on engineering evaluation of waste management systems used by large scale animal feeding operations in 21 states and has helped adjacent landowners throughout the due process system of environmental permits.  She served on the STRONGER board for 5 years, involved in voluntary audits of state environmental regulations related to oil and gas exploration. The past 3 years, she's become involved in the fracking issue by helping grassroots organizations understand the technical aspects of shale gas exploration,production and potential for groundwater and air pollution.

 Naturescaping -Peaceful Co-Existence Between Nature & People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Thanks to extensive urban development over the last several decades, there has been a battle for land between homeowners and nature. Many people in suburban areas often complain about rabbits, bears, coyotes and other wildlife invading their back yards. Unfortunately, these beings have no other place to go as their home in the wilderness has been destroyed. To boot, the toxic garden chemicals homeowners apply often contain neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid and clothianidin which will also kill pollinators such as butterflies and honeybees. As a result of this ecological imbalance, many people are turning to naturescaping to curtail this loss of habitat. Naturescaping is a method of landscaping that allows people and nature to coexist. By incorporating native plants, conserving water and reducing chemical use, you can effectively attract insects, birds, and other beings which will also contribute to the health of fresh water while creating a backyard wildlife sanctuary. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Karen Bussolini, who is a garden photographer, writer, lecturer and garden coach.  Karen latest work can be seen in the book, The Naturescaping Workbook by Beth O'Donnell Young.  Karen will discuss how you can naturescaping principals into your own backyard! Karen Bussolini has been a gardener as long as she can remember. She trained as a painter and had a career as an architectural photographer before specializing in garden photography, writing, lecturing and eco-friendly garden coaching. She is a NOFA (Northeast Organic Farmers Association) Accredited Organic Land Care Professional. Her garden has been featured in many publications, including The New York Times. Stay tuned!

 Kim Barnouin: "Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Veganism typically is a dietary choice that some people will choose due to health reasons or moral beliefs. It has now become an ideal choice for economic reasons. Thanks to the weak economy, more people are opting for plant based diets because they are spending less by omitting costly cuts of meat, poultry and dairy products. For others that don’t have access to their own organically grown produce or a local organic farmer’s market, it can still be a bit of a challenge. If you have ever fallen off the vegan bandwagon trying to make the switch to a plant based diet because you didn’t know what foods to eat or couldn’t find vegan foods, help is on the way! Author, Kim Barnouin who is loved and adored for her series of NY Times best-selling “Skinny Bitch” books, has now published her latest book, Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps! Kim shares her favorite snacks and explain the swaps that every savvy vegan should make. Even veteran healthy eaters may be stumped by questions she answers with ease: Which is more nutritious, kale or chard? How about quinoa or brown rice?  Readers will discover a treasure trove of information, including how to decode a label, the best places to shop for vegan fare, and a rundown of restaurants, cafes and bakeries featuring vegan selections.    Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Kim Barnouin to discuss her new book, Skinny Bitch Book of Vegan Swaps. Kim is a former model who holds a Masters of Science Degree in Holistic Nutrition. She is the author or coauthor of seven books and has successfully counseled models, actors, athletes, and other professionals using the Skinny Bitch method. She lives in Los Angeles. Stay tuned!

 Hogan Gorman: "Hot Cripple" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

    Most people assume that if you are in an accident, once you arrive at the hospital you will receive immediate attention. While the ambulance may rush you there in a timely fashion, your health insurance or lack thereof may determine how quickly you are treated and to what depth.  Hogan Gorman worked nights in New York City as a cocktail waitress pursuing her acting career. She worked hard trying to remain optimistic about her future, often reminding herself how much she “loves her job” even while dealing with inebriated patrons at the club. Given this unfulfilling life-routine, her friend, Aura, advised her to ask the “universe” for change where she worked. Change is definitely what she received! While crossing the street to get to work, she was struck by a car. From the moment her head shattered the car’s windshield, she found that life as she knew it had indeed changed. In Hot Cripple, Hogan Gorman meticulously writes about the events of her accident and life thereafter struggling with dire pain trying to fulfill life-sustaining body functions and daily routines. She writes candidly about her experience with hospitals, doctors and inevitably, her rude awakening with public assistance. Hogan also describes the harrowing experience of shopping for vegan foods with food stamps. Ironically, she finds that unhealthy foods are remarkably more affordable that life sustaining organic foods. Hot Cripple is an eye-opening look at the reality for millions of Americans who at some point may have to rely upon “the system” when there is no one else to

 Patricia Foreman Discusses Occupy Backyards -One Flock United! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Due to the widespread demand for organic locally grown food, there is a new movement called Occupy Backyards. Gardeners, environmentalists, micro-flockers and chicken farmers alike all know the full value of raising chickens. Chickens are a marvelous member of the farm family because they eat predatory insects which can be destructive to gardens as well as fleas and ticks. They also help to aerate and fertilize soil which is extremely beneficial to maintaining good soil health. To boot, farm fresh eggs are superior to eggs produced via industrial agriculture. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Patricia Foreman to discuss what you need to know to raise your own chickens and join the movement. Stay tuned!

 Dr. Krupke Discusses His Research On Bees And Neonicotinoids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Following reports of bee deaths near Indiana corn fields at planting time, sampling of dead bees and several potential exposure sources revealed neonicotinoid insecticides used to treat corn and soybean seed were often present, sometimes in very high concentrations. Dr. Krupke was the lead researcher in the recently published Purdue Study. This research was the ground breaking research, shows an astounding connection between neonicotinoid exposure and bee losses. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Dr. Christian Krupke to talk about the impact of neonicotinoids on bees! Stay tuned!

 Joel Salatin: "Holy Cows & Hog Heaven" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  In America, we have the luxury of being able to buy any kind of food in season as well as off-season. To boot, there is an incredible amount of waste because of the assumption that there will always be more. This mentality has been created by the mass marketers and now has lent itself to the rationale that we need to genetically modify our food so that we will not run out. In his best-selling book, Holy Cows & Hog Heaven -The Food Buyer's Guide To Farm Friendly Food, Mr. Salatin empowers readers to learn about how our food is produced, what they need to know and why. It takes a true organic farmer to really get the point across about the benefits of growing organics and eating organics. Joel Salatin is an organic farmer from Virginia who talks eloquently about the problems he sees not only as an organic farmer but as a consumer of organic foods. Please visit his farm's website, Polyface farms, which is a family owned, multi-generational, pasture-based, beyond organic, local-market farm and informational outreach in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest Joel Salatin!

 American Organic Citrus Is #1! Why Are We Importing Citrus? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

American organic citrus farmers produce the best quality organic oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes in the world, but oddly enough we still continue to import citrus. Thanks to the off peak as well as peak season imports, American citrus farmers are now facing a problem with the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama). It has become the most important insect pest of Florida citrus due to the presence of citrus greening disease spread by the psyllid. In other regions of the world where citrus is grown and greening disease is present, use of insecticides to control the psyllid vector has been a major component of greening management strategies. Who exactly is monitoring these chemicals? How can we trust the producers that are in far-away lands where there is no regulation? Why do we continue to import citrus when we have the best in the world right at our fingertips? Perhaps it is because most people have not taken the time to connect directly with the farmers who grow our food and understand what great lengths they go to in order to produce fine quality organic foods. In America, organic citrus farmers have opted to go back to basics in order to save their trees as they continue to produce the best tasting citrus. In 1999, Matt McLean ventured into the organic juice business with a passion for healthy living as well as a long family history of growing citrus in Florida. Matt’s goal was, and still is, to produce the highest quality juice, using only premium 100% organically-grown fruit that is free from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. His company, Uncle Matt’s Organics is the leading producer of premium certified organic citrus from Florida. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Matt McLean to talk about what organic citrus farmers are doing to protect their farms.

 The Case Against Fluoride by Dr. Paul Connett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Most people take for granted that the water in from their faucet is safe to drink or is it? There is a lot of controversy over just how safe our tap water is and also if our government agencies have the right to treat drinking water that is consumed by the masses. The agencies that are charged with protecting our water claim that everything is safe. However, there are many scientists who disagree. The Case Against Fluoride by Dr. Paul Connett, Dr. James Beck, and Dr. H. Spedding Micklem, DPhil, takes a new look at the science behind water fluoridation and argues that just because the medical establishment endorses a public health measure, that doesnt mean its safe. In the case of water fluoridation, the chemicals used to fluoridate the water that more than 180 million people drink each day are not pharmaceutical grade, but rather hazardous waste products of the phosphate fertilizer industry; it is illegal to dump them into rivers and lakes or release them into the atmosphere. And water fluoridation is a prime example of one of the worst medical practices possible-forced medication with no control over the dose or who gets it. Perhaps most shocking of all, it is not subject to any federal regulation. Dr. Paul Connett is the Director of the Flouride Action Network (FAN), and the Executive Director of its parent body, the American Environmental Health Studies Project (AEHSP). He has spoken and given more than 2,000 presentations in 49 states and 52 countries on the issue of waste management. He holds a bachelors degree from the University of Cambridge, a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College and is a retired professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology at St. Lawrence University. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Dr. Paul Connett to talk about what you need to know about fluoride in your water. Stay tuned! 

 Author, Sarah Pinneo: Julia’s Child | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Have you ever been so fed up with the processed foods in the store that you wanted to start your own business in the organic industry? Many frustrated consumers often dream about launching their own company. They aspire to quickly change the world in a snap with the launch of their brand of organic foods assuming that it will be simply triumphant! After all, won’t everyone race to the store to buy their products? It should be a no-brainer! That is exactly what Julia Bailey did so that she could finally feed her children organic foods that she knew they would actually eat! However, having a business selling organic foods is not as easy as you think. There are a lot of problems that can happen such as selling to retailers that are not sure if your product is going to sell, hundreds of pages of health department manuals and then the pretty packaging which rapidly wipes out your entire savings. In the fictional book, Julia’s Child, author, Sarah Pinneo takes a closer look at the life of mompreneur, Julia Bailey who has her heart in the right place as she struggles to find the time to do all of the things she would like to do, including her main occupation…motherhood! Julia launches her own line of foods called "Julia’s Child" which makes organic toddler meals with names like “Gentle Lentil” and “Give Peas a Chance”. Before she can realize her dream of seeing them on the shelves of Whole Foods, she will have to make peace between her professional aspirations and her toughest food critics: the two little boys waiting at home. Is it possible to save the world while turning a profit? Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Sarah Pinneo to talk about her new book, Julia’s Child. Stay tuned!

 Linda Watson: Wildly Affordable Organic! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Eat Fabulous Food, Get Healthy and Save the Planet All on $5 a Day or Less! The organic industry has come a long way. Consumers now can buy organically grown food as well as other staples just about anywhere they shop. Many people still do not understand what to look for or how to buy the most on a limited budget. Unfortunately, people will opt to resort to conventional (ie: non-organic, non-foods) instead. Author Linda Watson has written a fabulous book which outlines your options in full detail. The book also enables you to make your own staples with her kid-friendly recipes. Her book also contains a great deal of insight as far as why you should shop for particular ingredients and how to compromise with alternatives. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will talk to Author, Linda Watson about her new book and her valuable tips. So, if you are feeling the pinch of the economy but do not want to sacrifice your healthy by opting for the chemical foods on the market, this is one book you need to read! Stay tuned!


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