Author, Sarah Pinneo: Julia’s Child

The Organic View show

Summary:   Have you ever been so fed up with the processed foods in the store that you wanted to start your own business in the organic industry? Many frustrated consumers often dream about launching their own company. They aspire to quickly change the world in a snap with the launch of their brand of organic foods assuming that it will be simply triumphant! After all, won’t everyone race to the store to buy their products? It should be a no-brainer! That is exactly what Julia Bailey did so that she could finally feed her children organic foods that she knew they would actually eat! However, having a business selling organic foods is not as easy as you think. There are a lot of problems that can happen such as selling to retailers that are not sure if your product is going to sell, hundreds of pages of health department manuals and then the pretty packaging which rapidly wipes out your entire savings. In the fictional book, Julia’s Child, author, Sarah Pinneo takes a closer look at the life of mompreneur, Julia Bailey who has her heart in the right place as she struggles to find the time to do all of the things she would like to do, including her main occupation…motherhood! Julia launches her own line of foods called "Julia’s Child" which makes organic toddler meals with names like “Gentle Lentil” and “Give Peas a Chance”. Before she can realize her dream of seeing them on the shelves of Whole Foods, she will have to make peace between her professional aspirations and her toughest food critics: the two little boys waiting at home. Is it possible to save the world while turning a profit? Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Sarah Pinneo to talk about her new book, Julia’s Child. Stay tuned!