SBS Arabic24 show

SBS Arabic24

Summary: Local stories - global perspectives. SBS Arabic24 brings you Australian and international news and information in Arabic.

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 Reserve Bank cuts interest rates for first time in 17 months | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Reserve Bank has cut interest rates for the first time since August 2013, reducing the official cost of borrowing by 25 basis points. More about this issue, listen to this interview by Manal Al-Ani   (خفض مصرف الاحتياط نسبة الفائدة إلى 2.25% وللمرة الأولى منذ شهر أيلول أغسطس من العام 2013 .. وللتعليق على هذا الموضوع وأهميته على الأقتصاد الأسترالي إلتقت منال العاني بـ محمد مراد المحلل الاقتصادي من جامعة نيو ساوث ويلز وسألته عن رأيه بهذا الإنخفاض )

 Young Hume filmmakers explore what it takes to be a leader | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The participants of the Hume Local Leader Project will present their reflection of what it means to be a good leader, with a screening of six short videos.   The innovative project, a collaboration between Hume City Council Youth S... (أطلق مجلس بلدية هيوم بملبورن برنامجا لتشجيع الشباب والشابات من عمر 17 ولغاية 25 عاما من اجل دمجهم بالمجتمع من خلال المشاركة في تصوير افلام تجسد شخصا يكون قائدا لهم في الحياة.. وللحديث عن هذه التجربة وأهميتها في حياة المشارك إلتقت منال العاني بـ ريتا فرنسيس وهي احدى المشاركات في هذا المشروع التي تحدثت عن المشروع قائلة  )

 Is Tony Abbott the suitable man for the suitable position? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen to the Talkback on Tony Abbott Policy and it's effect on the Australians. (زعامة طوني آبوت على المحك؟؟؟هل سيقنع آبوت وزراءه والمقربين منه بعدم تحديه ؟؟؟هل سيقنع الناخبين بأنه الرجل المناسب في المكان المناسب ؟؟؟وهل تجوز محاسبة رؤساء الحكومات الأسترالية حسبما تمليه استطلاعات الرأي أم حسب انجازاتهم؟؟؟وهل تقصير ولاية الرؤساء واقصاؤهم عن السلطة قبل انهائهم فترة ولايتهم أمر جيد ؟؟؟ألا يمنعهم ذلك من تطبيق برامجهم الاصلاحية التي قد تكون البلاد بأمس الحاجة اليها ؟؟بعد خسارة كامبل نيومن المدوية في كوينزلاند ,هل تعيش أستراليا زمن العهد الواحد ؟؟؟هل تتخوفون من تكرار سيناريو : راد- غيلارد لكن مع : آبوت - بيشوب؟؟؟؟  )

 Political deal raises South Sudan peace hopes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The leaders of South Sudan's warring factions have agreed to a political deal that could help to end to a 13-month-old civil war. Journalist Khaled Osman comments (?�?�?� ?�?�???� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ???? ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?????�?�?� ?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?� ?�?�?�?� ???? ???�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?� ???�?� ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?????�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�???�?� ?�?�???� ?�?�???�?� ?�?�?�?�?�???? ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?� ?�?� ?�?�?�?? ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?????�?� ?�?�?�?�???� ???�?�?�  )

 PM Abbott fights for his political life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has delivered a major speech he hopes will reset his government's agenda and convince his colleagues he's still the right man for the job. More is in the following feature (?�?�?�?� ?�?�???� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?? ???�?�?? ?�?�?�?? ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ???? ?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�?�?�?�?? ?�?�?� ???? ?�???�???� ?�?�?� ?�?�?????????�?�?? ???? ?�?�?�???�?�?�?? ?�?�???? ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�???? ???�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?� ?????�?� ???�?�?� ?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?� ?�?????� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ???? ?�?�?�?�???�?�?? ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�???�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�. ?�?�?�?�???� ???? ?�?�???�?�???� ?�?�???�?�?? ?�?� ?�?�???� ?�?�???�?�  )

 Maronite on Mission visit's to Naga, Philippines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Made up of doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, builders and others, the volunteers set off on January 5 for a two-week mission to shelter, feed, educate and treat the poor in the city of Naga, Philippines. Staying at the Missionaries of the Po... (قامت مجموعة متطوعين من الأبرشية المارونية في أستراليا بزيارة الى منطقة ناغا في الفلبين لمساعدة الفقراء وتقديم العديد من المساعدات. وللحديث عن الزيارة التقت هبة قصوعة بالأب مارون قزي الذي بدأ الحديث عن الزيارة قائلا)

 Diplomatic Efforts behind Greste's Release- Egypt Diplomat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australian journalist Peter Greste is on his way home after being released from an Egyptian jail and rushed out of the country. Saleem Al-Fahad discusses the circumstances behind Greste's release with Egypt's Consular General Khaled Rizq who says

 PM cops backlash over knighthood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Prime Minister Tony Abbott's political judgement is again being called into question following his decision to award an Australian knighthood to the Queen's husband, Prince Philip. More is in the following feature   (?�?� ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�???� ?????�???� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?� ???�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�???�?�?? ?�?� ?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�?�???�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�???�?� ?�?� ?�?????�?? ?�?�?� ?�?�?�???�?�?�?? ???? ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�??... ?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�???�?� ?�?�???�?�???� ?�?�???�?�?? ?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�?� ?�?�???� ?�?�???�?�  )

 Acian Cup 2015 at final stage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Asian Cup 2015 that kicked off on Jan 9th came to the final matches. Commentator Hamoudi AlDayni exlores the potential champions in the following interview (?�?� ?�?� ?�?�???�?�?? ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�???� 2015 ?�?�?�???? ?�???????�?� ?�?�???�?�?�???� ?�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�???� ?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?????�???� ?�?�?� ?????�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�???�?� ?�???�?�???� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�???�?�?�???� ?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�?�?�?�?�???� ???�?� ?�?�?�?? ???�?�?� ???? ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ???�?�???�???� ?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�???�?�?? ?� ?�?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�?�???�?? ???? ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?? ?�?� ?�?�???� ?�?�???�?� ?�?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�)

 Music Learning Stops at no Age | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Arab community in Sydney seem to be attracted by music learning. Some exceeded 45 of age and yet to learn how to play Oud and Guitar. More is in the following interview with Bashar Hanna   (?�?�?�?�?� ???�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�???�?� ???�???�?�?? ?�?�?�?�???� ?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�???�?? ?�?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�?�?�?�???�?�?? ?�???�?�?� ?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�?� ?�?�???�?� ?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�???�?�???� ?�?�?�???�?�?? ?�?�?� ???�?� ?�?�???�?�?� ?�?�?�???�?�?� ???? ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�???�?� ?�?�???� ?�?�???�?� ?�?�?�???� ?�?�???� ?�?�???�?�?� ?�?�?�???�?�???� ?�?�?�?�???�?�?�???� ?�?�?�?� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?? ???�?�?� ?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�???�???�?� ?�?�?�?�?�  )

 Baghdad Cultural Association to Replace Movement Foundation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It is decided that the name of Baghdad Cultural Association to replace Movement (Tayyar) Foundation. To know about the reasons for that change, Suhail Beni, President of association, speaks   (?�?�?�?? ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?????�?� ?�?????????� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�???�?�?� ?�?�?�???� ?�???�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?????� ?�?�?�???�?�?? ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�???? ?�?�?? ?�?�?�?�?�?�???� ?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?�?� ?�?????????� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�???�?� ?�?�???� ?�?�???�?� ?�?�?�???� ?�?�?�???� ?�???�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?????� ?�?�???� ?�?�?? ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?� ?�?� ?�?� ?�?�?�?�?� ?�?�?�?�?�?? ?�?�?� ?�?�?????????� ???�?�?�  )

 Eman Elhelw achieves 95% in HSC | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Eman Elhelw is an Egyptian Australian student achieved 95% in HSC. More about this student and how she gets this high score, listen to this interview by Manal Al-Ani (حصلت الطالبة ايمان الحلو على معدل 95 % في امتحانات الثانوية العامة وهي مولودة في أستراليا ومن أصل مصري. ترغب في دراسة اختصاص القانون والإعلام.. وللتعرف أكثر على كيفية حصول إيمان على هذا المعدل إلتقت منال العاني بها وسألتها أولا عن شعورها بهذه التفوق فقالت  )

  Egypt, what’s next? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is Egypt going in the right direction?   (هل تسير مصر في الاتجاه الصحيح؟  )

 Opposition Leader Bill Shorten renews call for republic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has called for a new push for Australia to become a republic.   Speaking at a book launch in Melbourne, Mr Shorten said the dream of Australia having a head of state needed to be renewed.

 Capital Punishment Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you agree that certain crimes deserve capital punishment? Do you agree with the Australian Governemnt pleas to free Australian on death row in Bali? (هل أنتم مع حكم الاعدام أم ضده وما السبب؟ هل تؤمنون بأن هذا الحكم يردع الناس من ارتكاب جرائم خطيرة؟ وما هي الجرائم التي تستحق عقوبة الاعدام برأيكم؟ هل الاعدام بحد ذاته جريمة بحق الانسانية؟ ما هو البديل عن حكم الاعدام ؟ هل تؤمنون بإمكانية إصلاح المجرمين وإعطاء فرصة ثانية لهم؟)


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