Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN)

Summary: Preparedness Radio Network™ (PRN) is the premier Internet source for information related to Prepping, Individual and Family Preparedness, Self-Reliance, Urban, Suburban, and Ex-Urban Homesteading, and Survivalism. Whether you're urbanite, suburnanite, or ex-urbanite, PRN has experienced hosts who inform, advise, enrich, and entertain you as you prepare for the uncertain future! Given the state of the Nation's financial wrangling, economic upheavals, political craziness and moral issues dominating the news, perhaps it just makes sense, as never before, the we be prepared or become better prepared for the uncertain future... We're all survivalists--we need to become more capable of taking better care of ourselves and our community to assure we can endure the certain calamities that are just over the horizon. We're neither doomsdayers nor gloomsdayers, but we can see the writing on the wall! Join us as we provide answers to the questions and you will gain useful and practical solutions for the problems created by the times in which we live!

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  • Artist: Preparedness Radio Network
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 All You Need to Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

Today Linda Loosli is going to talk about water - how much our bodies require, where to get it, and what’s the difference in filtering and purifying it. Visit Food Storage Moms Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 The Weekly Report with Christopher Nyerges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:00

Here's a blast from the past on Preparedness Radio Network™ with Christopher Nyerges. From Dirttime 2012, Christopher talks with Al Cornell and Michael Campbell about all the ways they taught how to make fire at Dirttime: bow and drill, hand drill, arctic fire strap, flint and steel, etc. Visit Christopher's site

 Secrets of a Survivalist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

James Wesley, Rawles author of the famous prepper novel Patriots and editor of talks about the three most likely disasters to face America, relocating to lightly-populated regions, why he writes novels instead of survival manuals, the power grids and what would life be like without them, the highest priority for family preparedness, why it is important to have food storage and a garden for self-sufficiency, what we need to have on hand for family sanitation,  what is well-balanced preparedness, whether the threats of EMP and solar flares are exaggerated by the media and what are some the things that are most often overlooked by preppers.     And hear about his new book Expatriates- and how it is different from any book he has written before. Listen to Secrets of a Survivalist radio show and hear Jim Rawles tell it all! Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 Self Reliant Living | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Developing a Survival Attitude (Part 2) A follow up discussion with Dr. Bohman on the critical need to develop the right attitude. What's in your head and heart ultimately determines whether you make it or not.  It’s vital to cultivate hope, which then supports a true survival attitude.  If you lose hope, you're as good as dead in a survival situation.   Hope forms the foundation for mental, emotional, and psychological resilience, from which comes the ability to recover from misfortune.  Resilience and adaptability are key attributes needed to survive worse case situations.  To know ahead of time how you are doing in advance of a life threatening disaster, honestly consider how you look at the world and the challenging situations you end up in.  Practice being filled with positive expectations and hope in all situations. Dr. Fred Bohman loves learning new things every day and believes he can learn something from everyone he comes in contact with.  He speaks fluent Spanish and has lived and worked in 27 countries in Europe, Central and South America.  He was one of the first Peace Corp Volunteers in Central America during the mid-1960s developing community agricultural and educational programs. Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 Armageddon Medicine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Are you a young woman? Certainly, if you're female and between the ages of 16 and 36, or perhaps you have a daughter, or granddaughter this age. Today Doc Cindy discusses problems common to this age group . . . including urine infections, allergies, cramps, anxiety, yeast infections, smelly feet (smelly feet??) and much more! Armageddon Medicine with Doc Cindy teaches you how to be your own doctor when there's no other choice. Drawing from decades of experience as a family physician, Dr. Koelker empowers you to care for your loved ones and yourself under adverse conditions of any sort. Learn life-saving skills and information to help you thrive should the lights go out for 30 hours, 30 days, or 30 years. In addition to her book, Armageddon Medicine and teaching Survival Medicine Workshops across the Country, she also serves as Medical Editor for For more great shows, visit Preparedness Radio Network™.  

 Know Your Food | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In this episode of Know Your Food with Wardee, I'm taking listener questions on: making pomegranate soda with a ginger bug, whether to soak or sprout, how did the Nearings of the book "The Good Life" maintain such good health and longevity without eating animals foods (plus I went on a bit of a tangent here), can you use 4-week old separated raw milk, and the best choice for filtering water. Plus, the Tip of the Week regarding how to get crispy sourdough pancakes. Visit the show notes for links and more. Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 Doctor Prepper's CPR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:00

J. D. Dutra, owner of, has devised a card game that starts with simple questions that can take the rest of the evening to discuss—with lots of emotions––and ultimately help determine both the knowledge and resolve of the players in survival scenarios. What would you do if you had to choose between your very own survival or your moral compass? What would your family and friends do? For example, start with this question: What event, or series of events, will lead to the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI) in your opinion? Find out how CONFLICTED can be a fun, engaging and interactive way to make you and your friends think about life in a post-apocalyptic world. Though simple in starting conversations, in the end, a group can easily begin to discern the skills and abilities of the members and begin to see the emergence of true leadership.

 Destiny Survival Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

This week Jane-Alexandra Krehbiel returns to DestinySurvival Radio to talk about more medical issues covered in her book, Rational Preparedness. . She's a registered nurse and former college instructor in nursing and other medical-related topics. View her Rational Preparedness blog  Listen to more Destiny Survival Radio shows here.  

 The Media Prepper Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

There are lots of ways to explore emergency situations and learn to be more prepared. In a world filled with apocalyptic scenarios, hardcore preppers , zombies  and tales of survival of the fittest, MEDIA PREPPER  helps listeners to navigate the movies…books… magazines… online videos … social media and  video games available on the marketplace! What makes Dr. Arthur Bradley’s perspective on preparedness so unique? It could be his enthusiasm for teaching others to survive natural disasters, but Media Prepper believes that it is a single-minded quest for the scientific truth that makes his writing both inclusive and engaging. Dr. Bradley visits host Carolyn Evans-Dean to talk about his preparedness manuals and his new work of fiction, entitled The Survivalist – Frontier Justice. How does a NASA engineer view a world-changing event? Tune in to find out! In an extended Media Moments segment, Carolyn Evans-Dean invites you to become a card-carrying member of an exclusive club. Dr. Arthur Bradley’s  website Visit Media Prepper Like Media Prepper on Facebook!

 The Weekly Report with Christopher Nyerges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Christopher talks with Gary and Angie Knowlton about Eden Ahbez, who wrote the famous song, Nature Boy. The Knowltons were both friends of Eden Ahbez and his family. You can listen to the famous Nat King Cole version of Nature Boy if you go to Links at For more great shows, visit Preparedness Radio Network™.  

 Your Preparation Station | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

In this episode of Your Preparation Station Hostess, Donna Miller speaks with Dr. Gordon and Laura Tessler about healthy options for both food storage and a holistic ‘medicine' cabinet. Gordon Tessler, PhD is a nationally recognized author, teacher, and natural health practitioner in the fields of clinical nutrition, bioenergetics, biostress management and Biblical health. He was personally mentored by both Paavo Airola and Dr. Bernard Jensen, two well-known nutritional pioneers. Dr. Tessler has authored several books including The Genesis Diet, Breaking the Fat Barrier, The Lazy Person's Guide to Better Nutrition and co-authored Cooking For Life with his wife Laura. Laura Tessler is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education. Laura teaches how to practically implement health principles into our hectic daily lives. Her seminars include such topics as, “Your Kitchen - Health Insurance or Health Hazard?” and “Cooking For Life.” Please visit Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine.

 Media Prepper Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

John Elliott, author 17 books including, Don't Be A Victim, visits Media Prepper to warn listeners about a very real and ever-present danger that is largely ignored by many. Learn from someone with an extensive international and domestic law enforcement resume, which includes work with Mossad, Interpol and the Special Forces Group. Host Carolyn Evans-Dean encourages listeners to put in a little extra work in the Media Prepper Media Moment! There are lots of ways to explore emergency situations and learn to be more prepared. In a world filled with apocalyptic scenarios, hardcore preppers , zombies and tales of survival of the fittest, MEDIA PREPPER helps listeners to navigate the movies…books… magazines… online videos … social media and video games available on the marketplace! John Elliott's website: Visit Preparedness Radio Network

 Secrets of a Survivalist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

James Wesley, Rawles author of the famous prepper novel Patriots and editor of talks about the three most likely disasters to face America, relocating to lightly-populated regions, why he writes novels instead of survival manuals, the power grids and what would life be like without them, the highest priority for family preparedness, why it is important to have food storage and a garden for self-sufficiency, what we need to have on hand for family sanitation,  what is well-balanced preparedness, whether the threats of EMP and solar flares are exaggerated by the media and what are some the things that are most often overlooked by preppers.     And hear about his new book Expatriates- and how it is different from any book he has written before. Listen to Secrets of a Survivalist radio show and hear Jim Rawles tell it all! Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 Destiny Survival Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Disaster readiness expert Jim Cobb pays a return visit to DestinySurvival Radio this week to talk about his new book, The Prepper's Complete Book of Disaster Readiness. As with his first book, he packs a lot of great info into limited space. He tackles everything from storing food and water filtration to home defense and wilderness skills. Find Jim online at Also check out Visit  

 Doctor Prepper's CPR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

In this interview, Doctor Prepper™ visits with Patriot Nurse. She is an actively practicing RN, with a BSN, specializing in training people in medical preparedness in extreme circumstances. In addition to her work in the United States, she has also traveled extensively for medical mission work in 3 world countries. One commentator said: “She runs, she guns and she heals the sick.” Patriot Nurse explains: “God heals the sick. It's his drama, I just show up as an actress.” She is also quoted as saying, “I am a prepper; I am a woman; I am free––and I'll stay that way.” As Doctor Prepper points out at the beginning of this interview, “Without being medically prepared you can be blindsided by some very simple things.” Patriot Nurse explains that on the Internet, in prepping programs and in the movies people get the instructions: “As long as you have food, guns and the medical kit you bought on sale at Wally-World, you're going to be okay.” She responds: “Food and guns are not that hard to learn about and have on hand, but to adequately cover the medical side takes much more focus and education.” Visit Visit  


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