The Gary Null Show show

The Gary Null Show

Summary: Gary takes on the real issues that the mainstream media is afraid to tackle. Tune in to find out the latest about health news, healing, politics, and the economy.

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 The Gary Null Show - 03.02.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:24

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Eat less, live longer, Study suggests role for melatonin in prevention of age-related hearing loss, Eating fruit during pregnancy boosts babies' brain development, new study confirms, Change is Good for the Brain: Activity Diversity and Cognitive Functioning Across Adulthood., Beneficial effect of ubiquinol on hematological and inflammatory signaling during exercise, Extra olive virgin oil keeps healthy properties when used for cooking, Botanical interventions for low-risk skin cancers, Increased potassium intake associated with lower risk of osteoporosis among older women, Omega-3 fatty acids may prevent breast implant complications, like capsular contracture. 

 The Gary Null Show - 02.28.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:13

Debunking Wikipedia’s Warrior Against Complementary and Alternative Medicine Debunking Wikipedia’s Warrior Against Complementary and Alternative Medicine  Richard Gale, Gary Null PhD, Victoria Theophanis Progressive Radio Network, February 26, 2020   Rarely do we question the integrity, veracity and hidden motivations of an expert speaking or writing on any given topic.  Patients rarely question the diagnosis or prescribed treatment of their cardiologist, oncologist, urologist, etc. Nor do we question the accuracy and objectivity of mainstream medical journalists or news anchors reporting on health issues. It is presumed that the sacred trust we project upon the authority and veneration of so-called “experts” should cancel out honest scrutiny and critical thinking.  The logic behind this is simple and should be self evident, not just in the medical profession but for any field or discipline. Those who have obtained a coveted position of authority are expected to be blindly deferred to with the presumption that the top of the food chain is equivalent to being knowledgeable, insightful and correct. Consequently, a school teacher  may defer to the authority of an adjunct, who defers to a professor, who defers to a department chair, and further up the ladder to the Dean. But in the real world, these hierarchical differences of power and authority are more mythology than reality. One glaring example of a non-expert who has been uncritically praised and lifted as an authoritative voice for medical orthodoxy is former psychiatrist Stephen Barrett. Barrett has had a fifty-year career attacking every premise and scientific legitimacy of medical treatments that fall under Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).    Read Rest of Article

 The Gary Null Show - 02.27.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:45

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Antioxidant precursor NAC molecule could improve brain function in patients with MS. Intensive blood pressure control can extend life up to 3 years Philippines and Singapore Testing Coconut Oil as Possible Treatment for Coronavirus. Low fruit and vegetable intakes and higher body fat linked to anxiety disorders. Tart cherry supplements and juice can help lower heart disease and Type 2 diabetes risk, advise researchers. Supplementing with Vitamin D improves lifespan of cancer patients. Accupuncture can stop bone deterioration in osetoporosis. Resveratrol promotes new bone formation in mouse model of osteoporosis. Drinks with added sugars linked to lipid imbalance, which increases CVD risk. 

 The Gary Null Show - LETTER TO DR. SANJAY GUPTA- 02.26.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:31

Dear Dr. Gupta, After watching you investigate health issues on CNN for the past 20+ years, I find it necessary to contact you about a situation related to CDC mandated vaccinations that has become very disturbing to me.  I am only hopeful that you might read this letter and become inspired to focus your investigative journalistic skills on this urgent matter.  While I write this, I realize that the world is controlled by money and that there are things that you can investigate and those which are taboo.  Regardless of whether you can or cannot publicly comment on this matter, I would ask that you at least review my concerns and determine if the case against the CDC is legitimate.  Then I could come away believing that I did what I could to speak truth to power. I would like to focus your attention on a film that was released last year called, “Deadly Deception”.  I have enclosed a copy and hope you would take the time to review it.  This film brings many facts to light concerning the dangers posed by vaccinations that have never been widely available to public ears.  It also discloses corruption at the CDC and the infestation of pharmaceutical corporate interests upon that institution.  This entire film can also be seen at this link for free >  The film is almost entirely composed of research and testimony from doctors who have had experience with illnesses related to vaccinations.  Accessing these people would make it very easy for you to investigate the claims they make. To possibly stoke your interest, I have summarized a lot of facts that were brought out in the first half of the film:   Deadly Deception, a documentary film by Gary Null 2019. The CDC now requires that infants receive 49 doses of 16 vaccinations before the age of 6.  Mercury has been proven to be extremely toxic – so much so – that dentists are even replacing tooth fillings that contain it, yet, mercury is still used in the flu shot, and even in maternal flu vaccinations.  Because of the bad press related to mercury, the pharmaceutical industry has developed a nano-particulate form of aluminum.  This substance is able to pass through the blood-brain barrier and to lodge itself into the brain tissue.  This has been linked to many forms of chronic illness. Polysorbate 80 has never been tested as an human injectable, yet it is in vaccinations being injected into infants. The CDC manages a “VAERS” database that is not open to public review.  They are the sole repository of all information related to people who have been hurt and/or killed by vaccines, and as a result, are being compensated.  It is estimated that the VAERS database is underreported by anywhere from 50:1 – 100:1.  So you would need to multiply the statistics in the database by 50 – 100 in order to get a realistic understanding of the true extent of the damage caused by vaccines.  The FDA, the CDC and the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons say that 90 – 99% of “adverse events” due to immunization are not even reported.  On that basis alone, no one should be required to subject themselves to vaccination. Because there is no requirement for the pharmaceutical industry or the CDC to publish the findings from the data in the VAERS database, doctors and pediatricians do not have access to information such as, symptoms, in order to quickly diagnose and treat illness due to a reaction to a vaccine. In a decision, the Supreme Court stated 32 times that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”. The studies that the FDA and the CDC require to verify the safety of new vaccines is totally inadequate by any normal medical standard. In 1986, the pharmaceutical industry lobbied to get legislation passed (1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) that makes any manufacturer of a vaccine immune from prosecution due to harm done by its vaccinations – no matter how reckless or negligent the company was.  This made vaccine research and production immensely profitable. The law created the Federal Vaccine Compensation System, which created a schedule of known dangers related to each vaccine being strongly suggested to the population.  It set aside 75 cents on each vaccine dose dispensed to be put into a fund to compensate those who suffered injury or death from a reaction to a vaccine.   This is a federally funded program, which bars tracing liability back to the manufacturer.  This was supposed to be an alternative to a lawsuit – not instead of a lawsuit.  The pharmaceutical industry however argued that unbridled exposure to liability for damages would make research impossible so it was really a means of liquidated damages in the end.  Someone who loses a child, for example, is not entitled to sue the manufacturer, depose their professionals or conduct normal discovery to determine culpability.  It has become a “Kangaroo Court”.  The 1986 legislation has, essentially, turned the US Department of Justice into the lawyer for the vaccine industry. In court cases before the 1997 legislation, it had been determined that vaccinations cause encephalopathy (swelling of the brain), which lead to autism.  One cannot however bring a case for autism because the word autism is not included in the list of recognized billable diseases in the US healthcare system.  The healthcare system considers autism a disorder – not a disease.  This is how the pharmaceutical industry can say that there is no link between vaccination and autism.  It is a fraud and a dirty trick played by the US government in favor of the pharmaceutical industry. There is a victim compensation program that has paid out over $3 Billion during 27 years.  Just in 2016, it paid out over $251 million to people who are either killed or injured by vaccines. Many vaccines are only tested in animals.  They are prescribed to humans without any testing in many cases. The FDA and the CDC are not required to prove that a vaccine is effective in treating a disease.  They only have to show that the vaccine produces an antigen that is believed to be effective in combating a given disease.  Antibody production only relates to exposure, but not necessarily to immunity.  Many people, such as the disease-effected or elderly people won’t even generate the desired antibody. Many vaccines only produce temporary immunity, not a life-long immunity that would be a result of a normal function of the human immune system.  This is why so many vaccines require “booster shots”. CNN has reported that the US government secretly spread STD’s in South America between 1946-1948 to determine if injections of penicillin would reduce the likelihood of infection from sexually transmitted disease. The Nuremberg Code specifies that it is unlawful to force or coerce someone into taking medicine, receiving a vaccine or a medical procedure that he/she does not want.  State governments in the US however will require a prospective student to be fully vaccinated before that child will be permitted to attend school.  That is a direct example of coercion – which is a violation of the Nuremberg Code and the UNESCO Convention. Vaccines are now required for immigrants, for military troops, for military workers and government subcontractors.   They are also required for daycare facilities and for university enrollment.  State governments are “partnering” with corporations to mandate that their employees be vaccinated. Doctors and Hospitals have become enforcers of government policy where their medical licenses are subject to adherence to prescribed protocols for vaccinations to infants.  This violates the patient/doctor relationship. The vaccine market will be worth 100 Billion US by 2025 thanks to government enforcement of its vaccination protocols. There is a concept of “Hurd Immunity” that says that if you vaccinate 95% of a population, you have created a barrier to the spread of a disease.  However, in 1997 there was an outbreak of measles in Corpus Christi, Texas in a community that had more than a 95% vaccination rate.  The children that got measles had their blood sampled to verify antibody levels.  93% of them had sufficient antibody levels to theoretically prevent infection – yet they got infected anyway.  Hurd Immunity is therefore a belief system that is used to promote the mandating of vaccination and not a proven scientific theory. Some studies have been done that even indicate that people vaccinated with the measles vaccine are MORE likely to come down with the infection.  In this study, the few who were not vaccinated did NOT contract measles.  In fact, a vaccinated kid could still be carrying the germ. The rise of autism and other related disorders has caused an epidemic of special education burden on the US education system.  The US taxpayer will be forced to pay for these services.  This is tantamount to a huge transfer of wealth from the public sector to the pharmaceutical industry.  It is profiting from the immunization program, while at the same time, producing a large population of people who will never be able to contribute to the economy. The US government subsidizes research & development for vaccines and then puts pressure on state governments to require its use.  A speaker in the film says, “this has got to be one of the biggest rackets on the planet.” There have been four separate studies by the United States Government including a three year study by Congress, a one year study by the Senate, a study conducted by HHS of itself in 2008 and a study in 2018 by the Office of Research Integrity – all of which describe the vaccine division at CDC as a “cesspool of corruption” because of financial conflicts of interest between individuals that work in the vaccine division and those who work in the vaccine industry. The Gardasil vaccine – the National Institute of Health buys the patent from MERC, which is recommended by the Center of Disease Control, which is approved by the FDA and the court that will decide if that vaccine has hurt your child is the Heath Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).  All four of those sister agencies are part of Health and Human Services Department.  The intrinsic conflict of interest in this process is not made known to the public.  The CDC has therefore become the promoter of vaccines on behalf of MERC, a privately-owned pharmaceutical industry player.  This is not the role of government. The CDC will allow “wash out periods” during trials of new vaccines.  They have also been known to have disregarded data that did not deliver the results that they are seeking and have fabricated studies.  They have hired criminals to misrepresent data and to create false stories that are fed to the media.  The experts that the CDC has used to defend their practices were those who were used to disprove the effects of Agent Orange back in the 1980’s shielding the US Government and the chemical manufacturer from liability to the US veterans and the Vietnamese who’s lives were altered or shortened by it.  Their value is knowing how to lie using data as a tool for deception.  The CDC has little technical legitimacy, since they are immune from having to publicly prove anything, yet they have the ability to impose “medical martial law” on the population. The documentary states that corporately owned media outlets are “not allowed” to report the fraud that is going on in the vaccine industry.  The presumption is that it would bankrupt the vaccine industry and have grave consequences for the US government.  Whistle blowers have reported on a secret meeting at the CDC.  This is known as the “Simpsonwood Memo”.  In this meeting, CDC officials sorted through data to confirm that there is definitely a connection between the Thimerosal vaccine and Autism – as well as many other disorders such as speech delay, learning disabilities and ADD.  In this meeting, they discussed how to massage the data to remove the connection between the two.  The rest of the meeting was devoted to discussing how they would hide this from the press.  A CDC researcher had found that if a child were given a vaccination of Thimerosal within the first six months of birth, they were 7.6 times more likely to contract Autism than if not. Recent studies found that the nations that required the most infant vaccines suffered the highest mortality and nations that required the least vaccines had the least infant mortality. Last year the pharmaceutical industry gave over $60 million in political contributions.   After reading this list of highlights, it would seem inconceivable that you would not have professional interest in reviewing the film itself.   Kindest regards, John Schimenti

 The Gary Null Show - 02.25.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:24

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Studies look into the benefits of blueberries for heart disease, diabetes prevention, Study links increased vitamin E levels and physical activity to better academic performance in teens, Supplementing with glucosamine linked with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, TMS shows promise in treating stroke, dementia and migraines, Erectile dysfunction? Take maca root and Chinese chives, says study, New study associates intake of dairy milk with greater risk of breast cancer, Your motivation could be influenced by chronic inflammation, study says, Western junk food diet negatively impacts sperm and testosterone, Commonly prescribed medications can increase dementia risk by nearly 50%, researchers warn. 

 The Gary Null Show - 02.24.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:01

Wikipedia Articles 1. Wikipedia: J’accuse 2. Wikipedia: the New Inquisition 3. WICKED, WICKED WIKIPEDIA: THE CORRUPTION AND COLLAPSE OF THE LEGENDARY PEOPLE’S ENCYCLOPEDIA. 4. Wikipedia: Rotten to the Core? 5. Wikipedia : the Modern Delphic Oracle 6. Wikipedia’s Assault on Scientific Progress Case Dr. Rupert Sheldrake 7. Why you shouldn’t trust Wikipedia: Propagandists for a Broken Establishment 8. Why Does Wikipedia Recommend Fluoride? 9. WIKIPEDIA: SUPPORTING THE DARK SIDE OF MEDICINE? 10. Wikipedia Embraces the Dark Side 11. Wikipedia: Our New Technological McCarthyism, Part 1 12. Wikipedia: Our New Technological McCarthyism, Part Two 13. Slaying Homeopathy and Americans’ Freedom of Health Choices 14. Wikipedia’s Culture of Character Assassination: The Case of Dr. Dean Radin 15. WHY IS THE NEW YORK TIMES PROMOTING A WIKIPEDIA CHARACTER ASSASSINATION SQUAD? 16. Wikipedia: a Web of Deception 17. STEPHEN BARRETT, THE AMA & WIKIPEDIA’S ASSAULT AGAINST CHIROPRACTIC 18.  WIKIPEDIA FAILS AGAIN: THE CASE OF MISINFORMATION ABOUT CURCUMIN 19. WIKIPEDIA’S CULTURE OF INSTITUTIONAL BIAS 20. WIKIPEDIA’S VACCINATION BIAS 21. WIKIPEDIA’S VACCINE PROPAGANDA REGIME 22. BE SKEPTICAL OF WIKIPEDIA SKEPTICS 23. WIKIPEDIA SKEPTICS’ MISSION TO SUPPRESS THE DISSEMINATION OF QUALITY HEALTH AND MEDICAL STUDIES 24. Quackwatch’s Conspiratorial Theory Against Alternative Medicine 25. Should Wikipedia Be Trusted for HIV Retroviral Therapy? 26. Google and Wikipedia: The Internet’s Voice for the Corporate Deep State 27. Modern Skepticism: Western Civilization’s Scientific Wahhabism 28. Wikipedia’s Hate Campaign Against Ayurveda 29. Senior Wikipedia Editors Recommend that the Site Being Euthanized 30. Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia’s Hate Campaign Against Holistic Healing 31. Medical Despotism, the AMA’s and Wikipedia’s Offensive Against Chiropractic 32. Why does Wikipedia want to deprive you of Acupuncture? 34. America’s Medical Apartheid 35. Wikipedia, Stephen Barrett, and Sweet Suicide 36.  Chinese Botanical Medicine: Wikipedia Claims It is Fake, We are Certain it is Real 37.  Wikipedia’s Skeptical Assault on Botanical Medicine 38. Medical Skepticism: Our Scientific Cultural Disease  39. Wikipedia Misinformation and Prejudice: Case Examples of Drs. Deepak Chopra and Gary Null 40. The Illegitimacy of Quackwatch’s Health Bias 41. Wikipedia Astroturfing to Discredit Energy Medicine and Psychology 42. Wikipedia’s Leading Abettor in Skepticism’s Pro-Industry Propaganda 43. Modern Skepticism: An Authentic Pseudoscience of Irrational Deception 44. Wikipedia: The Internet’s Devil’s Island. 45. Wikipedia: An Opinion : Where Narcissists and Sociopaths Are Always Welcome 46. Medical Despotism, the AMA’s and Wikipedia’s Offensive Against Chiropractic 47. Wikipedia Skeptics Attack on Truth in Journalism 48. Reasons to Walk Away from Wickedpedia 49. Wikipedia: Big Pharma’s Propaganda Machine 50. WHY DOES WIKIPEDIA WANT TO DESTROY DEEPAK CHOPRA? 51. WIKIPEDIA SKEPTICS’ CRUCIFIXION OF DEEPAK CHOPRA 52. Quackwatch’s Hatred of Acupuncture 53. WIKIPEDIA IS NOT AN ENCYCLOPEDIA 54.  Wikipedia Editors: A Psychological Profile 65.  Weaponizing Wikipedia 66. Quackwatch’s Promotion of Psychiatric Propaganda 67. Science Based Medicine: A Swamp of Medical Buffoonery  68. Summary of Wikipedia’s Activities in Violation of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act 69. A Marriage Made in Hell:  Militant Atheism, Scientism, Wikipedia and Eugenics   Letters To Wikipedia 55.  Wikimedia Notice letter 19-11-11 56. Letter to Wikipedia 11/18/19 57. To the Board and Officers of the Wikimedia Foundation 58. LETTER TO WIKIPEDIA – REMOVAL OF GARY NULL BIOGRAPHY 59. GOSAR LETTER 60.  FINAL DEMAND FOR REMOVAL OF “BIOGRAPHY OF GARY NULL” FROM WIKIPEDIA 61. LETTER TO WIKIPEDIA – REMOVAL OF GARY NULL BIOGRAPHY 62. Wikimedia Foundation (EIN 20-0049703); Violations of 501(c)(3) Status 63. Warning letter to Wikipedia 10-24-19 64. The Promotion of Scientific Bias on Wikipedia

 The Gary Null Show - 02.21.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:13

A Marriage Made in Hell:  Militant Atheism, Scientism, Wikipedia and Eugenics   Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, February 21, 2020     The many apparent discoveries and successes in science and medicine have awarded these advances with an authority that we far too often accept without question.  Skepticism is a necessary and healthy faculty. However, when skepticism itself becomes a doctrine unto itself, then a large body of scientific evidence that convincingly takes authority to task is simply denied or aggressively denounced.  Surrendering critical thinking and healthy skepticism to authority figures and institutions more often than not sidelines both the scientific and social need for an open and honest debate that can bring forth evidence that challenges the rule and control of a dominant authoritative view.  Of course, many of the most radical scientific voices in the past who challenged authoritative paradigms were marked heretics, such as Galileo and Newton. And inevitably with the passage of time, the mavericks were proven correct.   Today the pariahs of the dominant scientific order include Deepak Chopra, Rupert Sheldrake, Nobel Laureates Brian Josephson and Luc Montagnier, and numerous medical professionals who have had the courage to look outside the glass walls of the dominant medical paradigm.  But worse, when skepticism surrenders its own reasoning in order to proselytize an ideology or dogma then it risks being a very real danger to society. In effect, it becomes a fundamentalist cult.   Modern Skepticism, as a movement within the sciences, has become a pseudo-science better known as Scientism.  The extreme radicalized New Atheism, represented by Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Jerry Coyne, Steven Novella, etc is a natural outcome of Scientism's false certainty in its own absolute and rigid beliefs that have been transformed into rational objectivity.   

 The Gary Null Show - 02.20.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:37

Would you like to look younger, feel better, and live longer?We begin to age the moment we are born. How well we do it and how long it takes depend entirely on how well we take care of ourselves. Now America's leading alternative health expert, Gary Null, offers a revolutionary new program to prevent and reverse the effects of aging, enabling you to rejuvenate your body and feel younger, stronger, and healthier than ever before.

 The Gary Null Show - 02.19.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:56

It is estimated that over 40 million Americans suffer from some form of arthritis. Learn how to change your lifestyle and treat arthritis safely and naturally with nutrients, supplements, a vegetarian diet and other proven healing methods. Find out why the traditional use of drugs as suggested by the AMA doesn't work and what common allergies to food or chemicals can cause arthritis. Also, discover new treatments such as reconstructive therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic technique, magnetic therapy and yoga, and hear about their effectiveness in the form of scientific, peer-reviewed studies. Gary Null, an internationally respected author, lecturer and advocate of natural and alternative health practices, will guide you through various modalities that can help you live a healthier life.

 The Gary Null Show - 02.18.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:23

Alternative health expert Gary Null is a man of wide experience in all fields of life with an encyclopedic knowledge of holistic treatment protocol. Derived from years of positive results, Gary has made it clear that he is unwilling to compromise with the health and spirit of countless patients he has guided back to a full life. Join him from his home in Florida as he provides solutions to the most troubling diseases of our time: Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Cancer, Depression, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Digestive Disorders, Menopause, Obesity, Respiratory Conditions, Stroke and AIDS. In a 4 DVD Box Set, Gary brings you information that has enlightened so many of those in need and those in pain. Also, visit with Gary as you've never seen him before, in The Garden, in The Kitchen and on The Track. Learn what you need to know about wholesome vegetarian cooking, healthy hobbies like organic gardening and power walking, and where to find reliable alternative health information. Let Gary Null jump-start your health and help you regain passion for life!

 The Gary Null Show - 02.17.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:13

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment.    

 The Gary Null Show - 02.14.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:10

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment.

 The Gary Null Show -Trump's assault against the nation and Democrats' incompetence to take him to task-02.13.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:58

Without a second, Ralph Nader is one of the most influential Americans during the past five decades.  He is directly responsible for many of our most important bills that have provided protection to consumers against the onslaughts of corporate short-term profits and the Friedmanite free market, unregulated capitalism. landmark acts for Freedom of Information, Clean Water, Clean Air and Energy, Whistleblower Protection, Wholesome Food, and others that have been enacted by Congress.  A graduate of Princeton and Harvard universities, Ralph has been a presidential candidate for five elections, building his platform on consumer rights, humanitarian and civil rights efforts, environmental sanity, and democratic government.  Ralph’s most recent book co-authored with Mark Green is  “Fake President: Decoding Trump's Gaslighting, Corruption and General Bullsh*t" which gives a deadly rebuke to Trump's incorrigible fakery, from his dishonesty about foreign policy to blatant ignorance about the environment and his messianic narcissism. His broadcast, Ralph Nader Radio Hour airs every Thursday at 2 pm, right here on Progressive Radio Network.  Ralph's website is and

 The Gary Null Show -02.12.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:48

To Save the Planet and Sustain Your Health, Become a Vegan On Sunday evening, the Academy Award recipient Joachim Phoenix gave an extraordinary speech. He spoke about his personal dark side he had struggled with in the past, and how the movie industry and his peers in cinema gave him a second chance.  It was an affirmation of redemption. For those of us in the vegan movement, Phoenix's speech was heartwarming and emblematic of the kind or revelations that emerge when a person realizes the violence from which their meat in a meal originates. It is food from a living, sentient being.  He gave the image of a mother cow giving birth to an infant calf and the mother crying for days as her calf was taken away.  Other celebrities, either in attendance or absent, have already reached this realization, such as Natalie Portman, Peter Dinklage, Michelle Pfeiffer, Woody Harrelson, director James Cameron, Daryl Hannah, Paul McCartney and many others. Today, the science is clear. There are hundreds of reliable peer-reviewed studies supporting the benefits of a Mediterranean or a healthy plant-based diet for relieving and treating disease, including a variety of cancers. On the other side of the equation, there are equally many studies that have determined unhealthy foods such as meat contributing to cancer,  heart disease, diabetes, obesity and inflammatory illnesses such as arthritis. If we focus solely upon health issues, then disease and premature death are on the side of a meat-based lifestyle. Some people care more about the environment than they do about themselves. Consequently their concerns about the largess of the meat industry is that it is energy intensive. The water necessary to grow a plot of potatoes compared to a hamburger is astronomical. Weaning ourselves off of meat reduces global warming because the billions of animals raised annually for human consumption increases greenhouse gas emissions, notably methane. If you do not feel this is particularly important, then consider the frightening event of Antarctica reaching 67 degrees F earlier this month. For the last three years, the southern continent has had the highest temperatures every recorded. Therefore, every bite counts. There is also today a growing movement to purchase organic  plant-based food that is raised locally. This is in part because there is a highly educated class of Millennials and X-Generation who realize the importance of a healthy diet for sustaining a healthy body. But what is perhaps equally important is to investigate and understand where our information for making wise choices comes from. Who inspires us to seek the truth? And that is why Phoenix's speech was so necessary at this time. Throughout our lives we have two principle kinds of mentors who guide us. First, there are the policymakers. These are our parents when we are  young, school teachers when we are learning, and then when we enter society there are the captains of industry whether it is the CEO of a telecommunication company such as Verizon or any of the other large corporate entities. These are the people who establish and often write policies. From the policymakers, information trickles down through think tanks, foundations, public relations firms, lobbyists and politicians. And the media is their primary echo chamber. The second mentor are opinion leaders. These are the people who are in the public eye and who often generate a large following.  Average people look up to them as role models and examples of what they assume is appropriate behavior. These are the people who are thought to "be in the know," ahead of the curves and who drive future trends. Sometimes they work endlessly, such as the basketball star LeBron James who inspires thousands of kids but then also represents Nike products.  Or a popular actress who speaks on behalf of a cosmetic product to sell a solution for perfect skin. There are thousands of such motivational speakers in politics, athletics, entertainment, corporate culture and the media who have been acknowledged for their success. So when we think of a famous person as an opinion leader who becomes a vegan, there will be a sizeable number of people who will follow their advice and example.  The largest increase in the vegan movement occurs when a person who people admire acts by example and explains why it is so important to stop the suffering of animals. Bravo for Joachim. Let us hope that others in the audience and viewers will come forward and join the effort. It only takes about 3.5 percent of the population to support any given cause in order to change the course of policymakers. Important Vegan Facts to Consider What if I told you that going on an incredibly delicious, cost-effective plant-based diet would: Reduce your risk of all cancers by 50%, Decrease your chance of developing diabetes by 50% and eliminate Type 2 diabetes, Drop your chance of developing heart disease by 24%, reduce your chance of dying from heart disease by 29% or if you have heart disease, reduce future cardiac events by 73%, Lower your risk of colon cancer by 40%, Have an 80% chance of reducing arthritis symptoms in less than four weeks, Assist you in losing a minimum of one pound of body weight per week until you reach your goal, and without exercising (although I recommend exercising too), Significantly lower high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels, Double the number of natural “killer cells” in the body, thereby increasing the strength of your immune system, Significantly lessen your likelihood of being obese, Help you have leaner, healthier children, Improve your sleep, your sex life, and your complexion, Give you more energy than you have ever had, and, most importantly, add quality years onto your life In addition, despite the lack of action in the US, there are nations and major cities around the world taking climate change seriously. Visionaries and scientists are creating unique and wonderful innovations in renewable energy to challenge America's hubris, denial, and complacency. Rather than descending into apathy, withdrawing into isolation and being unwilling to face these problems, we might consider optimistic strategies for how we can individually and collectively make a difference. And the foremost effort each of us can begin at this very moment is to adopt a healthy, plant-based diet. Not only is it affordable, but a vegan lifestyle will also strengthen our physical and mental health to face the challenges ahead. It is the single most important thing each of us can do to save the planet. What if I also told you that in one year of eating this way, you would save the lives of approximately 400 animals (fish and shellfish included), plus, you would save 300,000 gallons of water, nearly 90,000 pounds of grain (which could go to feed humans), and more than 5,700 gallons of gasoline, all while generating 50% fewer carbon emissions? You would also end your contribution through dietary choices to depleting rainforests, eroding topsoil, world hunger, and global warming, while standing for cleaner air, cleaner water in aquifers, rivers, lakes, and oceans, cleaner drinking water, the humane treatment of animals and humans, and the health of any number of species and the planet too. Would you want to hear about it? Moreover, would you be interested in knowing that millions—and a growing number—of people in our country and around the world are choosing this diet and lifestyle right now, and for the very reasons  just pointed out?

 The Gary Null Show -02.11.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:20

Deadly Deception, Exposing the Dangers of Vaccines, a film by Gary Null, PhD    


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