Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast show

Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast

Summary: The Trinity Force Podcast breaks your normal League of Legends podcast mold by bringing a fresh look at champions, Patch rundown, and higher level discussion of the game and solo queue than you'll find anywhere else on the Internet! Brought to you by the Trinity Force Network. You can find more at


 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 516: "Patch 8.5" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3754

Patch 8.5 has dropped which reverts a bunch of stuff from 8.4...because Riot decided they were too heavy handed. Riot has also decided that Zoe and Rengar need some love so the world is ending and we hate everything.Patch Notes: --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 515: "The Lost Episode" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3723

The lost episode returns! We discuss AP itemization which leads to general game discussion. We're kind of up and down on topics so stick with it to hear the full show. --- Find us at  

 "The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 514: "Meta Report" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4650

"The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 514: "Meta Report"

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 513: "Patch 8.4" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4779

Zoe....has been nerfed! Patch 8.4 brings a HUGE change to the Summoner's Rift. Mage itemization changes, Rengar is one shotting people from the dark, Volibear still sucks, Gnar and GP got hit too! Patch notes: --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 512: "Low Elo Question and Answer" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3512

Listeners write in and we answer. Thanks to "BOP" for inciting a discussion about carrying in Bronze and how to get "unstuck". Tips include: Manage waves, don't fight, and play a role that can carry in the 1v1. Split pushing waves, putting your body in places that has to be dealt with, and using ignite properly! All these topics and more on this week's episode.  --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 511: "When Top Lane Comes Crumbling Down" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3648

Todd uses this as an opportunity to have a session about top lane. Why does Ornn get to do a fuck load of damage by building only tank? What happened to the days of one role rather than dynamic?Todd's mad and you're going to hear him roar.  --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 510: "The Swain Podcast" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3645

The crew gathers Chira and Vrael together to talk about the Swain VGU & game play update. If they'd listen to me, they'd know that Aftershock is actually good on Swain. I swear. Just look at how good it can be!  --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 508 Fixed: "The Marksman Episode" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4024

Fixed audio a bit.It's pwn's turn to talk about the role he plays the most: Marksman.From lane domination, to playing with your support, to holding their hand to make it to mid game. We try to discuss every aspect of marksman that we can while answering your listener questions.   Top lane: --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 509: "Patch 8.3" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3581

Zoe nerfs? Well, technically, but nothing like you've been hoping for. It's a pretty tame patch all things considered. We do find time to discuss Jarvan's armor nerf for 30 minutes though!That's a joke. Master Yi, new Swain, Azir changes, and stopwatch / boots are now on the same tier! What a glorious day to play League of Hourglass.  --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 507: "The Heartless Beaver Show" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3983

It's the Heartless Beaver show!HB tells you about Nunu, Ivern, what the jungle items do, and why tanks are OP! He'll go on to tell you how to build properly while using your brain to make those decisions! So here's your host: Heartless Beaver! --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 506: "But listen! What if..?" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3019

What if junglers keep building support items? Or what if Jinx was actually good? Well we only really answer one of those questions. But supports got changed so we have to spend some time talking about that! And we have to go over bottom lane and how marksman are starting. Essentially: Adam throws ideas out...and everyone else gives a luke warm reception. --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 505: "Listener Vrael" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3336

We've finally got a dedicated mid laner on the podcast so we're going to handcuff him to the nearest light pole and try to keep him here for as long as we can. When everyone has a moment please welcome Vrael to the show! We primarily discuss listener questions about paying attention in the game, understanding power spikes, and more.  --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 504: "Patch 8.2" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4110

Patch 8.2 is available! us as we discuss the rise of Nunu....and how most other champs aren't that much different while this is live. I mean, there are a few, but you weren't probably playing them anyway.   Oh and new support items! Dom likes them. 800g is a lot to get for free. --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 503: "Ban Instead" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3555

Ban instead? Ban instead!The hosts are given a list of champions and asked: "Should we ban this champion and why?"A fun little "game show" to help you learn how to choose a ban target in champion select. --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 502: "Listener Questions" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3887

We drink a bit and talk listener questions. Lots of them.  --- Find us at  


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