Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast show

Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast

Summary: The Trinity Force Podcast breaks your normal League of Legends podcast mold by bringing a fresh look at champions, Patch rundown, and higher level discussion of the game and solo queue than you'll find anywhere else on the Internet! Brought to you by the Trinity Force Network. You can find more at


 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 545: "What the meta?" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 2934

What the meta?! Roaming, traditional and non-traditional bot lanes, and making the most out of your leads.  We're looking for co-hosts: --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 544: "Space Cadet" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3347

Marine takes over hosting duties and Dom is apparently out of retirement. We're looking for co-hosts: --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 543: "A New Hope" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3670

Sometimes even the hero needs help. We're looking for co-hosts: we discuss mid patch 8.12 changes to AD items and what the HELL is going on in bottom lane?! --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 542: "Patch 8.12" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3581

Patch 8.12 is here! We discuss all the changes....even the ones made toward bot lane! Heal and shield power has been nerfed. I hope you didn't like to play Janna.    Patch notes: --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 541: "Taliyeaver" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3578

Beaver hosts this show! The show notes are pretty bare so I don't know what they talked about. Good luck out there! --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 540: "There are no Beavers in the jungle" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4297

Beavers don't belong in the jungle but you do! We follow up on Patch 8.11 with some marksman discussion, a bit about Pyke, and we also talk Taliyah jungle! Well sort of talk Taliyah jungle. Beaver argues it can't work but let me tell you that stats don't lie and she's actually really good. Seriously, go try her. The clear is insanely fast. --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 539: "Patch 8.11" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4368

The marksman update is here! GP is probably OP with Stormrazer. Anivia changes are boring. Marksman get a leeway of 4 damage to last hit a minion. All hail our new overlords....whoever those are.Patch notes: --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 538: "Insert Title Here" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3726

Episode before the storm! Beaver, Bears, and Vrael discuss how to get better at League of Legends. --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 537: "Marksman Itemization Preview" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3294

Adam's 536 is now available! We go to Surrender @ 20 and read about the marksman changes to try and speculate how much bottom lane, and the game, will change with the new patch. Prepare to give Ezreal a gigantic hug while waving goodbye to the likes of Caitlyn, Tristana, and other crit style carries. --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 536: "Patch 8.10" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3530

Scuttle crab, oh scuttle crab, why is there only one scuttle crab? Patch 8.10 has hit the rift. Learn what we feel is good, better, or best on this patch.Patch notes: --- Find us at    

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 535: "Ping Pong" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3400

Breaking bad habits, roaming around the map, taking objectives. It's another League of Legends podcast discussing the things that you need to know! --- Find us at

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 534: "What Makes a Good Player?" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3891

What makes a good League of Legends player? Is it being good at CS, checking the mini-map, taking objectives....or is there more? The crew muses over this subject as Marine Revenge takes a stab at hosting the show for the first time! --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 533: "Like Pulling Teeth" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3049

Transition periods are tough. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get people to help with topics. So tonight I pull the teeth of Bears and Vrael to try and get them to discuss the new mid items, unsealed spellbook, and some random tips that will make you better. --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 532: "Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3640

Bears joins the show in an attempt to round out the roster. So welcome Bears to the show! You'd think that we'd ask Bears support things, because he is a support, but nah...we talk about conquerer in the top lane. Next a bit about Irelia, and a few listener questions to put Bears on the spot! --- Find us at  

 The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 531: "Patch 8.9" | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 3081

Patch 8.9 is now available and it brings a bunch of mid lane changes! Will mages be less prevelant? Is it the season of the marksman? Only time will tell.  Patch notes: --- Find us at  


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