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ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 ESL Podcast #235 - Parking Instructions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:24

Slow dialog: 0:53 Explanations: 2:37 Fast dialog: 14:18 I arrived for my meeting at the headquarters of Woon Enterprises and I stopped at the kiosk to ask for directions. It’s a huge organization and the offices are located on a 30-acre compound, so it’s very hard to find your way around without some help. Guard: Good morning. Edyta: Good morning. I’m here for a meeting with Mark Johnson. Could you tell me how to get to the right building? Guard: Sure. Take this road and follow the bend to the right. When you see the fork in the road, take the road on your right. Follow that to the parking structure. You can’t miss it. Edyta: Okay, so when the road splits, I should veer right. Guard: That’s right. Here’s a guest parking permit. Make sure it’s visible on your dash at all times. Drive past the lot and go into the parking structure. You can park on any level and in any space that isn’t reserved. The building right next to the structure is where Mark Johnson’s office is. Edyta: Thanks, I think I’ve got all that. The guard raised the arm of the gate and let me through. As I drove through the huge compound to the parking structure, I couldn’t help thinking that this Woon must be one very successful businessman. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #68 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:13

Topics: Ask an American: Raising a large family, criteria vs. standard, through vs. throughout, to call it quits Words: installment to go into something lack of something allergies to be up for something to play ball chore laundry to want for something We were in business! When push comes to shove criteria standard throughout to call it quits

 ESL Podcast Special Announcement - New ESL Podcast Store Now Open! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:45

Hello, this is Jeff McQuillan from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California, with a very special announcement about ESL Podcast. First, I want to thank all of you for listening and supporting our podcast. We now have more than 300 podcasts – that’s more than 100 hours of free English lessons – available on our website. Thank you for making that possible. Now ESL Podcast has even more. We have just opened the ESL Podcast Store on our website. This store will sell “premium” or very special courses on different topics. Go to our website today at to take a look. We are offering four new premium courses. The first is Interview Questions Answered. This three-hour course is for anyone who wants to learn business English and how to communicate better with American business people. This course does two things. It gives you practical suggestions on how to answer business interview questions, and it teaches you the business English you need to answer them. Other courses include A Day in the Life of Jeff and A Day in the Life of Lucy. Many people have asked us to create a complete course that uses all of the common, everyday vocabulary, from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night. We’ve created these two ten-part “Day in the Life” courses that will give you the basic vocabulary used by a man or a woman during the day. Finally, we have a new English Through Stories mystery, an original, 15-chapter novel called Deadly Letters, by Sarah Gatchitie. If you love a good story, be sure to listen to Deadly Letters. All four of these special courses come with a complete Learning Guide, with vocabulary, definitions, and a complete transcript of the course. With our new ESL Podcast Store, you can also download individual Learning Guides from our past episodes. While we hope that all of you will want to try our regular Learning Guide membership, where you get 12 new Learning Guides each month, we know that some of you just want to buy the Learning Guide for some of your favorite podcasts. All of our past Learning Guides are also for sale in the new store. We’re very excited about these new courses. Both Lucy and I are sure that you will enjoy these new premium courses. As always, if you have suggestions or comments about new courses for ESL Podcast, be sure to email us at And, of course, you’ll want to go to our website today to check out or look at our new store. From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan. Thanks for listening.

 ESL Podcast #234 - Seeing an Eye Doctor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:14

Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:30 Fast dialog: 14:51 I’ve been getting a lot of headaches the past few weeks and my co-worker suggested I go see an optometrist. Dr. Olho: Okay, let’s take a look. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Virginia: I used to, but I had laser eye surgery three years ago and I don’t wear them anymore. Dr. Olho: I see. Well, let’s check your vision. It may be that even though your vision was 20/20 after the surgery, it’s changed and you are now either near-sighted or far-sighted. Cover your left eye and take a look at the eye chart. Read the last line that you can make out. Virginia: I can read the fourth line down – X, C, D, O, M, A. Dr. Olho: Hmmm...okay. Cover your other eye and do the same. Good. I’m going to have you look through this machine and I want you to tell me if A or B is sharper and clearer. Okay, A or B, A or B? Virginia: A is a little blurry. I think B is better. Dr. Olho: Okay, I think that you’ve developed some far-sightedness and will need reading glasses. I’m writing out a prescription for you. When you’ve pick out a frame, give them the prescription and they’ll make your lenses. Any questions? Virginia: So, do you really think I need reading glasses? I’m not that old. Dr. Olho: I’m sorry to say that you do. Some people have to get them earlier than others. At least you’re not having any serious eye problems like glaucoma. Virginia: Yeah, I guess that’s one thing to be grateful for. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESL Podcast #233 - Asking for a Date | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:17

Slow dialog: 1:20 Explanations: 4:13 Fast dialog: 15:22 I admit it. I’m a player. I work in an office where there are a lot of attractive women. Take Debra, for example. I heard that she just broke up with her boyfriend last week so I decided to ask her out. Liam: Hi, Debra. How’s it going? Debra: Okay, I guess. How about you? Liam: I’m doing okay. You know, I’m going to an art show this Saturday. Would you like to come with me? Debra: Geez, I’m pretty busy this weekend. Liam: That’s too bad. How about going for a drink after work today? Debra: Well, I don’t know... Liam: Come on. It’ll be fun and we can try that new place down the street. Debra: I guess that’ll be okay, but just a drink, right? Liam: That’s all and I promise I won’t even try to buy you dinner. Debra: [laughs] Okay, then. I’ll see you after work. I ask women out wherever I see them, even ones I’ve never met before. At a restaurant, if I see a woman eating by herself, I usually say: “I just hate eating alone. Do you mind if I join you?” The other day, I saw a woman at the grocery store and tried my luck. Liam: Hi. Monica: Hi. Liam: I’ve just moved to this area and was wondering if you could recommend a good restaurant around here. Monica: That depends on what kind of food you like. There’s a good Italian restaurant on Elm Street, or there’s a good Thai place on Lyndon Avenue. Liam: Which one do you prefer? Monica: I like them both, but I’d probably go for the Italian place. Liam: In that case, would you like to join me for dinner sometime? Monica: I’m not sure. I don’t even know you. Liam: You’re right, but you seem really nice and I’d like to get to know you better. What do you say? Monica: Well, maybe. Here’s my number. Call me and we’ll talk about it. Liam: I’ll do that. I’m looking forward to talking with you again. It’s as easy as that. I don’t try to be a player. All it takes is a little charm and a little flattery, and the women will find you irresistible. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #67 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:49

Topics: In the News: pretexting, “stay the course,” The Colbert Report, “if that’s anything to go by,” color vs. hue, contribute vs. attribute, “the die is cast” Words: pretexting stay the course mock satire parody political pundit loudmouth if that’s anything to go by color hue contribute attribute the die is cast

 ESL Podcast #232 - Business Bookkeeping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:12

Slow dialog: 0:55 Explanations: 2:46 Fast dialog: 15:12 I have a day job, but I recently started a small business on the side. I didn’t know anything about accounting and my friend, Roland, said he would give me some advice. Roland: So, the reason that you need to do your bookkeeping is so you can manage your cash flow. Even if you have a lot of orders, you may still have problems paying your bills. Magdalena: I see what you mean. Is this the kind of ledger I should be keeping? Roland: Yes, definitely. You want to list your debits on this side and your credits on this side. This will help you figure out important things like your break-even point, your assets and liabilities, your administrative expenses, and whether you’re staying within your budget. Magdalena: I wish I had an accounts payable department to help me with all this. I don’t even know how to create a balance sheet. Roland: It’s not that hard if you use the right accounting program. The first thing to do is to keep track of your expenses. How do you do that now? Magdalena: Oh, I have a system. I keep all my receipts in this bag. Roland: Oh. Well, it’s good that you’re keeping your receipts but you’ll have to keep better track of them. What would you do if you were audited by the IRS? Magdalena: Don’t even mention the IRS! I’ve got enough problems without worrying about them! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESL Podcast #231 - The Supermarket Checkout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:46

Slow dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 2:41 Fast dialog: 14:06 I went to the supermarket to do my weekly shopping. The cashiers at this market are usually pretty friendly, but this one must have been having a hard day. Cashier: Excuse me, sir, this lane is for 15 items or less. It looks like you have more than that. Yong: No, actually I have exactly 15. I have some coupons, too. Cashier: Just put those down on the belt and push the cart through, please. Yong: Okay. Can you tell me how much these potatoes are per pound? Cashier: I’ll have to do a price check. Do you have a club card? Yong: Yes, here it is. Cashier: Swipe it through the machine, sir. Your total is $47.52. Debit or credit? Yong: Debit. Could I get cash back? Cashier: [sigh] How much do you want? Yong: I’d like $40. Cashier: Paper or plastic? Yong: Paper, please. Cashier: Are these tabloids yours, too? Yong: Uh, yes, those magazines are mine. Cashier: Do you need any help out? Yong: No, I’m fine. Thanks. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #66 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:40

Topics: Ask an American: College Life in the US, all but, specialty vs. speciality, to cut someone off, Don’t be a…, moonshine Words: class size roughly As a matter of fact… vast majority ghetto aren military base student loans to pay back all but specialty moonshine to cut someone off Don’t be a… Prohibition Appalachia Special thanks to Rob at Podcast411 Podcast. You can find Rob’s podcast at

 ESL Podcast #230 - A New Year's Cruise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:39

Slow dialog: 1:10 Explanations: 2:30 Fast dialog: 16:00 My friends and I decided to do something a little different this year. Instead of going to a crowded club or throwing a party on New Year’s Eve, we decided to take a harbor cruise instead. The cruise would be four hours long, and it included dinner, music, dancing, and a great view of the fireworks. On that day, we drove to the marina and we were among the first to board the ship. This was no little boat. It was a large ship with an upper and a lower deck. The crew helped us get on board and showed us where the life jackets were in case of an emergency. Even the captain came out to welcome the passengers. We had a great time. I didn’t get seasick as I’d feared, and we didn’t have to call out the Coast Guard, either. We had so much fun, we didn’t want to go back on shore. Finally, the captain joked that if we didn’t leave, he’d make us walk the plank! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESL Podcast #229 - Irratating Co-workers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:31

Slow dialog: 0:55 Explanations: 2:32 Fast dialog: 13:47 Since our office reorganization, I’ve been sharing an office with Isabel. We’ve been getting on each other’s nerves. Pete: Hey, Isabel, can you cut that out? Isabel: Cut what out? I’m not doing anything. Pete: You’re tapping your pencil on your desk. It’s driving me crazy. Isabel: Okay, I will if you’ll stop slurping your coffee. Pete: I don’t slurp my coffee. And plus, how can you hear it when you’re shouting into your phone all the time? Isabel: You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re complaining about me talking on the phone when your friend Deepak stops by ten times a day to shoot the breeze? I can’t stand that guy. Pete: It’s no skin off my nose if you don’t like Deepak. Look, we have a lot of pent-up anger from working in these close quarters, and it’s probably okay to let off steam once in a while. But, it’s probably not a good idea to keep it up. I’m willing to forgive and forget if you are. Isabel: Fine. Let’s call a truce. I’ll try to be more considerate and to keep the noise down. Pete: Yeah, I’ll try to do the same. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #65 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:15

Topics: Native rate of speech, to preach to the choir, common sense, “though” at the end of a sentence, possess vs. own, allow you to vs. allows you to, pronouncing “twenty” and “ninety,” picking a suitor, a make-out scene Words: native rate to preach to the choir sermon choir loft pulpit common sense though to possess to own to allow someone to suitor to make-out to watch the ball drop

 ESL Podcast #228 - A Christmas Feast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:11

Slow dialog: 1:37 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialog: 16:22 This year, our family decided that the more the merrier and invited Adriano and his family to have Christmas dinner with us. We were thrilled when they accepted our invitation. Lucy: I’m so glad you guys could all make it. Adriano: We wouldn’t have missed it for anything. We brought a fruitcake. Lucy: Oh, thanks. Make yourselves comfortable. We’re just about to sit down to dinner. Adriano: Wow, it looks like you’ve prepared a feast. Lucy: Yeah, we did go a little overboard this year. We’ve got a turkey, a roast and a ham, and all the trimmings: stuffing, yams, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Help yourself to some eggnog. Adriano: Thanks. Did you do all of the cooking yourself? Lucy: I had some help and everybody brought different desserts. Save room for the pumpkin pie, the gingerbread house, and the Christmas cookies. Okay everybody, dinner’s ready. Adriano, would you carve the bird? Adriano: I’d be happy to do the honors. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESL Podcast #227 - Describing Symtoms to a Doctor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:21

Slow dialog: 0:55 Explanations: 2:38 Fast dialog: 15:17 Dr. van Eyck: Good morning, I’m Dr. van Eyck. I understand that you’re not feeling well. Nico: That’s right, doctor. I’ve had a stomachache for three days. The pain comes and goes, but I also have heartburn and I am feeling bloated all the time. Dr. van Eyck: Well, let’s take a look. Have you felt nauseous? Does it hurt when I press here? Nico: Oh yes, that hurts, and I feel nauseous all the time. But, doctor, that’s not all. I’ve also had bad headaches in the past week and I feel fatigued all the time. Dr. van Eyck: Have you had a stuffy nose, a cough, a sore throat, or an earache? Nico: Yes, I’ve had all of those. Dr. van Eyck: You have? All of them? Nico: And, there’s more. I’ve been feeling pains in my leg. Sometimes it feels stiff and sometimes I lose feeling in it. I’m having a lot of trouble walking. Dr. van Eyck: I have to say that you have an unusual combination of symptoms. Have there been any significant changes in your life in the past few days? Nico: Well, my in-laws are visiting from out of town. Do you think you’ll need to admit me into the hospital for tests? Dr. van Eyck: I’m not sure that’s necessary. Are things really that bad at home? Nico: You have no idea! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #64 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:18

Topics: “There you go!” vs. “There you are!”, estimate vs. determine, bump vs. dip, opposite vs. in front of, mudslinging, shade vs. shadow, assure vs. ensure vs. insure, definitely vs. exactly Words: There you go! There you are! estimate determine bump dip opposite mudslinging shade shadow assure ensure insure definitely exactly


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