ESL Podcast Special Announcement - New ESL Podcast Store Now Open!

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Hello, this is Jeff McQuillan from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California, with a very special announcement about ESL Podcast. First, I want to thank all of you for listening and supporting our podcast. We now have more than 300 podcasts – that’s more than 100 hours of free English lessons – available on our website. Thank you for making that possible. Now ESL Podcast has even more. We have just opened the ESL Podcast Store on our website. This store will sell “premium” or very special courses on different topics. Go to our website today at to take a look. We are offering four new premium courses. The first is Interview Questions Answered. This three-hour course is for anyone who wants to learn business English and how to communicate better with American business people. This course does two things. It gives you practical suggestions on how to answer business interview questions, and it teaches you the business English you need to answer them. Other courses include A Day in the Life of Jeff and A Day in the Life of Lucy. Many people have asked us to create a complete course that uses all of the common, everyday vocabulary, from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night. We’ve created these two ten-part “Day in the Life” courses that will give you the basic vocabulary used by a man or a woman during the day. Finally, we have a new English Through Stories mystery, an original, 15-chapter novel called Deadly Letters, by Sarah Gatchitie. If you love a good story, be sure to listen to Deadly Letters. All four of these special courses come with a complete Learning Guide, with vocabulary, definitions, and a complete transcript of the course. With our new ESL Podcast Store, you can also download individual Learning Guides from our past episodes. While we hope that all of you will want to try our regular Learning Guide membership, where you get 12 new Learning Guides each month, we know that some of you just want to buy the Learning Guide for some of your favorite podcasts. All of our past Learning Guides are also for sale in the new store. We’re very excited about these new courses. Both Lucy and I are sure that you will enjoy these new premium courses. As always, if you have suggestions or comments about new courses for ESL Podcast, be sure to email us at And, of course, you’ll want to go to our website today to check out or look at our new store. From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan. Thanks for listening.