Learn Arabic | ArabicPod101.com show

Learn Arabic | ArabicPod101.com

Summary: Learn Arabic with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at ArabicPod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

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 Survival Phrases #27 - Taking a Taxi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:03

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- اكدال عفاك ديني لأكدال عفاك وقف هنا عفاك ----Formal English---- Agdal please. Take me to Agdal please. Here is fine. ----Formal Romanization---- Agdal afak. Dini l Agdal afak. Wqef hna afak. --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 Egyptian Arabic Survival Phrases #6 - First Encounters in Egypt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:39

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- اسمك أيه؟ اسمي جون إنت منين؟ أنا من كندا ----Formal English---- What is your name? My name is John. Where are you from? I'm from Canada. ----Formal Romanization---- esmak eih? ana esmi John. enta mneen? ana men Canada. --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 News #92 - Learn just the Arabic vocabulary… or get all 30 languages with Visual Dictionary Pro for iPhone and iPad! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:23

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 Learn Arabic in Three Minutes #22 - Asking “Where” in Arabic | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:53

Learn common Arabic question words with our Arabic in Three Minutes series! In Arabic-speaking countries, knowing how to ask questions is important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need while speaking Arabic. A native Arabic teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. A native Arabic teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask "where" in Arabic. Visit us at ArabicPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Arabic lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Learn Arabic in Three Minutes #14 - Talking about Possessions | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:57

Learn common Arabic conversational phrases with our Arabic in Three Minutes series! In Arabic-speaking countries, manners are important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need to be polite while speaking Arabic. A native Arabic teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary. In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask about your possessions in Arabic. Visit us at ArabicPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Arabic lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Egyptian Arabic Survival Phrases #4 - Refusing in Egyptian Arabic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:34

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- لأ شُكراً ده كتير شُكراً بَس أَنا شبِعت خَلاص ----Formal English---- No thank you. This is too much. Thank you, but I'm already full. ----Formal Romanization---- laʾ, shokran. Dah kteer. Shokran bas ʾanā šbiʿt ḫalāṣ. --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 News #91 - Free Feature Alert - Do you know about these ArabicPod101.com features? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:05

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 Top 25 Arabic Questions You Need to Know #3 - Where do you live? in Arabic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:57

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: أين تسكن؟ Q: أين تسكنين؟ A: أنا أسكن في نيو يورك A: أنا أسكن في تورونتو A: أنا أسكن في باريس A: أنا أسكن في القاهرة ----Formal English---- Q: Where do you live? (masculine) Q: Where do you live? (feminine) A: I live in New York. A: I live in Toronto. A: I live in Paris. A: I live in Cairo. --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 Egyptian Arabic Survival Phrases #3 - This Please in Egyptian Arabic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:20

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- لَو سَمَحت بَعد إذنَك لَوْ سَمَحت, عايِز دَه لَو سَمَحتي, عايزَة دَه ----Formal English---- Please. (formal) If you don't mind. (formal) I want this, please. (masculine speech and masculine object) I want this, please.(feminine speech and feminine object) ----Formal Romanization---- law samaḥt. baʿd ʾeznak. law samaḥt, ʿāyiz dah. law samaḥti, ʿāyza dih. --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 Top 25 Arabic Questions You Need to Know #23 - Whose is this? in Arabic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:14

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Q: لمن هذا؟ A: إنها لي A: إنها لأخي A: إنها لأبي A: إنها لأمي ----Formal English---- Q: Whose is this? A: It's mine. A: It's my brother's. A: It's my dad's. A: It's my mom's. --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 Egyptian Arabic Survival Phrases #2 - Say “You’re Welcome” in Egyptian Arabic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:23

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- عَفواً عَلى إيه؟ ----Formal English---- You're welcome. For what? ----Formal Romanization---- ʿafwan. ʿalā ʾīh?. De rien. --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 News #90 - Completely Understand Arabic In Every Lesson - Here’s How! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:07

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 Video #18 - Video Vocab Lesson #18: Plants | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:40

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101.com! Here at ArabicPod101.com, we've discovered the easiest way for you to learn Arabic vocabulary words. Put us to the test with this video tutorial designed to teach you about something that you can't live without. In this Arabic video tutorial, you'll learn common Arabic words for plants. They're presented so that you're sure to learn and retain them: hear a native speaker repeat the word three times, fast, slow, then fast. The video also shows the Arabic words for each item, and there's a fun self-test at the end so you can see just how much you learned.

 News #89 - Want To Learn A New Language? We’re About To Add 2 More Tomorrow! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:32

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources!

 Audio Blog #6 - Salah Al Dien Al Youbi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:21

Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101! Don't forget to stop by ArabicPod101.com for more great Arabic Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- صلاح الدين الأيوبي(قائد العرب) صلاح الدين الأيوبي واحد من أشهر ملوك العرب و الذي لا يستطيع التاريخ نكران ما فعله هذا الفارس العربي. فهو الملك العربي الوحيد الذي إستطاع تحرير بيت المقدس . فقد تمكن من هزيمة جيوش أثنتي عشرة دولة من دول أوربا جاءت ساعية وراء تحقيق المجد و الإستيلاء على أورشليم و بيت المقدس .(القدس حاليا)(فلسطين). فكان صلاح الدين الأيوبي و بشهادة أعدائه كما روى التاريخ رمز من رموز العدالة و الحكمة و أيضا رمز من رموز الفكر العسكري فكانت لديه من الحكمة و الوعي العسكري ما يكفي ليكون جديرا بأن يلقب بـ (قائد العرب). فرغم كل ما واجهه صلاح الدين الأيوبي من عقبات في مشواره لتحرير بيت المقدس كخيانات من بعض حلفاؤه له و تحالفهم مع دول العدو سعيا وراء المال و الجاه إلا إنه لم ييأس وواصل مشواره. و لا نستطيع أن ننسى مقولة عدوه الشهير(ريتشارد قلب الأسد) بعد إنتهاء الحرب بهزيمة جيوش أوروبا على يد صلاح الدين الأيوبي بأن قال له و كأنه يترجاه ( إسمح لي أن أعود إلى أورشليم حاجا و ليس عدوا)، فرد صلاح الدين عليه بأن رحب به وأن بيت المقدس مفتوح له في أي وقت يريد أن يحج إليه ،الأمر الذي يدل أن العرب لايحبون الحرب و سفك الدماء إلا إنهم يرفضون أي إعتداء خارجي على أراضيهم. فالعرب شعب يحب السلام. ----Formal English---- Salah Al Dien Al Ayoubi (the Arab Leader) Salah Al Dien Al Ayoubi is one of the famous Arab leaders, and history cannot deny what this Arabian knight has done. He is the only Arabian King who succeeded in liberating Jerusalem. He was able to defeat the armies of twelve European countries who were seeking glory by invading Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa mosque. (Al-Quods now - Palastine). Salah Al-Dien Al-Ayoubi was, as stated in the testimony of his enemies as the history mentioned, a symbol of justice, wisdom, and also a symbol of the military sagacity, as he had military wisdom and awareness that was worthy enough to honor him with the title the Arab Leader. Despite all that Salah Al-Dien Al-Ayoubi experienced due to the obstacles in his career for the Liberation of Jerusalem (due to the betrayal of some of his allies and their alliance with the countries of the enemies in pursuit of money and prestige), he did not give up and continued his career. And we cannot forget the saying of his famous enemy (Richard the Lionheart) after the end of the war where the European armies were badly defeated by Salah Al-Dien Al-Ayoubi, he said to him as if he was begging him, "Allow me to go back to Jerusalem, as a pilgrim and not as an enemy." Salah Al-Dien welcomed him and answered him that Jerusalem is open for him as a pilgrim any time, which indicates that Arabs do not like war and bloodshed, but they reject any foreign aggression on their land, as Arabs are a nation that loves peace. ----Formal Vowelled---- صَلاَح الديِن الأَيوُبيِ(قَاَئِدُ العَرَبُ) صَلاَح الديِن الأَيُوُبِيِ وَاَحِدٌ مِنْ أَشَهَرِ مُلُوُكِ العَرَبِ وَ الذِيِ لاَ يَسْتَطَيَعُ التَاَريِخُ نُكرَاَنِ مَاَ فَعَلَهُ هَذَاَ الفَاَرِسُ العَرَبِيُ. فَهَوَ المَلِكُ العَرَبِيُ الوَحَيِدُ الذَيِ إِستَطَاَعَ تَحْريِرُ بَيتُ المَقْدِسُ . فَقَدَ َتَمَكَنَ مِنْ هَزِيِمَةِ جِيُوُشْ أِثنَتَيِ عَشَرَةَ دَوْلَة مِنْ دِوَلِ أوُرُبَاَ جَاَءَتَ ساَعِيَةٌ وَرَاَءِ تَحْقِيِقِ المَجْدُ وَ الإِستِيِلاَءُ عَلَىَ أُوُرشَلِيِمِ وَ بَيَتَ المَقْدِسِ .(القُدسُ حَاَلياً)(فِلِسطِيِن). فَكَاَنَ صَلاَحُ الدِيِن الأَيوُبِيِ وَ بِشهَاَدِةِ أَعْدَاَئُهُ كَمَاَ رَوىَ التَاَريِخُ رَمزٌ مِنْ رُمُوُزِ العَدَاَلَةُ وَ الحِكْمَةُ و أَيِضَاً رَمزٌ مِن رُمُوُزِ الفِكرُ العَسْكَريُ فَكَاَنَتَ لَديهِ مِنَ الحِكمةِ وَ الوَعيِ العَسْكَرَيِ مَاَ يكَفَيِ ليَكوُنَ جَدَيِراً بِأَن يُلَقَب بـِ (قَاَئِدُ العَرَبُ). فَرَغمَ كُلَ مَاَ وَاَجَهُهُ صَلاَحُ الديِن الأَيوُبيُ مِنْ عَقَبَاَتٍ فِيِ مِشوُارِهِ لتَحريِرُ بِيِتُ المَقْدِسُ كَخِيَاَنَاَتِ مِن بَعْضِ حُ [...]


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