Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount show

Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount

Summary: Jeb Blount is the bestselling author of People Buy You and an internationaly recognized expert on sales. He believes that Sales Professionals are the Elite Athletes of the Business World. On the Sales Gravy podcast Jeb teaches you how to open more doors, close bigger deals, and rock your commission check.

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  • Artist: Jeb Blount | Author of People Buy You
  • Copyright: 2015 Jeb Blount, All Rights Reserved


 Put Your Sales Goggles On | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:54

Sales reps walk out of appointments and right past what might be their next sale, without blinking an eye. They usually mumble something about not having enough time or lunch or some other lame excuse. But the real truth is they are oblivious. They are myopic and unaware of the opportunities that are often right next door to their prospect. That's why you've got to put your "Sales Goggles" on so you can see those opportunities. This is how fanatical prospectors do it. They train themselves to be acutely aware of the opportunities around them. They are always on - looking around every corner, behind every bush, and in every window for their next prospect. Look to the left, the right, and behind you every time you go into or come out of an appointment and make it a point to walk into those doors and gather information. Get more free tips at

 When You're in Second Place Attack Your Competitor. When You're in First Place Attack Yourself. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:07

Everybody likes to talk about what you need to do to get to the top. But almost no one tells you what to do once you get there. On this episode you're going to learn what to do after you've reached your goal. For more free tips and advice visit:

 6 Secrets of Sales Prospecting Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:55

In this special podcast you'll learn prospecting secrets from six of the world's most trusted sales experts. This recording is from a recent Virtual Sales Boot Camp - one of the biggest live sales training events in the world. Get more free sales tips and tools at

 The Fine Art of Pulling Weeds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:07

Just as in any garden, in life, weeds are inevitable and frankly evidence of our fallibility as humans. Weeds of fear, poor attitude, bitterness, laziness, indecision, ignorance, clutter, poor time management, failure to set goals, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, and neglected relationships. How often do we allow them to grow unchecked until they choke out our happiness, contentment, health and success? Our weeds usually start out small. A simple lapse in self-discipline, poor judgment, or procrastination provides fertile ground for weeds to grow. At first we don't notice a weed has popped up, but, a little bit every day, it grows and becomes habitual; and, by the time the weed is easily identifiable - it is too late - the damage has been done. Our physical and emotional well-being is choked. Our relationships suffer. Our careers falter. Failure takes the place of success. It happens to the best of us. We have all allowed weeds to grow in our life unchecked and suffered the consequences. Get more free advice and tips at

 Make This YOUR Independence Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:28

"Starting today I will not depend on, wait on, or hope for luck, the lottery, the company, fate, or the government to help me change my life? I will take responsibility for my own life. I will set my own course. I will make my own success. I will take action. I will persist. I will find lessons in setbacks. I will look forward not backward. I will turn haters into motivators. I will be empowered by my circumstances not impeded by them. I can achieve whatever I want and nothing can hold me back. I own my future. This is my Independence Day!" [Get More Tips and Advice at]

 Bonus #2: How to Write Books and Get Published | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:48

In this special bonus podcast Jeb discusses his books, the process of writing books, and how to get published with John Patrick on the Buzz on Biz radio show. Get more free tips at

 7 Strategies for Getting Past Gatekeepers in Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:19

A universal truth in sales is that salespeople hate gate keepers. Gatekeepers get paid to keep you from getting to decision makers and this sets up an ugly stand-off. Sales professionals sometimes become so frustrated with gatekeepers that they begin to experiment with tricks that, too often, make them look foolish. These schemes, regrettably, impact both parties which is why so many gate keepers, like my assistant, would rather have their teeth pulled than deal with a salesperson. The reality though is you are going to have to deal with gatekeepers often. There is just no way to avoid it. So is there a secret? I know you are hoping I'll say yes but the answer is no. There are no secret techniques that will get you past gate keepers. There are, however, seven strategies, that will give you an edge when dealing with gatekeepers. Get more tips and tricks to sell more and boost your income at

 Bonus #1: The Origin of Sales Gravy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:34

In this bonus podcast Jeb discusses the origin of Sales Gravy with John Patrick on the Buzz on Biz radio show. Get more free resources at

 When the Horse is Dead, Dismount | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:45

One of the enduring qualities of highly successful people is the ability to turn disappointment, defeat, and anger into unmovable determination. When someone hurts you, your body and mind fill with energy and adrenalin for revenge. Take advantage of that gift of energy to get better because, achievement is the ultimate revenge. Get more tips to help you AMP your sales day at:

 You Are Your Beliefs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:20

What you believe about yourself and your abilities has more impact on achievement than your talent, skills, or education. However, when you dream big and think big there will always be some naysayer there trying to tear you down. It is up to you to push these negative people out of your life while managing your own self-doubt. Remember: Never let anyone tell you what you can't do. Visit for more free sales tips.

 7 Mindsets of Top Earning Salespeople | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:54

Jim Rohn was famous for saying that "success leaves clues." But, he wasn't the first to say this. I've spent a lifetime studying the habits of top earning sales pros. Along the way I discovered seven core mindsets that define them. These are their success clues. Highly successful people from ancient philosophers, like Aristotle, to modern day thought leaders have always made the point that there is little need to "reinvent the wheel." If you study what successful people do, you find patterns. When you duplicate those patterns, you are able to duplicate their success. ** Get more free sales tips at: **

 3 Rules for Dealing With Angry Customers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:17

Get more resources at or call Jeb at 1-888-360-2249 Customers get mad for lots of reasons. Sometimes they are totally wrong. In most cases though they're pissed off for a good reason. The one thing you can count on is when they get mad they're going to call you and there is a good chance that call will not be pleasant. What is important to understand is how you handle that situation has a direct impact on your relationship with the customer, future sales, and potential referrals. In this episode I'm going to give you 3 rules for dealing with pissed off customers.

 Sales Leadership Strategies for Delivering Massive Revenue Growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:06

If you are a sales leader, a new sales leader, or looking to be come a sales leader this podcast will give you five key leadership strategies you'll need to build a high-performing sales team and deliver massive revenue growth. Get more free tips at

 In Sales There is No Easy Button | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:13

Get more free tips at: In his book, Spartan Up: A Take No Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance, Joe De Sena explains that "easy is the greatest marketing hook of all time." So companies promise, again and again, that you can lose weight, flip houses, or get rich with no pain, no sacrifice, and no effort. Their phones ring off the hook, even though, intuitively, most people know these promises are overhyped and not true. It is just human nature to seek the easy way out. We live in a society that glorifies easy. Far too many people are buying lottery tickets and waiting for some day when. I see examples of this mindset while observing Sales Professionals putting all of their hopes into one "Hail Mary" account believing that they will somehow be rewarded even though they put no real effort into the selling process. Selling this way is no better than playing the lottery. You've got a better chance of getting struck by lightning than winning the lottery. If you spend your days looking for the easy way out, I can without hesitation, guarantee that you will never get what you want.

 7 Tips for Using Text Messaging for Sales Prospecting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:05

What makes text messaging an increasingly valuable prospecting channel is the inevitable and total integration of mobile phones as the primary communication device in our lives and that most people feel compelled to read and/ or respond to them immediately. The fact that texting is so personal makes it an extremely powerful channel for getting the attention of prospects. Because it so personal though, timing and technique become more important than with any other prospecting channel. Get more free insider tips at


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