The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action

Summary: Fun and informative, this real estate investment talk show has been broadcasting on conventional radio since 1997. Hosted by professional investor Robert Helms and financial strategist Russell Gray, the show delivers no-hype education and expert perspectives in a fast-paced, entertaining style. Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says The Real Estate Guys are wild and crazy, but they really know what they are talking about. The Guys talk investment strategy, economics, tax and asset protection planning, market and property due diligence, international diversification and much, much more! Gain valuable insights from interviews with notable experts, industry leaders and real life investors. Discover proven strategies for making money with real estate in any market, how to avoid common and costly mistakes and what is working in the real world right now. Relevant topics, credible guests, upbeat delivery and no sales hype have made The Real Estate Guys one of the most listened to real estate talk shows in the world. Check it out! There is a new episode released every week, so be sure to subscribe today!

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  • Artist: The Real Estate Guys
  • Copyright: 2004-2019 The Real Estate Guys Radio Show


 Entrepreneurs in the New Economy - Getting Paid to Solve Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:48

Investment banker Jeff Villwock shares his story of seeing a problem and making it an opportunity.  The story within the story is how The Real Estate Guys met Jeff and how important it is to get out in the world with an open mind.  There are smart people on every side of every issue and when it comes to public policy, one man's solution is another man's disaster, and vice versa.  In this case, Jeff sees a problem brewing in the US and is going offshore to create a solution.  The beautiful thing is that no matter what happens, it's all good.  Join Robert, Russ and special guest Jeff Villwock for another exciting odyssey in audio excellence.  Want more?  Get The Real Estate Guys Radio Show free newsletter! Visit

 Still Trying to Modify Your Loan? Tip the Scales in Your Favor with Martin Andelman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:10

Need a secret weapon to help in your loan mod negotiations?  Special guest Martin Andelman updates on the state of the art in the loan mod wars.  HAMP hasn't helped a whole lot, but it's getting better.  For all their good intentions, consumer protection laws have left consumers unrepresented when facing off against the bigger, better equipped banks.  But our guest says the tide is turning with the advent of a new tool now available to borrowers.  Find out what it is and how it works - and how you can order Martin Andelman's free report The Underwater Borrower's Secret Weapon - How to Make Modifying Your Loan Your Lender's Idea.  Join Robert, Russ, the Godfather and special guest Martin Andelman for another exciting episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show! The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show provides ideas, perspectives and resources to help real estate investors succeed.  Sign up for our free newsletter at

 Ask The Guys - Bankruptcy, Tax Liens, Cheap Homes and More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:55

Answering listeners questions is always fun.  For this episode we dig through the e-mail bag and pull out some good ones.  Is a house for $1,000 a good deal?  Will Fannie and Freddie still be my friend after I file bankruptcy?  Are tax liens safe?  Plus thoughts on buying real estate with an IRA and how to bounce back from a financial wipeout.  Join Robert Helms, Russell Gray and the Godfather of Real Estate Bob Helms for all the answers!  Want more?  Sign up for The Real Estate Guys™ free newsletter at

 Profiting from Your Vacation - Exploring New Markets in Your Bathing Suit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:02

Combine business with pleasure this summer!  Discover how to look for real estate opportunities while on vacation - or how to turn your real estate trips into a vacation.  In either case, it's fun and makes good financial sense.  Join Robert Helms, Russell Gray and the Godfather of Real Estate Bob Helms for a lively discussion of fun based deal hunting.  Want more?  Sign up for The Real Estate Guys free newsletter at

 Cashing In on the Changing Retail Market | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:42

Once prized retail assets are available at bargain basement prices.  Does that mean they're a good deal?  Our expert guest has 30 years and billions of dollars of experience. He says now just might be the best time he's ever seen to make big money in retail.  But the game has changed, so to win, you need creative solutions for today's challenges.  Join Robert Helms, Russell Gray and the Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms as they explore the state of retail real estate with special guest, veteran real estate investor, Tom Morris.  Discover how Tom is overcoming a difficult economy using inside knowledge, relationships and creativity.Want more?  Sign up for The Real Estate Guys free newsletter at

 Real World Economics with Dr. Mark Skousen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:23

Economist and businessman Dr. Mark Skousen discusses his views and outlook on real estate and economic policy, including what he believes is the single most important component of a sustainable recovery. Dr. Skousen also shares his insights into the increasing interest in off-shore investing.  As a former Forbes Magazine columnist and the promoter of Freedom Fest, he has access to the ideas and opinions of several very intriguing people, including Steve Forbes, Peter Schiff and Whole Foods CEO John Mackey.  Celebrate the first amendment and tune into this very interesting show! Want more?  Sign up for The Real Estate Guys™ free newsletter at

 Determining ROI - Balancing Risk and Reward | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:20

What's a reasonable return on investment in today’s market?  As you might expect, the answer is, “It depends!”  Every investor must accept risk in order to attain reward.  Even doing nothing is a risk with its own reward.  The obvious goal is to achieve maximum reward with minimum risk.  Duh.  But what are the risks and how do you assess them?  What are the potential returns?  What’s about the not-so-obvious risks?  And what’s reasonable to expect in today’s economy? Tough questions!Balancing in our chairs behind The Real Estate Guys™ golden microphones (actually, they’re black with smelly foam that prevents our P's from popping too profusely), to talk through all of these perplexities are your Host and mental gymnast, Robert Helms; Co-host and floor tumbler, Russell Gray; and Chief spotter, the Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms.Real estate is as much an art as it is a science. There are so many different markets, sub-markets, product types and deal structures to choose from.  Beyond that, there are variations in economic conditions, seller motivations, tax laws, interest rates and on and on and on.  The types of returns which can be attained in a real estate investment range from bankruptcy (on the VERY negative side) to infinite returns (profit on nothing invested). We like the latter better, don't you?Recognizing that real estate investing is “non-traditional” when compared to the conventional approach of "work hard, pay taxes, live below your means and buy stocks, bond and mutual funds for the long haul" - we talk about the ranges of returns which are reasonable to expect when investing in certain kinds of real estate.  We also talk about how certain deal structures can really improve your ROI.Another topic of discussion is the risks of investing versus those of NOT investing.  There is an adage which says that the more risk you take, the more return you should demand.  We agree with that one. Of course, it presupposes that you understand the risks and can factor them into your decisions.There is another adage which says that higher returns mean more risk.  NOT NECESSARILY!  There are actually deal structures which REDUCE risk while INCREASING return.  So of course, we talk about those things because they are among our favorite benefits of real estate investing!After this broadcast, we slipped off our leotards (sorry, bad visual) and headed for the showers (worse visual!), pleased with our performance.  Now we’re waiting for the judges (that’s you) to put our scores.  We only ask that not take into consideration what we look like in our leotards.  And, that you remember to take us to the gym because, as you probably already know after the leotard visual, we REALLY need the workout!Want more?  Sign up for The Real Estate Guys™ free newsletter at

 Happy Housing Headlines - Real or Not Real? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:23

Lots of good real estate news lately!  Does that mean real estate is back?  Inquiring minds want to know!  So we decide to dig deeper into the headlines to see what we can find out. In the news room for this broadcast are your host and chief news analyst, Robert Helms;  Co-host and head article clipper, Russell Gray; and the stone tablet reviewer, The Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms.Thanks to the internet, real estate investors have more access to more information than ever before!  But to whom much is given, much is required.  It's more important than ever to consider carefully what is being reported, who's reporting it, and whether the underlying facts are accurate.We shoot through reports on news about housing, employment, consumer confidence and economic trends - all of which provide clues we can use to determine what's really happening out there.  Of course, you always run the risk of paralysis of analysis, so managing your mindset is just as important as filtering through all the noise.At the end of the day (and this broadcast!), it all comes down to taking action.  Knowledge is only power when acted upon.  If there's opportunity in turmoil, then a key to success is to take action when others are hesitating.  How?  Tune in and find out!Want more?  Sign up for The Real Estate Guys free newsletter at

 Getting Into the Deal Flow - Wholesale Solutions for a Distressed Market | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:26

Finding great deals is a lot harder than it sounds. Or is it?  We always say that every problems presents one or more opportunities.  That sounds really good in a seminar or on the radio, but what about in the real world?In our continuing quest to find resources to help real estate investors succeed, we found an entrepreneur who looked at all the carnage in the low end housing market and saw a business opportunity.  In fact, we were so impressed that after out first meeting we decided to fly to his office and look at his operation. While we were there, we fired up the microphones and recorded an interview.  Wouldn’t you like to hear it?  We thought so!  Behind the microphones on location in Austin, Texas:•    Your host and lead explorer, Robert Helms•    Co-host, financial strategist and travel coordinator, Russell Gray•    Lawyer, entrepreneur, investment banker and CEO, Jeffrey BallAnyone who’s every watched a late night TV infomercial has probably heard the terms “REO” and “Wholesale”.  And at 2:00 am, the idea of buying bank owned properties for pennies on the dollar SOUNDS easy to do.  But anyone who’s every tried knows it’s a whole lot harder than it looks.  So even if you’re well educated and adequately capitalized, getting into the deal flow can be elusive.  Correction, getting into the GOOD deal flow is elusive.Of course, most people only look at a problem from their own perspective.  If deal flow is a problem for investors, what about the banks who are holding repossessed properties?  Our guest points out that the banks have problems too!   And he tells why the problem is worse on the lower priced properties.Wow!  If both the buyers (investors like you) and sellers (banks holding repo’d property) have problems, there MUST be an opportunity in there somewhere, right?Of course there is!Once we understand the problems from both sides, Jeff reveals how he built a business around solving the problems.  What’s most exciting is there is a role for individual investors to play.If you know there’s great deals in distressed property, but haven’t figured out a practical way to get into the deal flow, then this show is for you!

 Considering Your Options - How to Control Property with Little or No Cash | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:51

Options contracts are a powerful, yet often misunderstood and underutilized tool in an investor’s tool box.  What exactly are real estate options contracts?  How do they work?  Most importantly, how can you use them to create profits?  Listen as host Robert Helms, optional co-host Russell Gray, and The Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms talk options.  Discover how to use an option to play a rumor, lock in a great price, buy time to arrange financing - and much more!  We know you have options when you listen to the radio.  Thank you for choosing The Real Estate Guys™! Want more?  Sign up for The Real Estate Guys free newsletter at

 Live, Work, Play - Designing Your Lifestyle as a Real Estate Investor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:20

International Real Estate Developer Beth Clifford joins Robert, Russ and the Godfather to discuss the why and how of integrating a global lifestyle with real estate investing. The world has changed!  The internet has made it smaller, the economy has become much more global, and there are more challenges and opportunities than ever before.  What global trends are affecting the location and type of desirable real estate?  What is one of the fastest growing demographics in the world (you'll be surprised!)?  What does it take to make the leap from local living to a global investing lifestyle?  Beth shares about her own transition from corporate America to international real estate investor and developer.  Are you ready to become a global real estate mogul?  Tune in and find out!Want more?  Sign up for The Real Estate Guys free newsletter at

 Shifting Gears - True Confessions of a Reborn Real Estate Investor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:45

A candid conversation with one investor who is getting back on the road to real estate riches after the downturn wiped out much of his portfolio.  We often say that a bend in the road isn’t the end of the road - unless you fail to make the turn! The real estate market made a sharp turn a couple of years ago.  Lots of people failed to adjust and are no longer in the business.  Many of those who are still on the path had to make adjustments. From Donald Trump to Walter Sanford to Robert Kiyosaki to Wayne Palmer, we never get tired of hearing the riches to rags to riches stories.  Successful people are successful - even when they’re failing - because they know how to manage their fears, analyze their failures, get the lessons and take effective action to come back bigger and better than before. We decided to catch up with David Campbell, a former high school teacher turned real estate millionaire who lost nearly everything when the mortgage meltdown slammed property values.  Now, he’s rebuilding - using the lessons from the hard times to build a much stronger and more stable portfolio. Tune in and find out how David manages his psychology in the face of setbacks, and how his approach to real estate investing has changed.  David shares his new investment philosophy and reveals what property types and markets he’s having success with right now - and why. If you think winners never lose, then this show will show you that bad things can happen to good investors.  But a good investor will shift gears and get back on track!

 The State of the Fractional Interest Real Estate Market with Dr. Dick Ragatz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:02

Unless you’ve been living off planet, you know that the real estate world has changed dramatically in the last few years.  Why?  Because financing as we came to know and love it has all but disappeared.  But does that mean people have stopped wanting to buy real estate?  Of course not! The idea of fractional (not “fractured”, though many underwater property owners may feel that way) ownership isn’t new.  It’s a proven structure which is often used to allow people the opportunity to enjoy the use and ownership of resort properties.  But it’s also a great technique for building a diverse portfolio of investment property.  And of course, you can combine resort property and your investment goals in what we call Lifestyle Investing.  That's one of our FAVORITE ways to invest! We think market conditions are ripe for more people to consider fractional structures.  So we decided it would be a good idea to talk to one of the biggest brains on the subject, Dr. Dick Ragatz.  Anytime you call someone “doctor”, you know they’re pretty smart.  Dr. Ragatz has a Master’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley and a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from Cornell.  He taught Housing Market Analysis at Cornell and also at the University of Oregon.  He’s been an active participant and leader in many industry trade groups including the American Society of Planning Officials, the American Institute of Planner, the American Institute of Certified Planners, and our personal favorite, the American Resort Development Association (ARDA).  He won awards for outstanding contributions from ARDA in 1989, 1995 and 2006. We could go on and on, but you get the point.  He’s a really smart and accomplished guy, the kind you would want to sit down and talk real estate with.  So, since you couldn’t do that yourself, we did it for you! Check out this very informative interview with this highly intelligent industry leader. Get the inside scoop on what’s happening in one of the most interesting segments of the ever-changing real estate industry, courtesy of The Real Estate Guys Radio Show!  You’re welcome.   ;-)

 Live from the 8th Annual Summit at Sea! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:22

Insights and reflections from Summit Faculty including Rich Dad Advisors Ken McElroy, Wayne Palmer, Garrett Sutton; plus international developer Beth Clifford, attorney Mauricio Rauld, the Godfather of Real Estate Bob Helms and the Guys!  Recorded with a live studio audience on the Carnival Triumph as we sail through the Caribbean.  Come on board!

 Does it Still Make Sense to Own Your Home? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:52

Home ownership is the American Dream. Or is it? For many, home ownership has turned out to be a nightmare.  So we decided to examine the pros and cons of owning the roof over your head in today's economy.  Join Robert, Russ and the Godfather for a discussion on whether it still makes sense to own your own home.


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