Renegade Talk Radio show

Renegade Talk Radio

Summary: RenegadeTalk.FM is more popular than ever. Over 1.2 Million listeners have tuned in our Talk Show programming over the past 11 months and the numbers are still growing. We cover subjects that the ostrich media (mainstream media) simply will not cover.


 Alex Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3347

THE INFOWARS NETWORK TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW June 17, 2020 Tune in as we uncover what's really going on:

 E.G GOES IN ON, EVERYTHING GOING ON RIGHT NOW IN THE WORLD WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!(MUST HEAR)!!!!!!!!!!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1288

On May 25, Minneapolis police officers arrested George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, after a convenience store employee called 911 and told the police that Mr. Floyd had bought cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill. Seventeen minutes after the first squad car arrived at the scene, Mr. Floyd was unconscious and pinned beneath three police officers, showing no signs of life. By combining videos from bystanders and security cameras, reviewing official documents and consulting experts, The New York Times reconstructed in detail the minutes leading to Mr. Floyd’s death. Our video shows officers taking a series of actions that violated the policies of the Minneapolis Police Department and turned fatal, leaving Mr. Floyd unable to breathe, even as he and onlookers called out for help. The day after Mr. Floyd’s death, the Police Department fired all four of the officers involved in the episode. On May 29, the Hennepin County attorney, Mike Freeman, announced third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges against Derek Chauvin, the officer seen most clearly in witness videos pinning Mr. Floyd to the ground. Mr. Chauvin, who is white, kept his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds, according to the criminal complaint against him. Our video shows that Mr. Chauvin did not remove his knee even after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness, and for a full minute after paramedics arrived at the scene. On June 3, Hennepin County prosecutors added a more serious second-degree murder charge against Mr. Chauvin and also charged each of the three other former officers — Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao — with aiding and abetting second-degree murder.

 Dark Enigma - Stories About People Who Blinked Out of Existence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1385

Please be aware the stories, theories, re-enactments and language in this podcast are of an adult nature and can be disturbing, frightening and in some cases offensive. Listener Discretion is advised – there is very adult content ahead and you have been warned. Welcome heathens welcome to the world of the weird and unexplained. I’m your host, Nicole Delacroix and together, we will be investigating stories about the weird, wonderful, unexplained, eerie, scary and down-right unbelievable. There will be tales of ghosts, murder, supernatural beings and unexplained mysteries. So, sit back, grab your favorite drink, relax and prepare to be transported to today's dark Enigma.... And on today’s Dark enigma we’re looking into strange stories of people who just blinked out of existence… I know we all have someone we wish would blink out of existence, but seriously, right?! With that said, we will still be playing our drinking game and as you know, the drinking game is only for those of us that are at home and have nowhere else to go tonight. The choice of beverage is yours, so choose your venom accordingly… Alright, now for the game part how about every time I say Vanish that will be a single shot and every time I say phenomenon, that will be a double shot. Alright, now that the business end is out of the way we can jump headfirst into today’s dark enigma… and the strange stories of people who just blinked out of existence Mysterious vanishings have happened throughout history, and they are always very enigmatic indeed, yet there seem to be those that are quite a bit stranger than most. One area of the potentially paranormal that seems to get very little coverage is the truly outlandish accounts of people just seeming to spontaneously cease to exist right in full view of startled witnesses. One second they are there, the next they are not; for all appearances being totally erased right before their eyes. There is a large amount of such cases floating around out there, and it is time to take a look into this weird phenomena. Here we will look at reports of people who were just going about their business in public places, only to see one of the people in the background of their everyday life simply evaporate into nothingness.

 By design, civilization is unraveling – meanwhile, top globalists launch their next move! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3347

TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW June 16, 2020 By design, civilization is unraveling – meanwhile, top globalists launch their next move! Tune in:

 Tune in as we uncover the double standard by globalists who say protests and mass rioting are good, | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3347

TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW June 15, 2020 Tune in as we uncover the double standard by globalists who say protests and mass rioting are good, but President Trump holding political rallies is bad:

 The United States is now officially in a civil war with globalist forces | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3347

TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW June 12, 2020 The United States is now officially in a civil war with globalist forces – choose a side & get involved:

 Hopefully all of Us will be here Tomorrow -Richie Lady L | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1895

The left is desperate. The lockdowns, Russiagate, and impeachment failed to rid them of Donald Trump. Hence the rollout of their militia, Antifa, with new uniforms and advanced tactics and BLM as propagandists. Will Black Voters Still Love Biden When They Remember Who He Was? Democrats Propose Replacing All Police With Traveling Bands Of Hippies Singing 'Imagine'

 Alex Jones will be breaking bombshell intel that not only the virus crisis was a hoax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3355

TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW June 11, 2020 Alex Jones will be breaking bombshell intel that not only the virus crisis was a hoax, but how tens of thousands were purposefully killed to create a death count:

 Dark Enigma - The Unsolved Case of Tara Calico | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 825

Please be aware the stories, theories, re-enactments and language in this podcast are of an adult nature and can be disturbing, frightening and in some cases offensive. Listener Discretion is advised – there is very adult content ahead and you have been warned. Welcome heathens welcome to the world of the weird and unexplained. I’m your host, Nicole Delacroix and together, we will be investigating stories about the weird, wonderful, unexplained, eerie, scary and down-right unbelievable. There will be tales of ghosts, murder, supernatural beings and unexplained mysteries. So, sit back, grab your favorite drink, relax and prepare to be transported to today's dark Enigma.... And on today’s Dark enigma I was feeling a little down and truthfully angry with all the stupid going on in the world I felt a little mystery was appropriate. So, with that said, we will still be playing our drinking game and as you know, the drinking game is only for those of us that are at home and have nowhere else to go tonight. The choice of libation is yours, so choose your poison accordingly… Alright, now for the game part how about every time I say bike that will be a single shot and every time I say New Mexico, that will be a double shot. Now that the business end is out of the way we can jump headfirst into today’s dark enigma… and the bizarre unsolved case of the disappearance… abduction… of Tara Calico. On the morning of September 20, 1988, 19-year-old Tara Calico left her home in Belen, New Mexico to embark on a 36-mile bike ride along New Mexico State Road 47. The events of that morning weren’t unusual; according to Tara’s mother, Patty Doel, her daughter biked this route almost daily. Before leaving around 9:30 AM, Tara asked her mom to come get her if she wasn’t home by noon because she had plans with her boyfriend. Patty agreed and unknowingly said goodbye to her daughter for the last time. When she didn’t return by 12:00 PM, Patty set out to find her. After driving back and forth twice, there was no sign of Tara along her normal route. As panic set in, Patty called the Valencia County Sheriff’s Department to report her daughter missing. For weeks, investigators searched the area. Local and state police, as well as hundreds of volunteers, combed the area on foot, horseback, four-wheelers, and planes. The only evidence they found were pieces of Tara’s broken Sony Walkman and bike tracks. Her stepfather, John Doel, recalls that the track marks looked more like skids, perhaps a sign of a struggle.

 We are Not Paying for ANYTHING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1688

Minneapolis Mayor Asks Trump For Aid After Riots Cause At Least $55 Million In Damage OAN News Report: Court Filing Shows Hunter Biden Earned $156 Million From Ukraine Corruption

 ARE VIOLENT INCELS TERRORISTS? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2318

This episode compares the stories of Adam Alsahli, the radical Islamist who attacked the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, with stories of two Incels, Armando Hernandez, Jr., who shot couples in an Arizona mall, and an unidentified teen who took a machete to women in a Canadian erotic spa. Incels are men who are ‘Involuntarily Celibate’, and hate women for rejecting them - not wanting to be their girlfriend or have sex with them. These stories pose the question: are we using the word ’terrorist’ too loosely? Adam Alsahli, a 20-year-old Syrian-born U.S. citizen, with social media posts supporting terrorists, tried to speed through a security gate at the Naval Air Station and opened fire. Armando Hernandez, Jr., a 20-year-old Incel, wanted to injure couples so they’d feel the pain he feels because of being shunned by women. The prosecutor called him a “self-pitying terrorist.” A 17-year-old Incel, had been charged with murder and attempted murder, but for the first time, Canadian authorities have charged an Incel with terrorism. After hearing these stories, you’ll come to understand how Incels are different from Radical Islamists, and how they are similar - and you can decide if Incels who attack should be charged with terrorism.

 Alex Jones and crew break down shocking developments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3355

TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW June 9, 2020 Alex Jones and crew break down shocking developments on today's bombshell broadcast:

 Free Talk Live - Renegade Talk Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7326

Coinbase to ID users for governments :: Michigan Barber wins supreme court case :: Caller dislikes Spike Cohen :: Towlie not Mr Hankey :: Libertarian party candidates :: Butthurt over politicians :: Contribute to the campaign for Nobody :: Biden rejects defunding police :: Third precinct of Minneapolis :: What would make protesters happy :: Suggestions to improve police now :: HOSTS - Captain Kickass, Nobody, Ian

 It's All Good with Richie and Lady L | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1966

Listen in Renegade Nation Richie Lady L

 TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3347

TODAY ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW June 8, 2020 Start your week informed with the most banned broadcast in the world:


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