Daily Pro-life Reflections From Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests For Life. show

Daily Pro-life Reflections From Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests For Life.

Summary: This podcast contains a one-minute radio spot, updated every weekday, from Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. The themes are abortion, euthanasia, and the pro-life movement. The radio spot is broadcast on various Christian outlets nationally and internationally.

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  • Artist: Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.


 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot274.mp3

Each year on October 2nd, the Church observes the Feast of the Guardian Angels, and reflects on the fact that from the first moment of our existence, God assigns an angel to watch over us at every moment of our lives. Of course, this means that each unborn child has a guardian angel, too. If God cares enough about each unborn child to create that child and then assign him or her an angel, then certainly he expects us also to exercise some care and vigilance to speak up for and protect the lives of those children. It also means that we can pray to the guardian angel of each unborn child we are trying to save, as well as to the angels of the mother and father of that child, that they will have the courage to choose life.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot267.mp3

Paul writes to the Corinthians, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run so as to win. … I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing.” The term shadowboxing means that the participant punches at nobody in particular. But when the Church swings, she is supposed to hit something. We have to set specific goals in our fight to overcome evil and extend God’s Kingdom. There are specific enemies of the Church and the Gospel of Life. Our work, therefore, cannot be one of platitudes and generalities. It needs to begin with research and concrete knowledge of the obstacles in our way. Let’s not shadowbox. Let’s aim to win.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot266.mp3

The prophets of old, gave stern warning against those who robbed from the needy and oppressed the poor. God, who lifts up the lowly, expects his people to do the same, and to insure that they have enough. That is why it is so easy to understand why we defend the unborn. If God wants us to make sure our brothers and sisters have enough of this world’s goods, then he certainly wants us to make sure they have this world’s most basic good, life itself. The whole Biblical teaching about care for the poor would make no sense if we did not have an obligation to preserve the lives of those in danger. And we do this for the very same reason: God has entrusted us to the care of one another.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot309.mp3

Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, Kansas, is facing a criminal case that consists of one hundred and seven criminal violations, including twenty three felonies. The case has been a long story of political intrigue and efforts of Planned Parenthood and its political friends to conceal evidence and evade the law. But recently the Kansas Supreme Court sent the case to the district court for prosecution. For decades, we in the pro-life movement have known that the more we look, the more we see corruption in the abortion industry. Many people may think a woman should have the legal choice to get an abortion. But they also believe that medical clinics should observe the law and medical standards. And that’s what the abortion industry does not do. After all, you can’t practice vice virtuously.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot347.mp3

As we enter the second half of Advent, the liturgy focuses more specifically on the Incarnation and birth of Jesus at the first Christmas.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot343.mp3

One of the Christmas songs playing on the radio in these days is called "Grown up Christmas list." The singer says that the list is not for herself, but for a world in need. This list includes, "no more lives torn apart, that wars may never start…that right would always win." Christmas is a time for wishing for good things, because we know that God has given us His Son -- and if he has gone that far, as St. Paul declares, how will he not give us everything else besides? Let us increase our longing, then, that every life may be secure, safe from the violence of abortion and euthanasia, and from the ravages of poverty, crime, and war. Let us write our Christmas list with confidence

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot322.mp3

Often those who defend abortion, knowing that they do not have any valid arguments, resort to blanket criticism of priests for abusing children. What these abortion supporters don’t seem to realize is that by supporting the killing of children, they weaken their argument against the abuse of children. After all, it’s the same victim. The Church, and so many people of good will, oppose both the abuse and killing of children – and of anyone else as well. The argument of pro-life people is one of consistency and inclusion. The tragedy of Roe v Wade is summarized in its line that “the word person does not include the unborn.” Let’s oppose the killing of every and any innocent human life, and call on our opponents to stop being selective in their opposition to evil.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot319.mp3

In the time since Roe v Wade, scientists have learned a lot more about the ability of the child in the womb to feel pain. At the time of Roe, doctors thought that newborn children could not feel pain, and the only anesthetic they received was adhesive tape, to keep them still. Now, however, we have much more evidence about how these young bodies respond to pain, and Nebraska has even passed a law saying that once the child can feel pain, the state can protect that child from being aborted. Hence abortions there have been banned after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The National Right to Life Committee provides model legislation for other states that want to adopt it. Abortion is always wrong, but we should use every measure that will help reduce it.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot315.mp3

Each year in mid-November and in mid-June, the Catholic bishops of the United States come together for several days of prayer and meetings, to assist one another and the Church throughout the nation to more effectively proclaim the Gospel and serve God’s people. I am pleased to represent Priests for Life at these meetings, as a guest, and to discuss with the bishops the Church’s priority to defend right to life of the weakest among us, the children in the womb. The bishops have the primary responsibility to proclaim the faith and to encourage the rest of us to do the same. Let’s lift them up in prayer, that they may have a simplicity of spirit to say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done for God’s Kingdom.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot307.mp3

When the disciples of Christ exercise their citizenship and elect people to public office, the responsibilities of those disciples do not stop there. The duty of electing public servants then becomes the duty to lobby them, to hold them accountable to those who elected them, and to the responsibilities of public service. The first of those responsibilities is the defense of human life and human rights. Those in public office who fail in this responsibility need to be challenged by the public. And those elected officials who do carry out their duties need to hear from us words of encouragement and our offer of assistance. Many who hold public office have told me that they cannot do their job unless we believers do ours. Let’s get to work, then, and lobby for life.

 Political Loyalties - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://www.priestsforlife.org/audios/dailyspot300.mp3

While voting is always a moral obligation, sometimes that obligation is stronger than at other times. This is especially true when pro-life people have an opportunity to elect, in a close race, someone who is committed to protect the unborn, and remove from office someone else who isn't. The closer a race is, the more each person's vote matters. And among candidates who have a strong enough base to win, we have a moral obligation to vote in such a way that will do the most to advance the culture of life. We each have one vote, but we can also influence thousands of other votes. We can directly help candidates by volunteering for their campaigns, and we can help other voters understand their duty and get to the polls.

 Evangelist Alveda King PSA - Radio Spot | File Type: mp3 | Duration: Unknown

Evangelist Alveda King PSA - Radio Spot


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