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Animal Radio®

Summary: Animal Radio ® is America ' s most listened to animal talk show according to Arbitron. Animal Radio Network ® is dedicated to educating guardians and reducing surrenders and the unnecessary euthanasia of homeless animals.

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 Animal Radio Episode 999 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:40

Don’t Forget The Weather Predicting Pig! Dr. Page Wages, a Raleigh veterinarian loves animals so much she has 93 on her “Funny Farm” and a Weather Predicting Pig. Elmer the Pig has some weird behavior when it’s going to rain. Dr. Wages describes her big family and what she has to do every day to care for 93 animals. Putin Enacts Epic Pet Welfare Law Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed new animal welfare laws. The laws include banning petting zoos and animal fights. It also bans the killing of stray animals, which must instead be captured and placed in shelters. Also, when those stray animals are captured and taken to a shelter, they can only be captured out of sight of children and it must be recorded for public review. This was not a fast change. The law was first submitted to the Russian parliament in 2010 but was only approved and signed into law last month. Mother of Invention Lisa Baronoff was tired of cleaning her dog’s paws after winter walks in Manhattan. She became worried after her cocker spaniel got sick from the snowmelt chemicals put on sidewalks. She took her marketing background and launched her dog waders, Walkee Paws. She’s on Animal Radio this week to tell us about her invention and foray into the 72 million dollar pet sector. Link Between Executive Position and Pet Ownership We all know that vision, forward thinking, risk-taking, determination, hard work, dedication and a good game plan are what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. However, something else isn’t so well known also helps. According to a new study conducted for Canfield Pet Hospitals, having a pet can actually help people become successful and better company leaders. The research found that behind most C-suite executives (which are the CEO’s, CFO’s, COO’s), is a pet.

 Animal Radio Episode 998 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:31

Meet Justin Beaver Brigette Brouillard lives in Kentucky where she rescues and rehabs wild animals. At any moment you could see an opossum scurrying through the house or ‘Justin Beaver’ building a dam out of toys and household furniture. One of her two human children are on-board, even following in her footsteps. The other wants nothing to do with mom’s hobby. Brigette tells her story like any proud rodent mama would! California Divorce Law Favors Pets California has enacted a new law that gives judges the power to consider what’s in the best interests of pets in divorce cases, instead of treating them as physical property like a car or a sofa. It allows judges to consider “the care of the pet” then create shared custody agreements for the animal. A national survey of divorce lawyers found 88% of pet custody fights were about dogs and only 5% about cats. Is Your Cell Phone Full of Pet Pics? If you’ve got your cell phone close, take a quick look at the pictures you’ve taken. Do you see more pet pictures than pictures of your significant other? The results of a new study shows 65% of dog owners take more pictures of their dogs than their husbands, wives, girlfriends or boyfriends. The study also claims that nearly half of the people polled find it harder to leave their dog for a week than their human counterpart. Man Shoots His Dog at Park in Front of Children Police in Hamden, Connecticut say a man shot and killed his own dog in a park because he feared it might attack some children who were close by. The man told police that his dog, a pit bull that was not on a leash at the time, attacked and seriously injured another dog that was on a leash. He shot his dog in front of the owner of the injured dog as well as that man’s three children.

 Animal Radio Episode 997 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:37

Boy’s Mission To Pet A Million Dogs Gideon Kidd has a goal to pet a million dogs for his pet project. So far, the 10-year-old boy has pet more than 750 dogs. He’s chronicled his journey on Twitter, garnering over 160,000 followers. He’ll tell us how it’s going since we last spoke to him in June. Something Worth Saving Sandi Ward is a medical advertising copywriter by day. By night, she’s the author of great books written from a cat’s perspective. Sandi talks with us about her muse, a big black rescue cat named Winnie. Millennials Chose Pets Over Children Millennial are less likely to become parents of “human children” because they are instead focusing on their pets. Apparently 44% of millennials are unsure if they want to have children, but their rate of pet ownership continues to rise. These animals are acting as a substitute for children according psychology professor Jean Twenge. This generation is half as likely to be married than the generations preceding it. Convicted Deer Poacher Ordered to Watch Bambi Every Month For a Year A Missouri judge has ordered a convicted deer poacher to watch Bambi at least once a month during the year he will be spending in jail. The man is actually one of four family members implicated in a three-year hunting operation that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of deer. The prosecutor said the family mainly stalked their prey at night, killing the deer and taking their heads and antlers, and then they abandoned the carcasses. The state’s Department of Conservation called it a thrill and kill sport for the men. By the way, the one-year jail sentence was initially suspended in favor of a two-year probationary period. But the guy who now has to watch Bambi quickly violated the terms of his probation, leading the Judge to reinstate the original one-year sentence with the additional Bambi twist. What Do Cereal and Dog Food Have in Common? General Mills, which makes Trix and Yoplait, is hoping pet food will help it fight lagging cereal and snack sales. The company says it plans to double distribution of the Blue Buffalo product, expanding the number of places it’s sold to include grocery stores, drug stores and big box retailers like Target.

 Animal Radio Episode 996 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:05

Hero Dogs The founder of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, Wilma Melville shares stories of growing her nationally recognized organization by rescuing the dogs that would go on to rescue humans. Pet Prenups Many couples these days are using prenuptial agreements to decide who gets the pets in the case of a future divorce. Legal experts say the number of couples deciding who keeps pets ahead of time is growing. And, there are even free online versions of pet prenups for couples to easily sort out their plans for the future. If you’ve missed your chance to draw up a prenup for your pooch and worry your partner could take it away someday, there are methods to improve your chances in a canine custody dispute. Whoever takes care of the pet, took them to the vet and paid for the pet’s supplies and vet bills will stand a better chance of gaining custody, especially if you can prove it in court. Dog On Death Row One Connecticut family is heartbroken over their beloved dog Simon (a mixed breed) who is currently on death row & local town wants to euthanize him. Dr. David Young (Simon’s Dad) tells Animal Radio that a teenage neighbor deliberately cut the fence separating their yards and illegally trespassed on Young’s yard where Simon was playing. The teenager was brandishing a lacrosse stick in a threatening manner. Simon feeling threatened bit the teenager on the leg. Simon has been in City Custody over a year awaiting a court decision. People Put Their Pets Health First More than half of dog moms and dads put their pet’s health above their own according to a new study. 55% of the pet parents who were interviewed said a healthy diet for their dog is of the highest importance to them. But sadly, the experts found we don’t always consider the health benefits of our own food. Just a third of us consider the nutritional benefits of the food we’re adding to our shopping baskets for our own consumption. And, although we shop for our pets with their health in mind, we could be doing more harm than good at home. Over a third of the dog parents admitted to feeding their fur kid chocolate and cheese, which in some cases can be extremely toxic. Only 68% claimed to know ‘some’ of the food items that are dangerous for dogs to consume. See our list of toxic foods. …and it’s the Animal Radiolympics.

 Animal Radio Episode 995 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:00

Legislation To License Groomers Shortly after Rosemary Marchetto’s Shih Tzu was dropped at a chain store groomer she was informed that her dog had died. She feels the groomer was negligent and that the profession needs regulation. Bijou’s Bill, named after Rosemary’s dog, is being spearheaded by New Jersey Senator Valerie Huttle. The law would require pet groomers to be licensed, at least 18 years old, and tested by the State Board of Veterinary Examiners. Rosemary joins us this week to tell her story. Animal Radio’s Joey Villani is also on the forefront of this groundbreaking legislation and he says there is some push-back from many groomers. Do You Have The Right Car Seat For Your Fur-baby? A recent Harris Poll indicates that many dog owners don’t restrain their animals while driving with them. Many admit to allowing their dog to roam freely about the car, sit on their lap or stick their head out the window. Award-winning car columnist Tim Spell tells us the dangers behind unrestrained pets in the car and how to find the right restraining system and use it properly. You Can Now Ask Alexa Pet Medical Questions Vet24seven has launched MyPetDoc, an Alexa skill that is the world’s first artificial intelligence “SmartVet.” Now, pet parents with a pet health question can talk with MyPetDoc on Alexa and get veterinarian-backed answers to their concerns. Once MyPetDoc has answered the pet parents’ questions, they can then choose to speak immediately with a licensed veterinarian for more guidance and advice for a $25 charge. This doesn’t sit well with Animal Radio’s Dr. Debbie. Making It Illegal To Stalk Pets The federal stalking law is getting an update to include threats made against a pets and emotional support animals. Senator Gary Peters of Michigan managed to get his proposal, which adds threats and violence against a person’s pets to the stalking statute, included in this year’s Farm Bill. Under the law, threatening or harming a pet as a way to harass or intimidate a victim is punishable by up to five years in prison. Do You Have The Right Car Seat For Your Fur-baby? A recent Harris Poll indicates that many dog owners don’t restrain their animals while driving with them. Many admit to allowing their dog to roam freely about the car, sit on their lap or stick their head out the window. Award-winning car columnist Tim Spell tells us the dangers behind unrestrained pets in the car and how to find the right restraining system and use it properly. Pet Scams On The Rise The Better Business Bureau’s Scam Tracker has seen an increase in people losing money to pet scams. They’re not surprised as it’s typical around the holidays. Animal Radio’s Lori Brooks exposes the scams and has tips to avoid being scammed.

 Animal Radio Episode 994 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:45

Parsing The Hottest CBD Trend Topping the list of the biggest pet trends is the use of CBD, a bi-product of marijuana. Dozens of new CBD products have begun popping up. Some might not be so good for your pet and may actually contain arsenic. Dr. Debbie and Lori Brooks explore the pros and cons before you make an informed decision. Emotional Support Alligator at New Orleans Airport It’s not uncommon to see dogs or cats being used at major airports as a de-stressor. When you step off a plane in New Orleans, you’ll meet an alligator. While these alligators aren’t necessarily intended to provide emotional support, they are ready to take a selfie and be petted. Director of Communications at the airport, Erin Burns joins us to explain this unique partnership with the Audubon society. Women Sleep Better With Dogs Than Humans There’s a new study out that shows women sleep better next to dogs than their human partners. 55% shared the bed with at least one dog and 31% shared their bed with at least one cat. Researchers found dogs were less likely to wake their owners in the middle of the night than humans, who were equally disruptive to women’s sleep and didn’t provide the feelings of comfort and security that dogs do. Are Kennel Dryers Bad? If you go to a groomer, you might be very familiar with kennel dryers, used to finish your pet’s coat after a grooming. After several tragic accidents, many have become frightened of putting their animal inside the dryer. Dog father Joey Villani addresses this problem head-on, saying there is nothing inherently wrong with these machines - and instead blaming bad groomers.

 Animal Radio Episode 993 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:46

Mayor Takes Terminally Ill Pet On Trip Across America When someone you love is terminally ill, you may do whatever you can to make the little time left count. Attleboro Massachusetts Mayor Paul Heroux took his dying dog Mura on a cross-country bucket-list trip. He says “Filling up my gas tank: $40. Staying at a sketchy hotel: $60. The look on Mura’s face after she just ate a nasty freeway gas station hot dog: Priceless.” The animal friendly politician has also gone to far lengths to make his government workplace a pet-friendly environment. Troubled Teens Find Help Research back by the Iams Company is now showing that animal assisted therapy can make a significant difference in the recovery of troubled teens. A New Leash On Life, a program designed to match foster dogs with troubled youth, is having a positive effect on the children’s behavior and social interaction. Britt Savage Reports. Alligators At The Airport Many airports around the country are helping to de-stress passengers with teams of therapy animals in the terminals. These mostly include dogs and the occasional therapy pig, which struts around the San Francisco airport, or the therapy cats in Denver. Now, there is a new kind of therapy animal appearing at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in Louisiana, where they have baby alligators at the baggage claim. The program is part of the airport’s new partnership with the Audubon Nature Institute. Selfies are encouraged for that souvenir you won’t soon forget. FDA Reducing Use Of Animals In Research In keeping with the goals of reducing, replacing and/or refining the use of animals in research, the Food and Drug Administration has released for public comment their proposed research to validate an alternative approach for what they call bioequivalence studies for certain animal drugs. Another proposed change is that for at least two months before a study begins, the FDA’s animal care staff will work with the dogs to socialize them and acclimate them to being handled. The dogs will also receive regular veterinary care, including vaccinations and preventive care, so that they remain happy, well socialized and healthy and thus able to be adopted. If you have comments, make them here.

 Animal Radio Episode 992 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:06

Evicted Alligator Gets Legal Representation ‘Catfish,’ the 200-pound PET alligator that was forcibly removed from his home, is now being represented in court by Tristen Woods and Lauren Sierra. The alligator’s owner, Sean Casey fed Katfish a diet of chicken nuggets from Wendy’s. Tristen and Lauren explain the situation and what the future holds for the reptilian. Stressed People Have Stressed Dogs Dr. John Huber says happy owners generally have happy pets. Alternatively, stressed owners tend to cause their pets to be anxious. This anxiety can cause a myriad of canine behavior problems. Vegan Diets Can Land You in Jail Cat owners in the U.K. are being advised they are breaking the law if they feed their cat an all vegan diet. Cats are obligate carnivores and need meat. Owners of cats that are malnourished face a hefty fine and even a jail sentence. Pet Spending Surpasses Previous Reports Americans spent a staggering $77.13 BILLION on their pets in 2017. That’s a 15% increase over 2016. The biggest chunk was spent on pet food, followed by veterinary care. Consumers will spend on average of $237 per pet for the holidays. Is Petsmart Really To Blame Petsmart is under the gun again as another grooming accident allegedly resulted in a broken jaw. However, Dr. Debbie is quick to point out that the dog’s jaw may have been compromised prior to the grooming due to poor dental care.

 Animal Radio Episode 991 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:44

#OpossumLivesMatter Opossum guardian and advocate Lea Murray is mother to several opossums, including Kricket, the Fruit Loop eating marsupial in this viral video. Lea is outraged about a recent Inside Edition broadcast that painted Opossums as a typhus vehicle. She says the much maligned and misunderstood critter is actually good for humankind. AVMA Release Latest Stats On Pet Ownership Pet ownership is on the rise with dogs leading the way and large increases in the number of less traditional pets like chickens and lizards. 57% of all U.S. households have a pet. The state with the honor of having the most pets is…drum roll please…Wyoming. No Chainmail Gauntlets Needed Trimming your cat’s nails may not be your favorite activity, but it’s truly important for their health. Joey Villani has tips to make it a little easier and less bloody. It doesn’t need to be a big deal for you or your cat. What It’s Like To Be Bitten By A Pit Bull Denise James loves animals. She also loves talking about them…. a lot! Her love for dogs was not soured when she was bit in the face by a pit-bull. She’ll tell us what went wrong and how to avoid being a dog treat. Pet Hoarding On The Rise A new study, published in the journal Psychiatry Research, takes a look at the motivations of people who hoard animals. This latest study suggests that animal hoarding should be classified as an independent disorder with the hope of developing specialized treatments to help these people cope with the compulsion to collect critters. Animal hoarders acquire and live with dozens or even hundreds of creatures in their homes, causing suffering for both the hoarder and animals. In the United States, authorities discover between 900 and 2,000 cases of animal hoarding every year.

 Animal Radio Episode 990 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:00

CBD for Pets You've probably heard about CBD, or Cannabidiol, a cannabis compound boasting significant medical benefits. Research on the safety and efficacy in pets is still in its early stages according to Dr. Joe Wakshlag. He'll help us parse out all the claims and navigate the double-talk. Selfies Include Pets Pet owners are being asked if, and why, they include their cat or dog in selfies posted to social media as part of new research into our relationships with our pets. Dr. Lori Kogan, of Colorado State University, said the study indicated 50% of pet owners had their pet as their feature photo on their devices and that behavior offers insights into the close bonds between people and cats and dogs. Put Your Phone Down and Stop Ignoring Your Pet New data from USC’s Annenberg Center shows that on average Americans spend nearly 24 hours per week online. Research suggests that pets may get anxious and even depressed when we spend too much time on our smartphones. Skunked “The worst thing you can do when your dog has been sprayed by a skunk is to use tomato juice.” That’s according to Animal Radio’s very own “Dogfather” Joey Villani. Besides not being effective, it’s also pretty messy. But fear not! Joey has the perfect recipe of household products to fix this smelly problem. Peace, Love, Goats of Anarchy Leanne Lauricella gave up her NYC corporate job, traded in her Mercedes for a pickup truck, and decided to care for handicapped goats. She’ll never look back! She says it was the best decision ever. She has taken-it-up a level by integrating her love for goats throughout social media. The Goats’ newfound online fame landed them on Rachael Ray. Leanne has even published 6 books. Chicken-Nugget Eating Alligator Evicted From Home Authorities in Kansas City, Missouri, discovered an unexpected occupant when they went to evict a man from his grandmother’s home. Inside the home, police found a 7-foot, 200-lb. alligator. The grandson said the pet gator was only 15 inches long four years ago and grew bigger over time on a steady diet of chicken nuggets. He added the alligator is afraid of the dark and thunderstorms.

 Animal Radio Episode 989 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:00

Have You Ever Lost A Pet? It happens to the best of us. Your cat or dog makes a dash for the door and suddenly you find yourself posting “Lost Pet” signs throughout the neighborhood. The Executive Director of Pet FBI, Leslie Poole will share tips to ensure a fast and happy reunion with your pet. Cat Con Scheduled For The Rocky Meowtain Region No stranger to Animal Radio, cat crazy Brandon Zavala tells us his plans for an incredible convention of cat lovers and famous kitties. The Snowcat Convention will be a 2-day event celebrating the splendor of cats and the humans that love them. Study Reveals Pets Can Tell Time Are you taking your sweet time when getting your pet’s meals ready? Fluffy and Fido are on to you and they can tell when you are dawdling. A new study from Northwestern University has found some of the clearest evidence yet that animals can judge time. Lori Brooks reports. Make $100 An Hour Petting Puppies Mutts Canine Cantina, which opened its first location in Dallas, Texas, is looking for its first-ever “MUTTS Puptern” for their new location. The position will pay $100 an hour to pet puppies at their new Fort Worth, Texas location. Qualified applicants had to post a photo or video that showed their puppy petting skills and why they’re the best fit for the position. Holiday Gifts: Make Your Pet A Star If you’ve already begun your holiday shopping and have a pet lover on your list, here’s an idea for a gift that they probably don’t already have, a Petlandia Personalized Story Book. Make any pet the star of a personalized, custom storybook. Using a simple online tool at, you can create an adorable lookalike of any dog or cat in just a few clicks. The likeness of the pet then stars in its very own 36-page personalized storybook, which sells for $30.

 Animal Radio Episode 988 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:00

The Raw Debate Chef Kevyn Matthews, also known as the Dog Chef (Dogs 101/DOG-TV) is doing a booming business cooking for dogs in the Northeast. He makes nutritious meals that focus on healing certain ailments. He’ll debate the pros and cons of a raw diet with Dr. Debbie. Mercury In Your Pet Food Postdoctoral Scholar Dr. Sarrah Dunham-Cheatham randomly sampled 100 pet foods. 16 of those samples had mercury concentrations that were well above the maximum tolerable limit. That’s not the only thing she found. Regulating Groomers Hot on the heels of fatal grooming incidents at Petsmart and Petco, legislators are fast-tracking groomer certification for the unregulated business. Animal Radio’s very own groomer, Joey Villani is helping to push this legislation through. He’ll explain what is currently happening in New Jersey, and how that will become a model for the nation. When Are Puppies The Cutest? Everyone knows puppies are cute, but did you know that people find puppies at their cutest stage at eight weeks of age? Experts at Arizona State University’s canine-science laboratory now say they have discovered that Peak Puppy Cuteness serves important purposes and might even play a fundamental role in the bonding between a puppy and its adoptive owner. Tesla Offering Unique Dog Friendly Features One of Tesla’s new car features includes a computer program that stops the car’s interior from exceeding a certain temperature. A future update to it may include a special ‘Dog Mode,’ which would display a message warning passers-by not to panic if they see a pet inside a parked vehicle. That future update could also include a display of the current interior temperature so well meaning strangers don’t break the car’s window to rescue your pup. The temperature-regulating feature is called Cabin Overheat. It was rolled out to Tesla vehicles via a software update in June.

 Animal Radio Episode 987 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:00

Getting “Wild” With Singer Paul Rodgers Front man for the band Bad Company, Free and The Firm, singer, songwriter Paul Rodgers is an extreme supporter of our four-legged friends. Aside from the 6 cats and dog at home, he sponsors moose, bears, coyotes, foxes, a lynx, a bobcat and raccoons. “Supporting animals, in any way that one can, restores the soul,” say Rodgers. His wife and obvious muse, Cynthia joins Paul for this interview. How Dogs Process Words Scientists at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, have conducted one of the first studies using brain imaging of dogs to figure out how they process words, specifically words they’ve been taught to associate objects like a ball. Neuroscientist Gregory Berns says, “We know that dogs have the capacity to process at least some aspects of human language since they can learn to follow verbal commands but, previous research suggests dogs may rely on many other cues to follow a verbal command such as gaze, gestures and even emotional expressions from their owners.”      Same Sex Penguin Partners A few months ago, staff at the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium in Australia noticed a new romance blossoming between two male Gentoo penguins named Sphen and Magic. They’ve been spotted going for swims together and bowing to one another, a sign that they were both interested in being more than just friends. Now, the same-sex penguin partners have taken their relationship to the next level and are incubating a foster egg taken from another nest. Rabies Outbreak Health officials in Florida have issued a 60-day alert in Miami-Dade County after a second cat has tested positive for rabies this year. An earlier alert was issued following the discovery of the first rabid cat in North Miami Beach. Because of these cases, one person is receiving rabies treatment after trying to deal with an unvaccinated stray cat. Another person is being checked following a cat scratch. Beside the two cats, six rabid raccoons were found on Miami Zoo land over the summer.

 Animal Radio Episode 986 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:00

Cooking For Your Pets In a world where we barely have time to prepare our own meals, Dr. Judy Morgan says we should be cooking for our pets. The store bought pet foods contain diseased and euthanized animals as well as high levels of heavy metals. She’ll have some time-saving tips to create your own pet food. True or Poo? From the author of Does It Fart?, comes the latest from Nick Caruso, True or Poo? The Definitive Field Guide to Filthy Animal Facts and Falsehoods. This interview is not for the faint hearted. You’ll find out just how many spiders you eat in your sleep, if beaver butt is an ingredient in vanilla ice cream, and which animal may die from constipation. Judges Decide Who Gets The Pet There’s a new law in California granting judges the authority to settle disagreements over who keeps the family pet in divorce cases. Those cases will now be handled the same way judges handle child-custody disputes. Until now, Fido and Kitty have been considered family property, a status giving them little more standing in a divorce than a family’s big-screen TV or a refrigerator. This means the judge deciding who gets to keep the pet will have the discretion of weighing such factors as who feeds them, who takes them to the vet and on walks and who protects them. Dogs Owners Get More Satisfaction From Large Dogs According to a survey from RightPet, dog owners say they get more satisfaction owning large dogs than small dogs. The study was conducted online between 2010-2018 and surveyed dog breed reviews from more than 12,000 pet parents from 106 countries. The study found a direct correlation between dog size satisfaction and the fact that dog owners rate bigger dogs as more emotionally stable, child-safe, trainable and less-parky than small dogs. Pet Food Companies Want To Stop Studies That Analyze Their Foods Researchers at the University of Nevada in Reno have been pondering the question, “What is really in the food our pets eat?” So they started looking for answers. The results of their first study are worrisome. In the first 100 samples they analyzed, 16 of those samples had mercury concentrations that were well above the maximum tolerable limit.

 Animal Radio Episode 985 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:00

Dr. Jane Goodall Visits With Animal Radio World Renown Anthropologist Dr. Jane Goodall tells us about her experience growing up around chickens and chimps. Even today she still lectures, with over 300 speaking engagements a year. Dr. Goodall also has her hands in the deodorant business, lending her name to environmentally friendly, cruelty-free and sustainable products. SOLVED: Selecting Pet Insurance A common misconception is that pet insurance is similar to human insurance. Jason Hargraves breaks that myth with the truth about pet insurance. The editor of Insurance Quotes tells us what to look out for when picking a policy. Rainbow Bridge If you’ve ever experienced the death of a pet, chances are you’ve heard of the Rainbow Bridge, a mythical overpass said to connect heaven and Earth. It’s also a spot where grieving pet owners reunite with their departed pets. It is a single poem about the Rainbow Bridge, though its origins are disputed, that launched the myth in the 1980’s. At least three men claim to have written it and it’s hard to know who really did, since all three wrote similar books in the 1990’s on pet loss after claiming to have penned “The Rainbow Bridge.” Do You Love To Kiss Your Dog Many people share the belief that dog saliva is cleaner than humans. Some even think your pet’s saliva can heal cuts and scrapes. The truth is that dog’s can carry a variety of germs and bacteria that can potentially make humans sick. Cat Found 18 Months Later - 900 Miles Away Bobby, the cat, went missing from his home in Great Falls, Montana, more than 18 months ago. However, his 73-year-old owner, Kyle Peterson, never stopped trying to find him. That persistence has now paid off. Bobby had been found roaming the streets of Fallon, Nevada after being picked up as a stray by Animal Control. A scan of the Bobby’s microchip revealed that he was more than 900 miles from home. With the microchip information, the shelter got in touch with Bobby’s owner. Mr. Peterson, after hearing how far his cat had traveled, believes that Bobby wandered away from home and accidentally hopped on a train that passes across the street from his home.


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