Kids And Family Podcasts

晓蕾姐姐讲历史故事 show

晓蕾姐姐讲历史故事Join Now to Follow

<p data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;">让孩子读靠谱的历史。全部来自专业正史,绝不戏说。</p><p data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;"><span data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;">孩子</span>学历史的好处:</p><p data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;">1、积累历史知识,宝贵的人生借鉴</p><p data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;">2、培养独立思考,认识复杂社会</p><p data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;">3、培养多元角度,理解他人</p><p data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;">4、<span data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;">培养</span>擅讲故事,说服他人</p><p data-flag="normal" style="font-size:16px;color:#333333;line-height:30px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;">做一个胸怀宽广,有见识的中国人,应该要懂一些中国历史!</p>

By 万象历史

Lahko noč, otroci! show

Lahko noč, otroci!Join Now to Follow

Pravljice iz domace in svetovne literature za vsako noc. Ena najstarejsih oddaj otroškega in mladinskega programa Radia Slovenija. Na videz obrobna oddaja opravlja veliko kulturno poslanstvo. Najmlajse poslusalce vodi v svet domisljije v izbrani govorici gledaliskih igralcev in igralk.

By RTVSLO – Prvi

Animal Party -  Dog &amp; Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics &amp; Guests - Pets &amp; Animals- Pet Life Radio Original ( show

Animal Party - Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original ( Now to Follow

The Animal Party starts with a bit of water-bowl talk covering the most explosive animal related news highlights and issues. Deborah gives her opinion along with the facts and stats you want to know to make up your own mind. Do you believe in allowing cats outdoors? What about removing their claws? Do pets make kids’ allergies worse? Have you ever thought about pit bulls? Get the facts and you’ll understand exactly why pit bulls have such a bad reputation and decide for yourself if banning breeds will solve the problem of dangerous dogs in your neighborhood. Topics covered include dog and cat news but go wherever animals and the people who love them go; Bears, fish, farm animals, pets of all sorts, exotics and environmental conservation issues are part of the show when they are part of the news. Every week Deborah invites an animal friend to join the party and that means you get to hear the best experts from the animal world chatting and sharing. Host Deborah Wolfe keeps you informed and educated as she amuses you with upbeat stories from her own dog & cat training and touring experience and she gets the most out of her guests. Listen and laugh as she gets a breeder to describe exactly how the match is made when the intended partners are less than willing, too eager or just clumsy! Whether it’s a stuffy professor or a dog training guru she gets them to share their most personal animal stories and insights and take a stand on controversial topics. Do you want to know how cats & dogs think and why they do what they do? Deborah will fill you in as she entertains you with animal jokes, haikus, riddles and trivia plus interviews with experts from all over the Animal World. Before the show ends Deborah will share her Animal Inbox and answer email pet behavior questions you send. Does your dog ignore you when you call? Does your cat ignore the litter box? Maybe your dog or cat hates your new husband? Get your pet problems solved on-air. Each show Deborah will give you her picks for favorite animal websites and then end the show with some homework your pets will love. Test your own cat or dog to see if he’s dumb or smart; learn how to say ‘hello’ to every dog and cat you meet, cook for your pets with ingredients you already have or plant a garden that will repel or attract cats or learn some party tricks to teach your dog or even your cat! This party is fun and you go home with a party favor and some animal facts and jokes to share at the office and at home with animal lovers of all ages.

By Deborah Wolfe

Advice Line with Roy Masters show

Advice Line with Roy MastersJoin Now to Follow

Mentor, minister, philosopher, spiritual guide... Roy Masters was America’s first radio counselor and is the author of more than 16 acclaimed books on health, stress, parenting, religion, and success. For nearly half a century Roy Masters has been an institution on radio, and his "Advice Line" radio program is currently broadcast nationwide on 130 radio stations and available via the Internet. Visit to learn more.````

By Roy Masters

TEDTalks 儿童与家庭 show

TEDTalks 儿童与家庭Join Now to Follow



Naked Scientists Special Editions show

Naked Scientists Special EditionsJoin Now to Follow

Probing the weird, wacky and spectacular, the Naked Scientists Special Editions are special one-off scientific reports, investigations and interviews on cutting-edge topics by the Naked Scientists team.

By The Naked Scientists

Podcasts – LoveBytes Podcast show

Podcasts – LoveBytes PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Love bytes but being single stinks more. Here at Lovebytes, our goal is to provide useful information and insights to help facilitate a better dating experience. Come listen, learn, or make fun of our attempts to understand the nuances and confusions of dating.

By LoveBytes Podcast

Der Kinder Kurier show

Der Kinder KurierJoin Now to Follow

Der Kinder Kurier-Podcast ist das Bonbon der Kinderzeitung "Der Kinder Kurier" ( Einmal in der Woche gibt es hier kindgerechte Infos zu Politik, aller Welt, Kultur und Sport. Die Kinder Kurier PodShow ...kriegt auch dich! Eure Post an: info@derkinderkurier !

By Tanja Taube

Divorce Source Radio show

Divorce Source RadioJoin Now to Follow

Divorce Source Radio is your Free audio source for help and support if you are in the process of divorce. We'll talk to others who have gone the same path as you and seek out advice from divorce attorneys,family counselors and psychologists. This will also be YOUR forum to vent on your current situation or provide guidance to others. Visit for more information.

By Divorce Source Radio

...My cup of tea... Legacy show

...My cup of tea... LegacyJoin Now to Follow

Talk about podcast,music,creative commons,and more.from Nagoya,Japan

By ポトフ