Europe Podcasts

Evropa osebno show

Evropa osebnoJoin Now to Follow

Tedenska oddaja Evropa, osebno! predstavlja cisto navadne nenavadne ljudi. Denimo take, ki se ucijo estonscine, ali one, ki redijo severne jelene, med dopustom razvazajo pice v Bruslju ali pa so morda s svojim radijskim sprejemnikom cisto slucajno ujeli nas program nekje na Finskem. Nasim sogovornikom je skupno le to, da so meje zanje le miselna ovira, pa se ta vse hitreje izginja. Pojdite dlje! Oddajo ureja Tadej Kosmrlj. ``

By RTVSLO – Val 202

The History of England show

The History of EnglandJoin Now to Follow

A concise history of England in a weekly podcast. We follow English history all the way from the Anglo Saxon invasions at the start of the 6th Century.

By David Crowther

Adam and Joe show

Adam and JoeJoin Now to Follow

Highlights from Adam Buxton and Joe Cornish's show at the Big British Castle, as broadcast on BBC 6 Music.

By BBC 6 Music

Pod of Funk show

Pod of FunkJoin Now to Follow

Classic, rare and eclectic funk, jazz, trip hop, and more, with exclusive news and interviews from London, UK

By Deek Deekster

Tourcaster - Madrid - Royal Palace Audio Tour show

Tourcaster - Madrid - Royal Palace Audio TourJoin Now to Follow

This walking tour gives an in-depth look at this Royal Palace, room by room. Unlike most guidebooks, this audio tour gives the historical context and global meaning of the monument, for a better understanding and appreciation. Does not include the Armouries Museum or Royal Pharmacy, but please feel free to visit these two on your own. This is track one of a multi-track tour, to download the entire tour, visit


Tourcaster - Rome - Navona and Pantheon Audio Tour show

Tourcaster - Rome - Navona and Pantheon Audio TourJoin Now to Follow

Visit some of the most amazing churches and fountains that Rome has to offer, in this historic center. The Piazza Navona was built by emporer Domitian in 86 AD, with three fountains as the main attraction. From here, you will move on to the famed Pantheon or "Temple of the Gods", which holds the tomb of the famous Raphael. The Pantheon is the best-preserved out of all the Roman buildings and has been used continuously through history. This is track one of a multi-track tour, to download the entire tour, visit


Chaosradio show

ChaosradioJoin Now to Follow

Chaosradio ist der unterhaltsame Live-Talk-Radio-Klassiker des Chaos Computer Clubs aus Berlin und eines der ältesten Tech-Radios überhaupt. Chaosradio informiert seit 1995 über wechselnde Themen rund um Technologie und Gesellschaft. Chaosradio is the entertaining Live-Talk-Radio-Classic of the Chaos Computer Club from Berlin and one of the oldest Tech-Radios overall. Chaosradio informs about changing topics around technology and society since 1995. The podcast is in german.

By Chaos Computer Club

Sotočja show

SotočjaJoin Now to Follow

Enourna oddaja, ki je na sporedu vsak ponedeljek ob 20.00, je namenjena vsem, ki zelijo biti obvesceni o dogajanjih v nasem zamejstvu. Torej Slovencem, ki zivijo v sosednjih državah, tistim, ki jih zanima tako imenovan slovenski etnicni prostor in na sploh nasa skupinska identiteta. Oddaja je mozaicnega tipa. V prvem delu namenjamo najvec pozornosti politicnim dogajanjem, v drugem delu pa skusamo poslusalstvu priblizati kraje, kjer zivijo nasi rojaki, zanimive osebnosti in utrinke iz zivljenja manjsinskih skupnosti. Sicer pa se v oddaji lotevamo tudi tem, ki so povezane z drugimi manjsinami v Evropi in svetu in jih skusamo vkljucevati v nas okvir. Prepricani smo, da varstvo manjsin ni le del nacionalne politike ampak tudi sirse varovanja clovekovih individualnih in kolektivnih pravic.

By RTVSLO – Prvi

Christian Heinke - Die Haut - Podcast - Audiobook show

Christian Heinke - Die Haut - Podcast - AudiobookJoin Now to Follow

'The Skin' is my latest Thriller-Project. I'm updating the adventures of the former supermodel Katherine Williams every month. 'Die Haut' ist mein aktuelles Thriller Projekt. Jeden Monat wird von mir die Geschichte um das ehemalige Supermodel Katherine Williams fortgesetzt.

By Christian Heinke

Tourcaster - Italy - Florence - Piazza della Signoria Audio Tour show

Tourcaster - Italy - Florence - Piazza della Signoria Audio TourJoin Now to Follow

Great Discoveries self-guided audio tour provides today’s tourist with the most enjoyable and informative way to visit the Piazza della Signoria. While the Piazza del Duomo has historically provided the focus for the city’s religious obsession, Piazza della Signoria has always been the civic heart of Florence. Facing directly on the square are the Loggia della Signoria, with its three arches, and the dominant Palazzo Vecchio (Old Palace), the seat of the city’s governments since 1302. Close by lies the entrance to the most exalted of Florence’s spectacular museums, the Uffizi Gallery. Piazza della Signoria houses several notable pieces of public sculpture and is a meeting place for the city’s thousands of annual visitors and Florentines alike. This magnificent square unfolds like an open-air gallery in which even the statues allude to episodes of the city’s civil history. Our carefully researched tour guides you along and identifies the Piazza’s most important buildings and statues, insuring that you will clearly understand each item’s historic and artistic significance. This is track one of a multi-track tour, to download the complete tour, visit

By Tourcaster