Arts Podcasts

Librivox: Miscellaneous Essays of Thomas de Quincey by Quincey, Thomas de show

Librivox: Miscellaneous Essays of Thomas de Quincey by Quincey, Thomas deJoin Now to Follow

The Hunter Thompson of the 19th Century, de Quincey is best known for his Confessions of an English Opium Eater (an activity shared with his hero, Samuel Coleridge, much to Wordsworth’s dismay). However, de Quincey’s literary genius is best captured in his essays, which, according to Wikipedia: His immediate influence extended to Edgar Allan Poe, Fitz Hugh Ludlow and Charles Baudelaire, but even major 20th century writers such as Jorge Luis Borges admired and claimed to be partly influenced by his work. (written by TTM)

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Librivox: Goody-Naughty Book, The by Rippey, Sarah Cory show

Librivox: Goody-Naughty Book, The by Rippey, Sarah CoryJoin Now to Follow

The Goody-Naughty Book was originally published as two books back to back. Opening the book from one end, the reader experiences "The Goody Side" where the children are polite and thoughtful. However, turning the book over and beginning from the other side, one reads "The Naughty Side" where the children are lazy and irritable. These short, moral stories teach children the proper way to behave and that there are consequences if they don't. To read along and enjoy the illustrations, please visit the HTML version of this text at Project Gutenberg: The Goody-Naughty Book .

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Librivox: Case of the Pocket Diary Found in the Snow, The by Groner, Augusta show

Librivox: Case of the Pocket Diary Found in the Snow, The by Groner, AugustaJoin Now to Follow

The account of some adventures in the professional experience of a member of the Imperial Austrian Police. (from the text)

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Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 051 by Various show

Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 051 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 051: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

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Librivox: Greylorn by Laumer, Keith show

Librivox: Greylorn by Laumer, KeithJoin Now to Follow

Commander Greylorn has a problem. No, actually he has two of them. It's not enough that the remaining residents of Earth have pinned their last hope of salvation on him and his mission. He has to find a colony that presumedly was established at an unknown star two centuries before and beg their help. But first, he has the small matter of a mutiny on board his starship, and people are trying to kill him! Written in an era when radios used vacuum tubes, the scientific component of the story is quaint and dated. But Laumer makes the centerpiece of his tale the retelling of how, four years out on the voyage, his crew decides it wants to give up and go home when it meets an alien race... that apparently breeds humans in captivity as food animals! Beating the aliens, shanghaiing the crew, finding the colony and saving Mother Earth - just the ingredients for a rattling good yarn! (summary by Mark F. Smith)

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Librivox: In a Garden by Lowell, Amy show

Librivox: In a Garden by Lowell, AmyJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox volunteers bring you 16 different recordings of In a Garden by Amy Lowell. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of October 14th, 2007.

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Librivox: Rudder Grange by Stockton, Frank R. show

Librivox: Rudder Grange by Stockton, Frank R.Join Now to Follow

This book presents a number of short, comedic sketches of a country life in middle America in the late 1800s. The hilarious twists and turns endear our adorable, naive married couple to the reader; and the orphan servant Pomona - dear, odd, funny Pomona! - is the focus of several of the stories. Imagine a honeymoon in a lunatic asylum, and you’ve got Rudder Grange!

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Librivox: Bible (ASV) NT 03: Luke by American Standard Version show

Librivox: Bible (ASV) NT 03: Luke by American Standard VersionJoin Now to Follow

The Gospel of Luke is a synoptic Gospel, and the third and longest of the four canonical Gospels of the New Testament. The text narrates the life of Jesus, with particular interest concerning his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection; and it ends with an account of the ascension. The author is characteristically concerned with social ethics, the poor, women, and other oppressed groups. Certain well-loved stories on these themes, such as the prodigal son and the good Samaritan, are found only in this gospel. The Gospel also has a special emphasis on prayer, the activity of the Holy Spirit, and joyfulness. D. Guthrie stated, “it is full of superb stories and leaves the reader with a deep impression of the personality and teachings of Jesus." (Summary from Wikipedia)

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