Health Podcasts

The Beer Report show

The Beer ReportJoin Now to Follow

Welcome to the Beer Report! If you are looking for another NPR style beer tasting show... You are probably going to be disappointed. Who are we kidding? There are about 20 podcasts that sniff, swallow, twaddle and judge beer like fine wine. We are not one of those! We do drink a lot of good beer. We even talk about it... Sometimes we even know what we are talking about! On a real good show, we drink some shit beer! The Beer Report is about "confrontation" as co-host CHUD would say... The beer is the catalyst to everything else that is created for the show. Comedy, vulgarity, offensive points of view abound ahead! Listen at your own risk!

By Groucho & CHUD

The Vegan Cooking School show

The Vegan Cooking SchoolJoin Now to Follow

Tracy Jorg cooks up delicious vegan dishes that you can try at home

Vegetarian Food for Thought: Inspiring a Joyful, Sustainable, Compassionate Diet show

Vegetarian Food for Thought: Inspiring a Joyful, Sustainable, Compassionate DietJoin Now to Follow

Vegetarian Food for Thought is a "life-changing" podcast that leaves listeners feeling supported, motivated, and inspired. Celebrating a way of life that encompasses compassion for everyone, this podcast addresses all aspects of eating a compassionate, healthful, whole foods, plant-based diet and advocates a sustainable food system that supports organic, local, seasonal fare. Each episode addresses commonly asked questions about being vegetarian/vegan, including those regarding animal rights, food, cooking, nutrition, and debunks the myths surrounding these issues.

The European Food Information Council show

The European Food Information CouncilJoin Now to Follow

The First World Congress on Public Health Nutrition, global food information organisations shared their insights into consumer attitudes ````on nutrition information on food labels in different parts of the world.````This podcast debate is moderated by Dr. E. Tee Siong, President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (Malaysia) and Dr. Jonathan Back, ````Strategy and Analysis Unit, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (DG SANCO), European Commission (Belgium)

Podmaster Lifestyle show

Podmaster LifestyleJoin Now to Follow

Podcasts containing the latest lifestyle news and features brought to you by

Philosophy In Action Podcast (MP3) show

Philosophy In Action Podcast (MP3)Join Now to Follow

Dr. Diana Brickell's podcasts focus on the application of rational principles to the challenges of real life. She draws on Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism, Aristotle's ethics, personality theory, and observation. Visit for live radio shows, blogging, and more. (This podcast feed uses the standard MP3 format; an enhanced M4A feed is also available.)

By (Dr. Diana Brickell)

British Airways - Dr Sleep podcasts show

British Airways - Dr Sleep podcastsJoin Now to Follow

A series of 6 podcasts designed to provide the busy traveller with more information on how to arrive refreshed and ready to do business.

By British Airways plc

 Yoga Hacks Podcast Logo show

Yoga Hacks Podcast LogoJoin Now to Follow

WELCOME Most likely we already hang out on Youtube, but just in case we don’t - I’m Brett. I teach my own style of vinyasa-based yoga and meditation on Youtube (where I also vlog) with people taking class with me for close to a million minutes a month. Welcome to our tribe. What we stand for: (1) healing yourself through movement with no judgements (2) personalizing your practice because you are a super unique snowflake (3) bringing your yoga off the mat and into your life so you can be the most rad version of you Make sure to Tweet me or tag me on Instagram as you practice @LarkinYogaTV and use my 3 favorite hashtags #lifeisthepractice #alwaysmorningyoga #alwaysbestretching I want to see your photos! Be sure to get on my email list for “18 Days of Awesome - The Yoga Jumpstart” on my website and buy my Always Be Stretching signature e-course in which I ship you my 5 favorite yoga props and show you how to do yoga while lying in bed, riding in a car and more whacky, amazing yoga hacks. Love you so much, Brett Thanks!

By Brett Larkin Yoga

Susie Bright's Journal  show

Susie Bright's Journal Join Now to Follow

It's time to spill it. Let Susie Bright the reigning mistress of erotica guide you to reflect on your sex life in this private journal. Whether you are a romantic, a sensualist, a tenderhearted cynic, a close observer of love and lust, or all of the above, Love and Lust offers the perfect place to record past and present private adventures and to dream about future ones. Quotes and suggestive prompts make it easy to get started, while gilded edges and a lush embossed cover make this journal irresistibly touchable.

By Susie Bright

No Related Items show

No Related ItemsJoin Now to Follow

Cant understand your man? Having trouble in your relationship? Do you feel hes playing mind games? Why doesn’t he spend more time with me? What kind of woman does he like? How to tell if he still loves you? Learn 100 ways to please your man. How to make him feel like a man. How to make him yours.

By Steve"The Dean" Williams