Technology Podcasts

IBM Rational software podcast series show

IBM Rational software podcast seriesJoin Now to Follow

Join other busy IT professionals and keep up to date on the latest trends in technology by taking advantage of this new IBM Rational resource on Focused on driving skills to help govern the business process of software and systems delivery, the IBM Rational software podcast series will podcast video and audio interviews with IBM thought leaders and technical experts, talking to you about adapting the unique needs of business and IT for delivering software and software-based systems, whether on a distributed or mainframe platform. Tune in regularly as Rational Talks to You about managing IT and Business value alignment, developing flexible resources to leverage anytime, anywhere, and controlling risk and change to continuously measure and assess performance. And, keep talking to Rational by attending the followup Rational Talks To You web events for more interactive discussions.


Jon Eats Carrots show

Jon Eats CarrotsJoin Now to Follow

This feed was created by mixing existing feeds from various sources.

By Jonathan

Embedded E-cast show

Embedded E-castJoin Now to Follow

An E-cast is a live, single or multiple sponsor event used to educate engineers, programmers, and other industry professionals about a particular product, service, or technology. Each podcast consists of a 45-minute presentation and 15-minute interactive Q&A session. E-casts are moderated by a member of the OpenSystems Media editorial staff or a industry recognized guest moderator. Our E-casts are moderated to keep the event interesting, informative, and technically relevant.

By OpenSystems Media

CMM.HK:   大蘋果時代 3 show

CMM.HK: 大蘋果時代 3Join Now to Follow

2007年5月首播,是香港首個,同時亦是最長壽專講「蘋果」的聲音節目,節目娛樂及知訊兼備,為蘋果 fans 帶來每星期一次的 happy hour!節目製作宗旨,最緊要好玩!


The Talk Show Videos show

The Talk Show VideosJoin Now to Follow

The Talk Show features discussion about technology, Apple, Mac, iPhone, iPad, movies, directors, and the Web. It’s America’s favorite podcast. Hosted by John Gruber & Dan Benjamin.

By 5by5

Oracle@Work show

Oracle@WorkJoin Now to Follow

Through Oracle@Work Video Podcasts you'll learn how Oracle customers from aerospace and automotive to travel and television address business and technical issues with the latest Oracle technology and applications solutions. Oracle@Works play like short television news magazine pieces shot on location, world wide.

By Oracle Corporation

Unorthodox Hacking show

Unorthodox HackingJoin Now to Follow

Unorthodox Hacking's goal is to expose the mysteries behind hacking through demonstrational video tutorials, while taking it one step further and concluding each episode with ways to mitigate the hacks demonstrated. We will dive into the traditional and not so traditional hacks one may encounter, since it is easy to defend against the more well know hacks published in just about every book, but much more difficult to even detect a persistent attacker who wishes to remain under the radar.

By Unorthodox Hacking

GE Podcasts | Patent Pending show

GE Podcasts | Patent PendingJoin Now to Follow

GE scientists take you behind the scenes of some of the world's most cutting-edge technology.

By General Electric