PixelCast 41 – Pixel Bricks

PixelCast show

Summary: Good Game invades the PixelCast! It's all a part of the Australian government's plans to take over all local games media, and they're doing it here by covertly sending one Steven 'Bajo' O'Donnell to hyperactively chat with PC Powerplay's Nathan Cocks. The rest of us just sit back and watch in awe. OK, that's a bit of a lie. We talk, too. A bit. Tim spearheads organisational duties as usual, with Dylan and Jess dongling up his rear! Just what do we mean by dongling up his rear? Honeslty, we don't know! But we know what you think it means, you filthy-minded little Internet people! Flowing like a bee on a sugar-high through a field of exploding asteroids, a sizable chunk of the show is spent getting distracted from our various gaming escapades and our return visit to Team Fortress 2. Somehow, the crew chew through this fortnight's meagre news stories and come out of discussing games and movies and movies and games and midgets and movies and... er, other stuff too! ____________________________________________________ You can listen and download the podcast directly (.mp3 file) through the player below, but please also subscribe to the Cast on iTunes! That way, you will automatically download new episodes as soon as they’re live on the site. 0:00:00 – Intro 0:03:21 – Trenched, Shadows of the Damned, and Child of Eden 0:20:00 – Team Fortress 2 0:25:31 – Music – Lagi's Takeoff (by MattInc) 0:27:41 – Deus Ex pricing, 360 free-to-play, and games win in court 0:39:59 – Music – NYC Club (by SineRider) 0:41:49 – Games and movies and stuff 1:04:43 – Wrap up Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams (by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc) Jess' dongle by Hugh's Dongle Suppliers Helpful Links: What happened to our Deus Ex price!? http://games.on.net/article/12980/Steam_Drops_the_Price_Bomb_on_Deus_Ex_Human_Revolution 360 free-to-play? http://www.develop-online.net/news/38108/Xbox-begins-dev-support-for-free-to-play An actual news story! http://gamepolitics.com/2011/06/27/us-supreme-court-upholds-ninth-circuit-decision-brown-v-entertainment-merchants-associati Join the Navy, bitches! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNdPPEwguDQ