FineCast – Stopgap 4

PixelCast show

Summary: A Fine Cast, we're calling it. Some may even say that it's a doubly fine 'cast. With Tim in the middle of relocating his entire life (yes, again), the regular PixelCasting has been put back to allow for some smaller content. In this case, that content is pretty sweet. And how could it not be sweet, what with Tim Schafer and the equally charming Nathan Martz giving time to talk Sesame Street? Yes, Sesame Street – and don't you dare go pretending you're not curious to try it out. This is actually an interview that Tim did for Hyper a few issues back, but what we've got here is the full thing. You get to hear everything, from Schafer and Martz's banter, through to just how damn sleepy Tim sounded while conducting it. It's will worth a download. ____________________________________________________ You can listen and download the podcast directly (.mp3 file) through the player below, but please also subscribe to the Cast on iTunes! That way, you will automatically download new episodes as soon as they’re live on the site. Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams (by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc) Tim's grogginess by... actually, that's his own stupid fault