PixelCast 49 – Happy Pixel to You

PixelCast show

Summary: Wait... it's Christmas? Well, still a few days to go, but whatever – everything's been released and we're all fretting over our holiday plans. Recording a new podcast during this time probably didn't help there. Still, we did, and now you can download it should you need something to distract you from loud siblings. Tim, Jimmy P and a newly-wed (after only around 10, 000 years of being engaged) Dylan helm the last show before the fat man in the red suit does that whole chimney thing that he does, and they do their best to keep it fresh and focused. Well, James does what he can to keep it fresh while Tim struggles to keep it focused. Somehow, the crew did find some new games to discuss (viva la Vita!) when not getting into sidetracked arguments about smartphones, and there's a topic too. We talk about bringing out your dead and how to cook sweet potatoes. So, there's that. Oh, and mad props to that Mattvideo guy from whom we stole our re-coloured banner pic. It's pretty sweet. ____________________________________________________ You can listen and download the podcast directly (.mp3 file) through the player below, but please also subscribe to the Cast on iTunes! That way, you will automatically download new episodes as soon as they’re live on the site. 0:00:00 – Intro 0:02:50 – Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Skyward Sword and Old Republic 0:28:23 – Potatoes! 0:29:10 – Music – Slumber on a City Corner (by Josh Dunlap, Eric Griffin and Ben Charles) 0:33:47 – Fantasy franchise rebirths 0:45:02 – Wrap up Theme Music: Visitors from Dreams (by Mathieu Stempell Dma-Sc) The Ghost of Ken Lee sponsored by board games